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bumpity bump
Kudos for your first year, I hope many more will come!
Not in btw...
Hello there Mr T, many happy returns on your soon-to-be 2 year anniversary within these hallowed halls of GOG.
And with a very kind gesture to celebrate the occasion as well!

I would like to be in for Wasteland 2 and Legend of Grimrock 2, both being titles on my wishlist.
I own the other RPG's on your list so a small chance to win either of the two would be great. I will redeem within 2 days and pretty sure I will have also started playing shortly after should I be lucky enough to win one :).

Can I thank the powers that be at GOG to make this a place worth visiting? They work hard at what they do, and don't rest on their laurels. When I first started coming here, it was mainly older games (great ones of course) but over the last few years, newer ones have also been crossing over which is really something since Steam always seemed to have a monopoly on new releases. And so many releases every week!
I don't even remember when it was that I browsed on over to GOG but it was when my youngest was colicky and not able to sleep. To pass the time while trying to comfort, I'd surf the web. One of those times I came across GOG but due to lack of sleep and memories all running together with a sick infant, I don't recall the specific details. I know I was amazed such a place with a collection of favorites existed and even more amazed I had not known of it before that moment.
I wish I had the time to devote to the forums consistently so I could take part more and form some of the inter-personal relationships that many of you have. This place and rpg codex are really the only 2 forums I do come around to semi-regularly. And the rest of my non-web time is spent with family and jobs. Maybe as the kids get older, I'll have more time but for now, they are such a joy to be around and playing with them when they want to play and demand your full attention is not something I would want to miss for anything.

Thanks for being as generous as you are and good luck to everyone.
I see that time has escaped me yet again as I noticed I have yet to post and give you the well deserved wishes on making that milestone first year :) I also wanted to say, as many others have pointed out, you've been a great influence and a valued member of this community. Your always-cheerful demeanor is very infectious. Thank you for hanging in for the long haul as I know it's not always easy. I hope to see you around long enough for the next anniversary - and many more.

Lastly, I wish to thank those above. Your kind words are very humbling and make the work that the BBBBoB entails worthwhile. (Soon to be renamed to TBOOOB if Momo has her way) Cheers!
Is it really just one year? Feels like you've been here much longer. :) Your contributions to this community have been plentiful and I'm glad you are here.
People like you still make me visit the forums as well as IAmSinistar, mrkgnao, Grargar, JMich, madth3, BillyMaysFan59, genkicolleen, tinyE, Sage103082, Momo1991, stg83, foxworks, Sachys, HypersomniacLive, CarrionCrow and many more (I missed a few). It's always nice to read their posts (for the most part. I'm looking at you, tinyE!!! :D) and I think I'd be gone if it wasn't for many of them since I don't like the recent development of GOG, which is also why I've been visiting this forum less. The community's efforts really keep this website together, ranging from MaGog to the tracker threads to the "what did just update" thread and I hope it stays that way.

I don't have an interesting story to tell about my first contact with GOG though. The Retro City Rampage pre-order just came with a GOG key and I visited this website for the very first time to check what this is all about. I knew it was a good place to re-visit after seeing all the Ultima games in the store. ;)

I'd like to be in for Drox Operative.
bler144: Everyone is saving up for a last minute frenzy of activity, like Xmas shopping.
Go ahead and enter the giveaway :-)
bler144: Everyone is saving up for a last minute frenzy of activity, like Xmas shopping.
trentonlf: Go ahead and enter the giveaway :-)
Very generous of you - I guess I can't refuse a direct invitation.

I'll go in for Blocks that Matter then.
Thanks for the opportunity trentonlf!

I'd like to thank KOVI and TwoHandedSword for being the two motivators that stick out to me to start actually participating in the community rather than just a lurker. I don't even think participation started directly with them, they were just people I noticed (in individual game forums) who seemed like good people making an effort to be helpful and spread the gaming love and made me want to participate in such a community rather than be an outsider observing it. From the individual game forums, their niceness led me to check out the general forums and realize good stuff was going on here too. I've seen and interacted many many good people here since, and they are all what make it worth being a part of.

