TammyTown: If Bler is scum I'll just I don't know what I'll do eat a hat or something i guess.
Lol. Your alimentary canal is safe.
Where was the Dess wagon earlier? I pressed him just a tad. Then he made sweet moony eyes at me and I just wanted to make him tea and read Winnie the Pooh together under a blanket by lamplight.
I noticed the "we can submit day actions" bit when yogs made it. But a) yogs said "we" and b) yogs isn't an idiot.
The obvious conclusion then and now was that we could mess around and submit narrative-related crap, like drinking from a still and getting bluuRp-gut. I actually tried testing it this morning ("tickle RWarehall") but Drealmer's response this eve was something like "yada yada you're busy trying to decide who to lynch." So I'm guessing it's a thing, probably, but not between sundown-dawn when he wants to reduce the flavor and focus on outcome, based on what we do know.
So it can't be proven/disproven atm, but no other explanation even makes sense. And it ties in with yogs answer to "what he'd been doing" which is bleeping around with his QT making Drealmer generate flavor posts. Indirect shitposting, as it were.
For sundown purposes - I'll
defend Lift for the bulk of 1179. I liked it - if he's bullshitting it came across as genuine with a mix of logic and ...questing...that makes sense for him, even if that is just meta. Would echo Stan's question though.
Right now I just want to pull all my hair out. Gut says babark is town. Brain says it's a toss-up because even though he sounds townie, he's not DOING townie, and we need better reads than we get from yogs.
Which is the other reason tammy shouldn't eat her hat - when I'm bald by the end of this game (or even Day at the rate this thing is going) I'll probably need it.
There were two reasons I kinda hit the end of my rope this afternoon:
1) gamestate is a mess - not unusual for D1 really, but dear god this has been a marathon to still have such a mess
2) I went back and read the OP. we can't reach consensus to end sundown, and sundown isn't even the end of this debating.
And life/work was frustrating, which didn't help.
I know drealmer doesn't like hammers, and maybe this all smooths out after D1, but for D1 this system is just bruuuutal. All the normal confusion and second-guessing of D1 dragged out with 3x as many cusp-points for people to dance close and then second guess and move away.
I'm willing to compromise and swing to Dess, I guess. But I think we have the same babark problem - dess is likely to be decent at playing minimalist emote/tone defense, and neither he nor babark have any actual record of note (votes, reads, whatever) to judge them on. So all of us, on both of them, seem to be relying a lot on gut/tone reads.
pre-post refresh:
RWarehall: Also, why does no one want to take a serious look at Tammy or Nacho? One of them is likely to be SK and even if we are wrong maybe we nab a scum by accident?
I tooootally wish we could bet. I would bet you I could predict who did it, what role they have, and what their precise town motive was. And yes, I'm occasionally cocky. But since we can't bet, alas, I just get to wait and see if my theory is correct.
Tammy I still have pretty solidly town on her activity, though sure, that can't be tested til we see flips. Nacho has kinda steadily drifted down under my radar in a way that concerns me. So if there was actually evidence to support SK and this was the gambit (NvT), I'd go with Nacho.
However, I'm ninety...fiveish percent certain it was vig and not SK. Thus the cockiness. And have several pieces of data that tie together in a pretty snug theory involving opportunity, means, and motive, in the classic mystery vein. If you really want to have this out D1 we can, but I think it's counter-productive, personally.
So I'm definitely not voting tammy or nacho just on the theory that one of them "must" be SK. And one would have to ask, why would they bother wasting the shot on someone who hadn't posted in 3 days and was potentially due for modkill. Either someone wasn't paying attention, or more likely imo really wanted to see the flip.
The daykill will either repeat or it won't, and the person in question will either come forward with a vig claim or they won't. Shooting in the dark (much less at two players who don't have any other reason for direct suspicion) for a role that might not even exist is just...an odd suggestion.
I guess i'm not used to seeing you quite this exuberant on the player side - as mod, sure. :)