Thank you for the kind words, Joe! They mean a lot and you can be sure the door opens both ways :) I hope we will celebrate many more years together.
So, what brought me to GOG? A game, of course. A good old game. A magnificent good old game. A post apocalyptic role playing game.
Still in my top 3 of all time. It was given away for free for some reason that I can't remember and I couldn't pass on it, even though I still have the disc version. I came, I got it and in the meantime I browsed the site. Didn't know about it up until then. And I was dazzled by the catalog of titles that made my childhood so entertaining. And I had to stay. Some time later I decided to mingle a bit in the forums as well and I was once more surprised by the community. This was the first time I've seen people giving stuff away to other people just to make their day on the internet. I made friends that I now consider as important to me as my RL ones. Friends that share my love for video games among other things.
So yeah. Thank you, Joe and everyone else who kept me here :)
As for list I will express interest towards two titles only:
1. Myst
2. Grimrock 2
And since I don't appreciate the list ending at 24, please add
Outlast as #25 :)