Darvond: I am tired of people worrying that Windows 10 is somehow spyware. Are that many people up to that much legally questionable stuff? Do they really think Microsoft really gives a flying toss about the porn they watch? Not to mention, if these same people kept updates on, they've already joined the telemetrics. Not to mention, many of you probably have a Facebook anyway.
Also, I've never had any software vanish under mysterious circumstances on WIndows 10. Remember to download your software from the actual sources, people. :V Not C-Net or whatever mysterious place you procured them from. Check the URLs, too. Sure, I've had SmartScreen appear a few times and try and stop me from running software so fresh that the paint was still drying, but you can negotiate with that. I've had no issues whatsoever with Windows 10 otherwise.
To put it more neatly, I'm both a nihilist and sage when it comes to my data. Not only do I not really know or care what data there is, but also, I'm not even sure any of it matters. It isn't like I'm torrenting 40 TB of Estonian fetish pornography. And even if I was, I bet that'd make Microsoft mark my data as invalid for inquiry and discard the lot, seeing as I'm not a consumer they're interested in.
It has nothing to do with legally questionable activities, its that MS and its partners have no business monitoring, tracking or sharing information on me or my family's activities online. It is the virtual equivalent of having a peeping tom sitting outside your window all day and night, watching every private detail of your life. Even if you never do anything illegal, would you really be okay with that?
Congratulations, you haven't had the displeasure of MS acting as your PCs nanny. Not everyone is so lucky (or maybe you just haven't noticed something missing, MS doesn't tell you when they do it). In my case, both pieces of software are not only obtained from legitimate sources (directly from the dev/publisher), but they also have years worth of trustworthy usage behind them. There was absolutely no reason for them to be removed, other than the fact that both can do things MS doesn't like, such as editing the registry. MS can't have that, we might do something like permanently disable their forced updates.
So you don't care what they are collecting on you, that's your business, but I and many others do, especially when the personal data of websites and services seem to get hacked on weekly basis. MS is not immune, no matter how much they may believe their (our) data is impregnable. The sheer volume of data Win 10 collects is more than enough to steal an identity at the very least, god forbid they use it for something more malicious.