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Cyberevil: Try giving something to Foxworks... What a never ending chore...
lol~ I've successfully gifted to the fox, but the only way I've been able to get Snake to accept a present is to buy a DLC (for a game I don't own) from his wishlist -- then he HAS to accept because it would do me no good to keep it! Muwahaha XD
Congratulations on your first year anniversary as a member of GOG. I see your name often around here and you've made quite the impact on this community.
This is an unbelievable giveaway, with some very popular titles. I would like to thank the inhabitants of the first insomnia thread I was part of back when I joined. I was (and still am) more of a lurker but reading the post started by IAMSinister and the constant funny and interesting comments people made helped to pass the time while waiting for the games to cycle thru for sale.
Edit: almost forgot. I also wanted to thank a fellow by the name of Nudiustertian. This past Christmas he did a really cool thing by giving away a ton of copies of Planscape Torment because it was his favorite game and he wanted other people to experience it. I already had the game so wasn't concerned with that but chatted with him briefly to let him know how much I liked his method. And I'm going to keep that with me and one day do it myself because what better way to show appreciation for a game you really enjoyed playing at one time.

I have many of the games in your list but I'd most like to enter for Legend of Grimlock 2. Its one I'm definitaly excited and anxious to play. Wasteland *would* be another but I don't have the time committment for that until this summer because I know it will consume me if I start playing it. With LoG, like the first one, I can play it in spurts and not lose the story or have to remind myself where I'm at or what quest to tackle if I put it down for a couple days in a row.

Thank you so much again and good luck to all :).
Post edited March 25, 2015 by infinitee8
high rated
Thank you for the kind words, Joe! They mean a lot and you can be sure the door opens both ways :) I hope we will celebrate many more years together.

So, what brought me to GOG? A game, of course. A good old game. A magnificent good old game. A post apocalyptic role playing game.


Still in my top 3 of all time. It was given away for free for some reason that I can't remember and I couldn't pass on it, even though I still have the disc version. I came, I got it and in the meantime I browsed the site. Didn't know about it up until then. And I was dazzled by the catalog of titles that made my childhood so entertaining. And I had to stay. Some time later I decided to mingle a bit in the forums as well and I was once more surprised by the community. This was the first time I've seen people giving stuff away to other people just to make their day on the internet. I made friends that I now consider as important to me as my RL ones. Friends that share my love for video games among other things.

So yeah. Thank you, Joe and everyone else who kept me here :)

As for list I will express interest towards two titles only:

1. Myst
2. Grimrock 2

And since I don't appreciate the list ending at 24, please add Outlast as #25 :)
Has it only been one year? I took you for one of the old-timers! I see now that I was wrong. Congratulations on your first GOGversary!

GOG has many kind souls on its forums. From the generous people that spread happiness to strangers in the form of games, to the folks who put in the effort to help other forum members get their game in the big promos by compiling lists, those who can share their experience or carry a nice conversation... and so much more! This is a real community.
I'm still new around here, and I haven't had the opportunity of being more participative, but it does seem like the store is the visible part of the GOG iceberg, and the forum is the large submerged portion for those try to explore. At least it took me a while before coming "down here".
Do I have to name names? I already know I won't do justice to the many nice people who work hard to shape this place. Also, I'm not good with names. But if you twist my arm, I'd name Foxworks and Sachys from the top of my head, while feeling guilty for not naming the other nice and kind people. It's just that this dynamic duo have a way of making things memorable and interesting.

Regarding the many fine celebratory games, I'd name my picks as:

Pixeljunk Shooter

Thank you for making another fine giveaway. I hope you'll spend many pleasant years around here, as you are among the unnamed find crowd that make the GOG forum a pleasant place.
madth3: Congratulations to us for having you here.
This is perfect and honest and I feel that same way!!!

You are my rock trent and my friend and my kitty conersationist. (yeah if its not a word it is now)

These forums are fun and wonderful because of you.

Also thank you so much for the kind words. I am here and will always be here for you. Like I told you before you are stuck with me forever. I am like a tattoo you get when you were drunk - permanent and a little annoying too. =P

I will be editing to be in for Outcast in the morning and answering the questions too. It is 2am and sleepy time will not stop calling me. =)
Congrats and happy anniverssary!

a. Would love to thank to Thespian (a rare presence in our days, sadly). His posts were always interesting, tinye for making the forums a fun place, Momo1991 for her MAHAYO initiative, foxworks and Sachys for their infinite patience in organizing TBBBBOB (sometimes i bleieve that they are secretely masochists), ddickinson and genkicoleen for their kindness, you for the tremendous generosity (and i think momo might be right: you might be addicted to gifting:) ), Licurg for his Sacrifice rants (someday i will check the damn game, just to throw with my mouse after him and rant back), wpegg for reminding me of Lords of the Relams series and for providing needed advices. And there are many, many others which i appreciate and i would like to thank for making this forum a rather warm place (a rare thing on the today's web). Why, why did you make me choose only a few names?! I have a long list...I hate you for making me nominate only a few:)

Thank you, GOG community for being better than most of the communities out there

b. Came to GOG in the beta phase. The idea of DRM free games seemed insane at the time and i had to check it. I did not stick around at the time. Don't even remember why. Came back years later and i've found an actual community, that doesn't have a high dose of venom and it's probably one of the best out there. So i decided to stick around this time.

