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richlind33: I wonder what John Dewey would have to say about modern liberalism.
file under class 320?
Hunter65536: Liberals value lives of rapists, drug dealers and terrorists while they want to kill unborn babies.
Starmaker: Liberals don't value lives of rapists, they value lives of rape victims and don't want them to face a greater chance of getting killed. If all rapists just magically died one day that's be awesome. Conservatives on the other hand love rapists so much they elected one president.
Also, "unborn babies"? What's next, unborn teens? Unborn retirees?
Actually, pragmatism towards the victims is just one component of the anti-capital punishment stance. There is often actually a value attributed to the life of the rapist (or culprit in general), stemming from the value of human individual life in itself. That is, the idea that a criminal deserves to live (even if punished, even if neutralized) and that efforts should be made to rehabilitate them instead of eliminating them. It's a value in itself, and a view on killing. Also linked to the issue of drawing an arbitrary line between crimes deserving or not deserving death (a qualitative jump on a quantitative continuum). It's the general "killing is bad" stance, with a hint of "individual lives are complicated, let's deal with that" and "evil should be ideally corrected rather than annihilated or used as a convenient punchbag for self-righteous sadists".

So, no, "liberals" at large don't wish for the mass death of criminals. Even if, at gut level, individually, wrath and disgust lead to this wish (I'm classified as "liberal", I'm not above wishing the death of many many people, but I want to live in a society that doesn't implement those reductive knee-jerk fantasies of mine). Conservatives tend to dismiss more immediately a universal "right to live", and to see it as much more conditional on innocence (the epithome of which being, of course, foetuses, that liberals are more reluctant to see as real persons with applicable notions of guilt and innocence - and here religion and biology play significant roles).

So yeah, I wouldn't say it's that wrong to assume that, at large, "liberals value the lives of rapists" (as they value lives in general), while being okay with "killing unborm babies" (as they consider that, indeed "killing the unborn" is problematically oximoronic). Wishing the death of a person is usually seen as self-indulgent and primitive, in the liberal world. Enjoyable as a fantasy (everyone loves a good revenge flick) but questionable in real life.

tinyE: you really don't have a clue, do you? XD
White_Barry: Enlighten me. :)
You're welcome.
Post edited March 18, 2018 by Telika
low rated
Telika: Actually, pragmatism towards the victims is just one component of the anti-capital punishment stance. There is often actually a value attributed to the life of the rapist
Okay, you convinced me. Hail Trump.
Telika: Actually, pragmatism towards the victims is just one component of the anti-capital punishment stance. There is often actually a value attributed to the life of the rapist
Starmaker: Okay, you convinced me. Hail Trump.
So either you murder someone or you build an altar to them. Okay.

I've already hated people without advocating for their extermination. But I'm an extremely subtle person like that, see. I wonder on which side of what fence this puts me.
richlind33: Ask the people at the bottom who depend on social services how they feel about having to compete with an increasing population that is mostly dirt poor, for resources that are being cut annually.
dtgreene: That assumes that:
1. More poor people come here than leave here.
2. The poor people take more resources than they provide.

I have a feeling that at least one of these assumptions would end up not being true.

(Also, one could solve much of the freeloading issues by requiring that a non-citizen be a resident for a certain amount of time before getting benefits like welfare.)

Firefox31780: Not only them, but ask the people who came over legally. Those that jumped through every hoop to become US citizens and make a better life for their family.
dtgreene: The problem is that coming here legally, if you're a person, is much harder than it should be; IMO it should be as easy as moving from one state to another in the US currently is. (Speaking of which, do any US states have problems resulting from immigration from other US states?)

On the other hand, corporations can currently move easily between places. This creates an unfair situation when companies can easily move overseas, but workers don't have that same right.
It's harder for a specific reason, and it has everything to do with security of the nation and the safety of it's citizens. In a perfect world there would be no borders, but this world is far from perfect.

