drealmer7: Awesome! Congrats to you and everyone else!!! I've been playing Wasteland 2, it is really great If you like tactical RPGs, definitely play ranger difficulty, IMO.
Totally great! Thanks
so very much trentonlf, as well as Oathe, dedoporno, HypersomniacLive, and Grargar!!! WOOooo!!!
jdsgn: Any important do's and don't's concerning character creation?
Phewww, yeah, but I also think it really just depends on how you want to play. Pick your skills wisely for each character, disperse them well, but create characters you want. Don't listen to the power-gamers (unless you want to), build the characters that interest you or make sense to you. Maybe look up all the companion options and find if there are any you definitely want to have and how to have them compliment your party once you get them (I knew Rose was going to be my healer so didn't put any field medic or surgeon on anyone and waited to get her. It was a little hard to survive up until you get her, but it was worth it.) I put a lot into the character creation for this game, moreso than any other game I've played, both with stat/skill deciding and with creating the biography and team dynamic etc, their names, everything. I probably played up through completing the Ag Center 3-4 times over with different party configurations (always the same group though, we're a tight group!) before settling on one that I was completely happy with and I learned how I wanted to do what. I found that I really like having a character I created with 8INT to dump a lot of skill points into so I feel more free to do most of the things the game wants. I also really like having all of the the speech skill dialogue options/find it important to do so. At first I tried putting them all into a high INT speech-leader character and didn't really like doing that, so dispersed each speech skill over 3 of the 4 characters. Aside from those things, really allow yourself to role-play, it really serves it well. Read all of the texts, have lots and lots of healing packs. Don't rush too close to a combat encounter (set up party in a strategic formation a bit away from enemies, pull with a tank/melee sort of situation), don't be afraid to pull back, save action points for the next round, and use ambush when tactically sensible. HAVE FUN!