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The world is full of idiots & they have no worries about coming out of the closet (pun intended).

G4S may get some shit for this, although I doubt it.
low rated
itchy01ca01: Blah blah blah Im a conservative Blah Blah.

All I heard buddy. Your arguments are pointless and fall on deaf ears.
How about using some actual facts instead of the contrivances or those nice indie rag links you have there.
I used plenty of facts. Your arguments are retarded at best. Even special education students are wiser than you.

"Indie rags?" I bet you get your info from the Huffington Post, the BBC, or CNN. You are a definite case of subhuman filth and the only place for you is either in the ocean covered in fish guts after being thrown from a Blackhawk helicopter or an execution chamber. You are no better than the goatfucking Islamist sand-nig that committed the mass murder in Orlando.

Burn the mosques and burn you leftists.

Oh and a reminder... Paris, France has strict gun laws but look what happened. French authorities have even stated there have been significant cases of blackmarket weapons including select-fire AKs getting circulated around Europe. Just saying.
gifftard.jpg (13 Kb)
Post edited June 13, 2016 by infinite9

So fucking what? There have been plenty of cases in which criminals got shot dead by "good guys with guns." Just look at the attempted mass shooting in Texas involving the "Draw Muhammad" event.
What I was referring to is "good guys with guns" drawing their guns in the middle of an active shooter situation and either:

- fire wildly and end up killing several bystanders who would have survived if not for their stray bullets

- shoot or get shot by another "good guy with a gun" who also drew his weapon and mistook him/got mistaken for an accomplice in the heat of the moment.

In both cases; more casualties rather than less. There were 320 people in there. That's a gigantic crowd. Plenty of stray targets to hit. And a gigantic chaos the moment shit hit the fan.

I read a post written by a firearm safety instructor who was basically like: "If you hear shooting and you're not in the middle of it when it breaks out; GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE, FIND A PLACE OF SAFETY AND CALL 911. Don't go Dirty Harry and charge into the fray. It'll probably just get you shot by either the shooter or the police. Your sidearm's for self-defense, so only use it if there's no way to avoid a confrontation."

This is why most of the times when the a shooter is apprehended by nearby gun owners, it doesn't happen until AFTER he's already finished his rampage and he's in the process of trying to get away.

Also, Palpatine must be very pleased with you.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by Erpy
tinyE: infinite9 was kicked out of ISIS for being too violent.
More like too stupid.
itchy01ca01: Blah blah blah Im a conservative Blah Blah.

All I heard buddy. Your arguments are pointless and fall on deaf ears.
How about using some actual facts instead of the contrivances or those nice indie rag links you have there.
infinite9: I used plenty of facts. Your arguments are retarded at best. Even special education students are wiser than you.

"Indie rags?" I bet you get your info from the Huffington Post, the BBC, or CNN. You are a definite case of subhuman filth and the only place for you is either in the ocean covered in fish guts after being thrown from a Blackhawk helicopter or an execution chamber. You are no better than the goatfucking Islamist sand-nig that committed the mass murder in Orlando.

Burn the mosques and burn you leftists.

Oh and a reminder... Paris, France has strict gun laws but look what happened. French authorities have even stated there have been significant cases of blackmarket weapons including select-fire AKs getting circulated around Europe. Just saying.
Ill be forwarding this quote to my local police constabulary. You are a person to be watched. Welcome to a watch list :) Hope you don't fly often.

Edit: Also, I love it when conservatives start name calling and going on massive rants like this. It proves my point that most of you are not right and that your opinions are pointless.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by itchy01ca01
Gilozard: Major problem with this analogy: Germans were functionally all Nazis during WWII. Their government was all Nazis, and was at war with the rest of Europe, so regardless of whether any individual was a hardcore Nazi it was actually a good assumption that any German you ran across was a Nazi.

This is the key difference between modern Muslims and Germany in WWII, in fact. Muslims are not united under a single trigger-happy bigoted government like Germans were. There are multiple majority Muslim countries, and while they all generally have human rights issues they aren't all the same.
Oh, believe me, they weren't. The NSDAP got in on a rigged 44% vote in 1933 and party membership reached around 8 million (including Austria and parts of Switzerland). So it's safe to say that no more than half the population supported the Nazis at any one time and there was certainly no majority public support for the atrocities against the Jews. That's not to say that we as a nation aren't responsible for this history, and we are certainly the legacy bearers responsible for preventing it from happening again, but like in any dictatorship, the majority of people just kept their heads down, their mouths shut and feigned loyalty to the dominant order.

Likewise, under any fundamentalist Islamist theocracy like Islamic State or Saudi Arabia, there is a majority of Muslims who really don't put much stock into politics or politicised religion and are simply content to keep their heads down, their mouths shut and just get on with their lives as best they can. We can only assume that many "cultural Muslims" in countries like Saudi Arabia don't openly admit to not praying regularly for fear of persecution.

Make of this what you will. Some might call it cowardice, but not every citizen is a born fighter or activist.
tinyE: infinite9 was kicked out of ISIS for being too violent.
jamyskis: More like too stupid.
He's also profoundly full of shit.
Guys who talk tough like that (in an internet gaming forum of all places) are IRL the world's biggest pussies.

That little twit wouldn't know how to shoot a water pistol.