I do agree with you though that it's too easy for companies to move overseas, often to avoid taxes.
low rated
Usually doesn't take long when people start vomiting pathetic nationalist nonsense and ultra-right conspiracy theories into a thread, and why should it? What I said was fact. All hope that it scared you a little is of course in vain. Doubling down, you just now linked to a more than two year old, way outdated, article that has no connection whatsoever to your previous wildly incorrect scare mongering claim. What was that even supposed to do? Please stop soiling yourself in all that racist shit all the time. My country is in no way "more muslim" than it was at the beginning of the century, neither your nor my country is in any danger to be overwhelmed by a foreign religion, and the central reason that the Christian faith is losing influence is that it is consistently utilized by xenophobic hate preachers to serve their shit agenda.

Have fun sending your "friend" to a country he doesn't even know in the vain hope that your "government" would do more for all those poor white people as soon as they've deported enough "illegals". I guess you didn't take to the streets to protest and protect the Dreamers, did you? Didn't think so. Parents' problem, I get it. You're a shitty friend, sorry.

Get a new avatar. Star Trek's teachings, morals and empathy are clearly so far out of your reach and understanding that you're personally insulting Roddenberry here.

Telika: I've already hated people without advocating for their extermination.
A complicated way to put what should be so very easy to understand. A government that kills its citizens, for whatever crime, disposes of them like cattle. It's an inhuman thing to do. It's not in any way civilized. It's not just, and flaunting the cost of incarceration as an argument for the death penalty is sick as fuck, and puts special emphasis on the injustice.

There's this German guy, Dieter Riechmann, who has been in an American prison for 31 years now. He's in for murder, and pretty fucking definitely innocent of that (court blanked on motive to begin with). However, it does seem like his girlfriend of 13 years was shot while he was, ahem, trying to strike a big drug deal. His death sentence has been turned into life incarceration back in 2010, but I somehow have to think back to that case now that his actual crime may be punishable by death in the future.

Guy was put on death row for a crime he didn't commit, now the death sentence for a crime he may indeed have committed is in debate. Absurdity over absurdity.

No, countries that have the death penalty are_not_civilized. Not by any measure. And, really, I'm totally the avenger type. Totally Batman. Revenge, I get it. You wouldn't want to leave me in a room with a child molester. And still, torture and the death penalty, no, no, no.
Post edited March 18, 2018 by Vainamoinen
Vainamoinen: What I said was fact.
Clearly that word, doesn't mean what you think it means.

Vainamoinen: All hope that it scared you a little is of course in vain.
Scared? Why? Because people can shout out words like "racist" or "nazi" and in an attempt to deter free thought and civil disagreement? Unplug from CNN please, and come to the table for a rational debate.

Let "progressives" tell it and racist are around every corner and nazi's are chasing us down hallways like the Golden Hord. Reality however doesn't support such "facts". We can acknowledge these peaople exist while also acknowledge it's a rather small overall group of people.

Vainamoinen: Doubling down, you just now linked to a more than two year old, way outdated, article

Here is a Dec, 2017 article better for you?

Vainamoinen: What was that even supposed to do? Please stop soiling yourself in all that racist shit all the time.
To clearly acknowledge that your own Government thinks that the large influx of immigration has caused issues, which it clearly does. Also a good read:

And "racist" shit? Rally? Politico and washingtion post... two far left liberal outlits are now "racist shit"? So not being a "racist" now must be burying your head in the sand and pretending these problems don't exist. I got you.

Vainamoinen: My country is in no way "more muslim" than it was at the beginning of the century, neither your nor my country is in any danger to be overwhelmed by a foreign religion, and the central reason that the Christian faith is losing influence is that it is consistently utilized by xenophobic hate preachers to serve their shit agenda.
Here is your poblem you are trying to turn my thoughts into a racist thing. I don't care if it's millions of Muslims or millions of British people... I would feel that exact same way. Would British people have easier time itegrating? Sure, but that is a different topic.

