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Not in, but a huge +1 to you. Can't believe it's only been that long, as you already seem like a part of the place.
Happy anniversary!

The people I would like to thank here are the ones I haven't thanked in the Thank The Fellows Giveaway, because there are too many of them and I can't mention some and leave out others. I'd like to thank the regulars, and not so regulars, of the "Guess what I'm playing" forum game. It's fun and it has bought to my attention some games I wasn't aware of.

As for the story about what brought me to GOG: I was looking for a copy of Settlers 2 to download from an abandonware site, because the one I had didn't have the intro video. When I realized that the game is actually still legally on sale, I quickly bought one.

Thanks for the GA trentonlf.

In for:
Legend of Grimrock 2
Post edited March 29, 2015 by ZFR
Congratulations to us for having you here.

I'm not in for the games but sure there are plenty of people who makes this a great community.
I'll add some later.
I'll join in, I think - congrats on a rumbustious year! And thanks.

There are so many people here who make the place vibrant: you, for particularly relentless generosity; xckx for different but also relentless generosity; Fox and Chimp and Eye, for organizing and stumping for the remarkable Bonza and keeping us safe from the worst of the pillagers; Momo, for keeping us all reasonable. Ddickinson and GenkiColleen for always being chipper and pleasant and present, and hosting (and directing) cheerful chatty giveaways. Ragnar, who hasn't been around much lately I think, for Beard. Madth3 for the posting and posting and posting of all the gaming deals. Sinistar for being Sinistar (and Thespian, despite a recent break, for similar reasons). All the wacky cypher folks who run those insane solve-the-code giveaways, whose names I don't really know because I can never solve them. And DeMignon, for today at least, for telling me something important about Uplink: Hacker Elite that is going to save me at least one restart-from-scratch in the game. Budejovice, for being kind. And all the others who I'm not naming here, but could, but can't because I'm at work and they want me to, you know, like, work. From time to time.

It's a nice place to hang out. 8)

I'll be in, too, for:

Legend of Grimrock 2
Drox Operative
Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut

Edit: And I really must add TinyE, for the nutty.
Post edited March 25, 2015 by LinustheBold
Congrats on what appears to have been a productive year!

Not in; of the games listed, I already bought the ones that I want. But for kicks and giggles:

I originally came to GOG when someone tipped me off that some of my favorite retro games (Arcanum, the Ultima series, Master of Magic, etc.) were available here, and often on sale. I didn't get involved in the community right away; but once I did, it was like eating potato chips: I just couldn't stop.

Shoutouts to UniversalWolf, whose tips in the game-specific forums have provided new inspiration for old play styles; and the Man With Three Asses for almost always having something witty to share with the class.

Also, missing Thespian*; here's hoping he comes back from his self-imposed Kolinahr retreat sooner rather than later. (Of course, he'd say that hope was a wasteful human emotion. But hey, whatever.)
Thank you, trent, for this great giveaway. I'd like to enter for this one. The games I am interested in would be
1. Legend of Grimrock 2
2. Memoria

for both games I liked the predecessor and would like to play the sequel.
(no 3 and 4. If I should win a 3rd or 4th slot, let it go to someone else)

On to your questions:

I'd like to thank TinyE for making visiting GOG so funny. And all the nice notorious gifters around here, you know who I mean.

What brought me to GOG was the combat against DRM and a sale on Fantasy Wars :-)
Happy GOG-iversary, trentonlf!

There are many people I'd like to thank for making GOG a nice place: I would thank Sachys and foxworks, not only for their giveaways, but also for how nicely they treat other people! I'd also like to thank Soccorro for his never-ending hope that Outlaws would show up on GOG! And to all the various people that helped me figure out which games have a windowed-mode! :P This community is what makes me visit GOG everyday!

As for what initially brought me to GOG, I believe it was the free "Empire Earth" game that caught my eye! Does anyone remember what that promo was called? I think it was in 2011.

I'd like to try my luck on:
1. Legend of Grimrock 2
2. Wasteland 2 Digital Classic Edition
3. Majesty Gold HD
4. Strike Suit Zero: Directors Cut

Thanks for the giveaway, trentonlf! Good luck, everyone!
Post edited March 25, 2015 by IronArcturus
Congratulations on your GOGversary!

Not in, just some +1, and some discussion....

What brought me to the site? DRM-freeness, old games, and the Fall Insomnia sale. Didn't buy anything from the sale, but I took part in the lively discussion. It was amazingly fun chatting with all the GOGnards and watching the games go by. Eventually I got drawn in to the community, and..... well, here I am :P I've been less active recently, but I still enjoy posting here.

