jamyskis: I think most fall under the
#LGBTMuslims tag, but I think that's more for Muslims who actually are LGBT as opposed to heterosexual Muslim LGBT rights activists.
tammerwhisk: Not trying to start anything. I've gotta ask though hows that even work? Every passage I've ever read from their texts is anything but tolerant. I don't even think I've seen the margin/room for debate that other belief systems allow for when it comes to these topics. Seen a lot of death penalty passages and conquer type passages though.
There aren't that many sins warranting a death penatly, ie legally ordained execution following a fair trial. Being gay or being a crossdresser is not one of them. Whatever the case, under no circumstances are murders acceptable in Islam. I say murder to differentiate it from self-defence or casualties of war.
To understand the Qur'an you have to go into it knowing that all verses connect and depend on each other. One verse without context, and without links to other verses, does not give you an understanding of the laws laid down in it.
So... being gay is not a sin, BUT: Men can not marry other men, and women can not marry other women. WHICH MEANS: Gay sex is adultery, which if proven in a court of law carries a death penalty WHICH IN TURN: requires 4 male witnesses of good character who have witnessed the sex act without a doubt AND: the accused may repent the offense and be forgiven, which means no earthly punishment.
As far as I know, no one was stoned to death for adultery during the life time of prophet Muhammad. As you can also tell, the conditions under which it becomes legal to execute a muslim for adultery is very specific and requires an actual court recognised by the muslim community. No such place really exist in the world today. No, Saudi Arabia and Iran does not count, their laws are national laws.
It is very unlikely that any gay person will ever be properly convicted as per the Qur'an, so for now we only have to deal with human rights in certain muslim majority countries and do what we can stopping future Islamist self-styled vigilantees from murdering people they don't like.