As many good people have said, this action is kind of senseless. The suppliers are the syndicates and the pharmaceutical industry, not the drug dealers.
I noticed that the CEO of Glaxosmithkline (nor the doctor) isn't hung when someone overdoses on sleeping pills or something.
What's also worrisome, is the attack on legitimate uses (the restricting on prescriptions). There are many people who need strong painkillers (and enough of them), to suppress chronic pain so that they can function like normal human beings and contribute to society. Meanwhile, supply funnels to the black market continue, and the drug-dealers get "scape-goated". You kill some of the drug dealers, they will simply be replaced, as they are disposable distribution arms. From what I hear, a lot of them are addicts themselves where they do this to pay for their habit. They fear death less than they fear going into cold turkey.
Overall, nothing really changes and people who are genuinely dependent on painkillers can be prepared to suffer in pain.