I'm not saying your country has an issue with to much immigration, your own government is saying it has a problem with to much immigration. Things like "A month had passed since he arrived in the promised land of migrants, yet the 21-year-old was still stuck in a crowded refugee camp." would signifiy that yes your country can't handle the influx of immigrants and that yes, you have to many immigrats coming at one time.

You are the one trying to focus on a single race of people, not me. I would feel the same with Britain or any other primarly "white" country, a large influx of migration from there would have the same exact impact. None of it is a good thing for the host country's resources, culture and way of life.

Vainamoinen: Have fun sending your "friend" to a country he doesn't even know in the vain hope that your "government" would do more for all those poor white people as soon as they've deported enough "illegals". I guess you didn't take to the streets to protest and protect the Dreamers, did you? Didn't think so. Parents' problem, I get it. You're a shitty friend, sorry.
Eh, I always love how a progressive (who are suppose not be racist at all) always uses the term "white" as a negative inflamoritory insult. We aren't racist were just kind of racist against white people, but like that doesn't matter at all right?

This is all very comical, but here is a news flash for you. America is already pretty diverse with it's own legal citizens, and with current birth rates it will probally continue to get more diverse all on it's own. I hope my government put's American citizens first, not white people, not black people, not hispanics, not asians... Americans, which includes all races. We all will benifit.

Race is your thing, not mine.

Vainamoinen: Get a new avatar. Star Trek's teachings, morals and empathy are clearly so far out of your reach and understanding that you're personally insulting Roddenberry here.
Nah I'll keep it thanks... one can like a "tv show" while acknowledging not everything it portrayed will actually work in todays society. It is called fiction for a reason.

Critical thinking skills would do you wonders.
Post edited March 18, 2018 by user deleted
low rated
Post edited March 18, 2018 by Fairfox
Pheace: It doesn't help when the worst examples keep getting highlighted, like that idiot congressman that didn't feel abortions were warranted for rape victims because “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."
Who said that? That does seem to be a pretty idiotic statement. Though I would have to see the full context of what was said.

Pheace: Not to mention the inane hypocricies from people (in power) who spend the entire time advocating against something only to then see them do a 180 when it involves their own companies hiring tons of non-americans or when it involves their kid coming out as gay or needing an abortion or worse when they get discovered in a bathroom somewhere being gay themselves.
That's politics for you. Both sides do it as far as 180's and both are full of hypocricies.

Pheace: Of course the worst cases drift to the top in the media these days but considering these are stances that seriously affect *other* people's lives it's doubly retarded.
Not only that but a vast majority of the time you can't even take the media at face value, everyone had an agenda and we fall for it hook line an sinker.
Post edited March 18, 2018 by user deleted
USERNAME:Pheace#Q&_^Q&Q#GROUP:4#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:132#Q&_^Q&Q#It doesn't help when the worst examples keep getting highlighted, like that idiot congressman that didn't feel abortions were warranted for rape victims because “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:132#Q&_^Q&Q#
Todd Akin
Pheace: Todd Akin
Jesus, why am I not surprised he's from Missouri!? :P

Can you believe I still get asked why I moved away from there?

Shit, he even went to High School at my High School's arch rival in football. To their credit they have changed and are standing their ground despite being currently picketed by the Westboro Baptist Church for allowing someone who is openly gay to play on the football team. Hats off to the JB Blue Bombers.
Post edited March 18, 2018 by tinyE
Pheace: Todd Akin
Yea that dude is an idiot. I'm pretty 50/50 on the whole abortion thing (though I really disagree with late term abortion). While I would much perfer to preserve life, to be pratical one has to question the impacts that would have on a child who would likley be placed in the system and the cost associated with caring for a child that his or her parents never wanted. In the end, it may very well do more harm than good.

But if the question is about proven rape victims, then the answer is simple... you let them have an abortion. This isn't really a question.
Post edited March 18, 2018 by user deleted
high rated
Fairfox: how gracious of you
Wow. Check your keyboard. Your writing is all weird.
^everyone PLEASE +1 that.^