I saw an add for Tyrian2000 being FREE @ GOG, and I came here immediately to get it, as I always loved playing that game but the CD I had it on no longer worked on the system I had. I thought it was too good to be true, and then found everything else GOG had to offer at the time and was amazed at the goldmine I had hit. I had been in the midst of replaying Planescape: Torment (with my 4 disc version) at the same time, and saw it for sale here and bought it immediately so I didn't have to mess with my CDs and it has been a goldmine of games since.

I'd like to enter for just one game:

Strike Suit Zero: Director's cut
bler144: ...
You'll have the rep. req. by the time the giveaway is closed!
Post edited March 31, 2015 by drealmer7
Happy gogversary, Trenton!! :)

As much as I appreciate the presence of the people who take the time to post long insightful posts, the ones I'd like to give thanks to this time are the ones like Sachys, TinyE & Co. for their witty comments and thread derailing skills. Those are the ones that make this place a nice distraction for me. :)

Of course I can't help but to thank you, Trenton, for your kind participation and generosity across the forums as well as the steamgifts group. Keep on rocking. :)

Please count me in for:

3. Return to Mysterious Island
17. Majesty Gold HD
22. Red Faction 2
25. Outlast
Congratulations on your One Year Anniversary at GOG!

Honestly, what brought me to GOG was Bethesda's douchbaggery! Around the end 2013 Bethesda decided to remove Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics from GOG! So GOG decided, as a final slap to Bethesda's face, to give out free keys for Fallout 1,2 amd Tactics! I wanted to be a part of that and joined GOG then, and that felt really good! I was also surprised at how much character the guys at GOG have and that's what seperates them from everyone else!

The reason I'm here now though, is because I realized I'd like to fill my GOG library rather than my Steam library, and the awsome GOG community!

My rep is low so I'm not in, but I just thought it would be a good opportunity to write about my personal experience! :)
Post edited March 31, 2015 by SubjectLambda
Wow happy year on Gog dude. I would have to thank way too many people. There are many who share knowledge and help other gamers be gamers instead of angry people who can't get the game gaming on their PC. There are those who give away games and allow gamers to game on new games. There are those whose giveaways ARE games. SHooting reindeer, sinking ships, crazy talk. This community is pretty much as awesome as the original concept of Good Ole Games. THere are so many wonderful people that make this community more than the sum of its parts...and other cliches as well :) Thank you all!

Oh and not in
I'm in. My top 4 games would be:

*) Wasteland 2
*) Majesty Gold
*) Earthworm Jim 1&2
*) Mark of the Ninja

Who to thank... That's difficult because there are too many. :-) But if I had to choose a hand full of the wonderful folks here I'd go with trentonlf and Coelocanth for their generosity, HypersomniacLive and IAmSinistar for their work on where to find (or how to extract) soundtracks from games in the Missing Soundtracks thread and mrkgnao for his work on MaGog.

Also, congrats on your anniversary. I'm surprised it's only been one year for you here.
Post edited March 31, 2015 by Geralt_of_Rivia
Not in, I just wanted to say happy anniversary! I'm glad you found this place and decided to stick around! You made a hell of an entrance though, and I'd recommend not trying to outdo yourself on a yearly basis... that could get dangerous. ;)

I'm about to step away from the computer, so I'll make every effort to come back to this as soon as I'm able to actually write some real thank-you's so some of the lovely folks here who have warmed my heart, or who deserve some loving for their work in making these forums such an almost-unrealistically kick-ass place. But... where to even start! I guess that's something I can be thinking over today while spending some time with my mama. :)

I'll come back to this for the sake of adding substance, but Happy Anniversary!
Wurzelkraft: *snip*
I think I'd be gone if it wasn't for many of [the fine GOGgers here] since I don't like the recent development of GOG...
I'm afraid I have to concur with this statement. I appreciate how they got some new publishers and nice games here during the past months, but several things GOG has done recently are quite disappointing. One of the main reasons I keep coming here at all is because of all the admirable efforts of the community. Tracker threads, Barefoot Essentials, MaGOG, lgogdownloader, informative GOGmixes.... and the list goes on.

(still not in btw)
Im in for

1 - Wasteland 2 Digital classic edition
2 - Legend of Grimrock 2
3 - Majesty Gold HD
4 - Sanitarium

I would like to thank everyone that makes the giveaways here. Nudiustertian, Briareos262, budejovice, xckx, genkicolleen, trentonlf, Sachys to name a few(impossible to list all).

Thanks for the great giveaway

Good luck everyone