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^provides the necessary ingredients that he produces on the farm
Cooks food using the sunlight and carbon dioxide, producing oxygen and sugar.
^ He always rescues any damsel in distress.
can feed a damsel with his cooking!
^Is a Jungle Pirate with strong moral fiber(think Robin Hood mixed with Perseus).
^Is the core commander of the Jungle Pirate's missions
is great riding wild bisons!
^ He's a champion bull rider and bronco buster. Yee Haa!
^ Has the impressive ability to ride a skateboard in the headstand full lotus position.
^ Has a talent for finding all the good restaurants in a new city.
^ At only 42, he's really not that old of a game buff.
^has a secret power to tell who is what gender
^ He knows how to check his own plumbing.
Cleans the entire neighborhood's plumbing. He helps husbands and satisfies wives.
^ He knows everything... literally.