Posted April 20, 2016
I am posting this topic on GOG, because there's something I desperately want to know after the outcome of the democratic primaries in New York. I chose GOG because the forums are pretty fast and loose.. I felt if I posted this in a sub reddit, or somewhere else, I'd be violating some rule and have to feel the wrath of an admin nazi.
In all likelihood, Senator Bernie Sanders can no longer win the Democratic nomination. It's going to go to a career politician, member of the Establishment, and someone running for their own bloated ego.
Just one question, plan and simple: When Hillary reveals herself to be the wolf in sheep's clothing that she is, after winning the presidency, and not the person that you thought you voted into office, what's your excuse going to be? How are you going to apologize?
Furthermore, are you going to feel the slightest bit of guilt and embarrassment that you contributed to the holding back of this country for another 4-8 years?
When you voted for Hillary, presumably because she's woman, and you want to see the first woman POTUS (regardless of how suited she is to the position) could you not see past her sex for one minute?
After the dark ages of the Bush administration, and the milquetoast president we got in Obama, here comes Sanders, who has tapped into the cultural zeitgeist and the undercurrent of angst running through our society, to lift us up, and you choose this botoxed, Wall Street puppet? Why? Why have you doomed us to another 4-8 years of more of the same BS?
In all likelihood, Senator Bernie Sanders can no longer win the Democratic nomination. It's going to go to a career politician, member of the Establishment, and someone running for their own bloated ego.
Just one question, plan and simple: When Hillary reveals herself to be the wolf in sheep's clothing that she is, after winning the presidency, and not the person that you thought you voted into office, what's your excuse going to be? How are you going to apologize?
Furthermore, are you going to feel the slightest bit of guilt and embarrassment that you contributed to the holding back of this country for another 4-8 years?
When you voted for Hillary, presumably because she's woman, and you want to see the first woman POTUS (regardless of how suited she is to the position) could you not see past her sex for one minute?
After the dark ages of the Bush administration, and the milquetoast president we got in Obama, here comes Sanders, who has tapped into the cultural zeitgeist and the undercurrent of angst running through our society, to lift us up, and you choose this botoxed, Wall Street puppet? Why? Why have you doomed us to another 4-8 years of more of the same BS?