Don't really feel like going through a bunch of names right now, but later I might edit this post and give some shout-outs. :)
Happy GOGiversary! I'm stunned to find that you haven't been here longer than me~! :o You're such a fixture~! :D

I'm NOT IN this time, as the game that is on my wishlist is not something I'm in a hurry for ^__^

If I have to single out one person (sheesh that's hard!), today I'll go with ThePunishedSnake. We have had many fun and pleasant conversations, and I always enjoy chatting with him... He's a hard bugger to gift to, though! lol~ ;p

Hopefully I won't bore anyone by repeating this story, but it's Sanitarium and The Longest Journey that first brought me to the site, oh-so-many years ago. It's the Pot of Gold Luck of the Irish promo that finally brought me into the forum last year... I just HAD to know if anyone knew what the mystery games were~! lol~ I stayed to give away some game codes (I was directed to the Ninja thread -- I didn't know about giveaways like this one at the time -- and upon getting to know the folks here, I just had to stay~! ^__^
I'll mention TinyE here. He has a very special sense of humor that I really like. Sometimes even reminds me of myself, a bit (though I put some effort into containing myself on the forums^^). And definitely DeMignon who is something like a support entity. An institution of its own here, one might say. Foxworks and Sachys for the wonderful TBBBBoB - that just has to be a whole lot of work. And all the other with whom you can have good conversation as if you were old friends.

In for Wasteland 2

Thanks for this *awesome* giveaway and happy GOGiversary!
Post edited March 27, 2015 by jdsgn
I'll give this thread a bump :) This is a great topic and there are some great games listed too!
LinustheBold: but could, but can't because I'm at work and they want me to, you know, like, work. From time to time.
I had to laugh at this because I can relate... And yes, I'll post something more useful sometime tomorrow (maybe) ... probably while I'm you know, at work.
genkicolleen: If I have to single out one person (sheesh that's hard!), today I'll go with ThePunishedSnake. We have had many fun and pleasant conversations, and I always enjoy chatting with him... He's a hard bugger to gift to, though! lol~ ;p
Try giving something to Foxworks... What a never ending chore...
Post edited March 25, 2015 by Cyberevil
Happy 1 year anniversary! Wow, it seems like you've been here alot longer than that ^_^

Honestly way too many people to list that makes this forum an awesome place . Hypersomiac, trentonlf, Sacchys, tinyE, Momo, IAmSinstrar, Foxworks, BlackThorny, cecil, stg83....and alot more I know I missed....sorry!

What brought me to GoG was this small headliner videogame news link on Gamefaqs front homepage for a free copy of Fallout 1. Even though I already had the physical copy, I thought why not grab a extra one at this drm free place I heard a little about. ^_^

Normally I'd say not in. However I missed the sale for:
1. Drox operative
Okay, at first: Not in - not only due to my rep, but also because a) I think there are people here who deserve this more and b) I still have a lot of backlog to play and I want to tame my inner game grabbing beast a bit. So I decided to enter only giveaways that offer games I - must - play - right - NOW! ;)

It's hart to believe that you have only been here for a year - it seems to me like you have always been here, as I always recognized your name during the last year when I was only a passive reader in this forums. Congratulations, you're a huge positive force in the community - and I'm not talking about gifting :P

But I want to use my chance to thank all the nice people I had the chance to interact in the last three weeks since I joined the forums. But if I have to limit myself to one person it's Enebias, who taught me the spirit of this community by starting the "Missed the freebies"-thread during last year's summer sale - it was the first time for years that I found an online community that was based on giving and being nice rather than ranting and flaming. That was a huge impact on how I see GOG today. I mean, even the #gamergate thread seems 'quite' civilized here, compared to what happens everywhere else.

What brought me here was an evening about two years ago. My wife had already fallen asleep when I came home late from work and I remembered the fun I had when I played 'Masters of Orion 2' late at night back when I attended university. I looked where I could find it and found - GOG. In the meantime, I've added some other classics to my library I loved when I was younger and now I try to catch up with some games I missed that time - yes, Baldur's Gate, I'm talking about you.

So I've come to stay and am looking forward for a great time with all of you!
So who to thank...
Momo - for trying to make this a better place
Foxworks and Sachys - for all the generous organizing of the mass giveaways
IamSinister and Pidgeot and etc etc, all the various people who keep the trackers for the big sales alive and kicking.
TinyE - for his wit.
I could go on, but lets add a catch all for all the forum regulars whether it be general discussion or those helping in the game specific forums for making this a great place

In for:
Majesty Gold
Return to Mysterious Island
Labyrinth of Time
Strike Suit Zero Director's Cut

Only a year, seems like much longer...
Post edited March 28, 2015 by RWarehall