The only reason he isn't in here right now is because his dad told him if he didn't get the car waxed by the end of the day he wasn't going to get any Jell-O after dinner.
A really sad event, that people who make no harm whatsoever to society are not allowed to live peacefully.

Extremism and easy access to weapons can't be a good combination. Although that did not stop Anders Breivik.
If an extremist wants to kill people they'll probably find a way. Still, we shouldn't make it easy for them.

I think the best solution is for the West to attack ISIS and root out their network. Take away their credibility.
People do these attacks in the name of ISIS because it has become powerful enough for its followers to believe their ultimate goals are actually achievable. That's the extraordinarily delusional part of it. A new ISIS-like group will probably pop up, but we need to destroy them before they get as large as ISIS, before they gain credibility with potential followers. That's the reality we're stuck with.
Ricky_Bobby: I think the best solution is for the West to attack ISIS and root out their network. Take away their credibility.
Which wouldn't change anything.
ISIS is just one of many, many muslim terrorist organizations that commit crimes everywhere.
And even if you weed them all out, that won't turn muslims into non-homophobes all of a sudden because they still follow that dreaded book, take it serious and live under it's rule.
After all, it wasn't ISIS that made homosexuality illegal in all muslim countries. It wasn't ISIS that made Saudi Arabia stone homosexuals to death. Just as it isn't ISIS that makes it legal in countries like Yemen, Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia for a 50 year old guy to legally "marry" an 8 year old girl and rape her. Just as it isn't just ISIS that makes most muslims antisemite. It isn't ISIS that triggered muslims into thinking that women are worthless and aren't allowed to do anything and that it's fully ok to hurt and violate them because the Quran states it's ok to do as a "husband" or man in general.

It's kinda sad that people simply won't see how dangerous Islam in general is and that by now it's threaten to take over the entire world, with all the invasion from those so called "refugees" in europe and elsewhere. People stand by it, watch it and clap happily thinking it's awesome. Than a terorist attack like France or Belgium happens, mass sexual assaults (like europe wide on New Years Eve) happen or slaughter like in Orlanda and people act like "It was just one (or a few) idiots, has nothing to do with Islam itself, it's just a coincidence that nearly all terrorist attacks over the past 15 years were commited by muslims. Let them still into our country. Let them rape and sexually assault our women and children. We have to accept that because we're brainded political correct morons. That ultimately is the big problem which enables muslims to commit such crimes.

I mean you're from Sweden. It's the one country that got it so bad from muslims. Ever since they stormed the country crime and rape skyrocketed with people acting like nothing is happening. It's sick.
Post edited June 14, 2016 by ShadowAngel.207
Ricky_Bobby: A really sad event, that people who make no harm whatsoever to society are not allowed to live peacefully.

Extremism and easy access to weapons can't be a good combination. Although that did not stop Anders Breivik.
If an extremist wants to kill people they'll probably find a way. Still, we shouldn't make it easy for them.

I think the best solution is for the West to attack ISIS and root out their network. Take away their credibility.
People do these attacks in the name of ISIS because it has become powerful enough for its followers to believe their ultimate goals are actually achievable. That's the extraordinarily delusional part of it. A new ISIS-like group will probably pop up, but we need to destroy them before they get as large as ISIS, before they gain credibility with potential followers. That's the reality we're stuck with.
The reality we're actually stuck with is that the West can't do this on its own. 99% of the victims of ISIS are muslims and 99% of the people actively fighting the organisation (rather than just talking tough on a forum or on a cable network talkshow) are muslims. That last part is particularly important. In order for ISIS to be defeated, WE NEED THEIR HELP.

Not all of the muslims standing against ISIS are what we would call liberal muslims. Many of them are fundamentalists who believe Sharia is the one true way to live, kind of like the radical evangelicals you see in the US think society should be ruled by biblical laws. Despite their radical beliefs, they abhor the idea of terrorist attacks and genocide. They'll still fight ISIS, just not to help the West.

If you're wondering why Bush (at first), Obama and Clinton won't say they're at war with radical islam, this is why. It's not about political correctness, it's about not insulting people whose help we need. There's a subtle difference between "radical islam" and "jihadi terrorism". The followers of the former are potentially reluctant allies against the latter. War makes strange bedfellows.

Being "politically incorrect" like Trump is is essentially saying the West can clean up this clusterfuck on its own. If you truly believe that, go ahead and insult the Islamic world as much as you like. Trump probably does think he can solve the whole mess himself, heck, he probably thinks he can solve it in person. He also thinks hispanics and women love him.
infinite9: I bet you get your info from the Huffington Post, the BBC, or CNN.
I get mine from Jerry Springer, he even has his own YouTube channel.

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!

infinite9: I bet you get your info from the Huffington Post, the BBC, or CNN.
Kleetus: I get mine from Jerry Springer, he even has his own YouTube channel.

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!

Jerry should get back into politics. He's a natural. lol
Kleetus: I get mine from Jerry Springer, he even has his own YouTube channel.

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!

richlind33: Jerry should get back into politics. He's a natural. lol
I thought he was dead.
The main problem with Islam is most of the places where it's predominant hark back to the dark ages.

Personally, I think religion is a plague that needs to be eradicated.
richlind33: Jerry should get back into politics. He's a natural. lol
Tauto: I thought he was dead.
He's still kickin. Doing podcasts, I think.