1. Ultima 7 The Complete Edition
2. Legend of Grimrock 2
3. Memoria
4. Majesty Gold HD

c. Many thanks and more thanks and even more thanks

d. Wish we see some of the people we lost lately back, at least from time to time.
I wasnt going to enter, but then, I hate when I have a giveaway and every response it's "thanks, not in".

I'm in for:
Legend of Grimrock 2

There are two people that stand out as people I remember from early in my forum days. One I'd Hickory, the keeper of pretty much all Baldurs Gate knowledge. Being that BG is what brought me to GOG in the first place, Hickory is the person that initially kept me coming back.

at that point I want too aactive in the forums, then we had the summer sale last year. I asked for an opinion on which to buy between two bundles, Coelocanth said "buy this one and I'll give you that one". This was my first exposure to the gifting that occurs here. I've been a bit of a regular ever since.

There are divinely more that could be mentioned: trentonlf, genckicolleen, hyper, crow, shmerl, JMich, benkii, Judas... I'm still missing names. The list can go on and on.
Post edited March 27, 2015 by hummer010
Happy upcoming GOGiversary, trentonlf! Great to have you here! In addition to your always pleasant presence in the forum, you were clearly the star of the last Insomnia sale. That was quite a gifting rage ;-) A special thanks for all your generosity and all the GOGers you've made happy, me included! Let me know, when there's something I can help you with.

Also thanks to Lemon_Curry, because he covered me, when I had missed the little time frame of GOG's Rise of the Triad giveaway. It was a bit of a bummer for a regular forum member to miss this, especially as I was logged in the whole day except for these few hours. Anyway, that's great about people here, there are quite some members who care for others and help out when needed. Thanks again Lemon_Curry.

And a last thanks for this nice giveaway to you trentonlf as well as to the generous contributors Oathe, dedoporno, HypersomniacLive, and Grargar. +1 each
The more the merrier, so please count me in for Outlast.
First of all I would like to congratulate on this anniversary.In fact I'm little shocked that is less than year since you joind us. Thanks for everything you've done here. :)

I would like to thank:
Foxworks & Sachys - for all their endless effort in organizing awesome giveaways.
TinyE - For his sense of humour. Many times you made me laugh..
And everyone else - since it's you who make this forum what it is

Not a big story about me joining gog. I love old classics and gog offers many old gems.

I’m in for :
1) Legend of Grimrock 2
2) Shadowrun returns
3) Memoria
4) Mark of the Ninja special edition

Have fun!
Congratulations on your coming one year gog anniversary.

Who would I like to thank for making the GOG forum a place worth coming too? Why?

First and foremost, I would like to thank you trentonlf. I joined gog in early 2014. This year I participated in my very first giveaway that was made by you. I won operation flashpoint which I immensely enjoyed after coming back from work full of crappy people and stupid incompetent boss. I can't thank you enough for that game.

I would also like to thank Briareos262 for his generous heart along with Breja and flummoxed,
tinyE for his sense of humor that brightens up the day,
and all the people that trade games in an honest manner on gog.

NOT in.
So it's your 1 year anniversary, congrats!

Tbh, there is so many nice ppl here (and some less nice :P) it's so easy to miss some1.
There is also many nice ppl that are not that active (or not active at all) latterly.
For sure I would like thank Dischord who made skeptical me belive that there are still nice ppl on the internet back when I 1st poted on gog. :)
Duo Foxworks&Sachys for making all this hard (I can only imagine) work with BBBBoB.
Xyem, Ian and all other ppl that are not (that) active anymore but were making this forum great.
And all other ppl that naming would take a long time (some of them were named in prev posts) for making this community the best I encountered so far (keep in mind I didn't encountered that many :P). I don't post that much but I read a lot and there is always smt fun to read. Thx for that! :)

As for giveaway, since you recomended it for me, I will try my luck for Wasteland 2 Digital classic edition.
ONLY 1 freaking year?? How can that be?? It feels like you have been here forever and a day being a gifting God (or devil :-p). But seriously, I hope someone takes you out behind the woodshed and beats some gifting sense into you!

Regardless of your gifting infirmity, thank you for being such a kind human being, trentonlf - you are the embodiment of true spirit of the GOG forum. :-)
Only a year? Wow! You're such a fixture here, I'm surprised you haven't been around longer. (I say that in nothing but a good way, I promise. :)

I'm in.

I'd like to thank a bunch of people for making this forum a place that keeps me coming back, however intermittently: Ragnar Blackmane, Tarnicus, ddickison, Hypersomniaclive, IAmSinistar, Carrion Crow, Sage, Endre Whitemane, and a whole bunch of other people, especially those in the Conversational Free-For-All thread. I know I'm forgetting a bunch of names that I should be listing, but I promise I mean no insult by it - I'm horrible at remembering names. ;)

I don't have much of a story about how I found GOG. I use Curse to manage my WoW addons and last year when they had that free game offer with GOG, I wandered over and found Dungeon Keeper... followed almost immediately by spending real money on the Gabriel Knight games.

1. Legend of Grimrock 2

Thank you for yet another generous giveaway, and congratulations on the GOG-versary!
I came to GOG for Outcast, I think a friend told me about it and I immediately went and purchased it.
I have a really bad memory, but I'd definitely like to thank Xyem for the days he used to host huge giveaways, wolfsrain and ne_zavarj and carnival73 and JMich for general behavior and posting.
And obviously trentonlf for being generous and not being 100% a dick.

I'd love to be in for:
Wasteland 2 Digital classic edition
Legend of Grimrock 2