Corwim: That's no excuse imho. A simple addition 'Get them while they last' to the message 'Buy ten, get one free' on the main page would have sufficed. FAQ imho stands for Frequently Asked Questions, not for terms of condition of this sale. The message 'Buy ten, get one free' is pretty clear to me, so I don't feel the need to visit that section, and I don't think I should to get the info only there the number of freebies is limited. That info should be on the main page, limited screen real estate or not. It's only fair towards customers, now it feels like they were hiding the fact there was a limited number of freebies.
The sale itself needs to be readable and accessible on a small phone screen, and it looks to me like GOG optimized for people to do that. If people can't be bothered to take a look at details, with the link right there, GOG can't force them. There were a number of particulars that needed to be addressed, and as far as I'm concerned, GOG made the right choice in putting them all in one place for easy reference and access.
Corwim: As for the comment one of the blue's made in the forum: again insufficient. Nobody ever reads each post in every topic every day. If they wanted to get a clear message across, they should have started a new news topic on this, at least they'd had gotten the attention of everyone who frequents the forum daily, not just the few ones who stumbled upon that one Blue's post on one of the pages of a fast moving topic like the official sale topic before they ran out. Again, not necessary, but it would have been a lot clearer.
No one had to read every post in every topic. They didn't even have to read many posts in a single topic. GOG used the official notice thread that was created by GOG about this sale. Favorite that (one click on the little check mark box), and you can find it with a single click on the Community tab along the tab. One click on that little '!' next to the topic name will display just Blue Text responses. The fact that GOG posted in at least two different threads (at least one in a foreign language, in case some GOGers don't speak/read English) will only increase the coverage.
Corwim: But like I said, technically they didn't do anything wrong, it's more a question of being disappointed in how they communicated the terms of this sale and also informed us (or failed to) about the running out of the freebies when it became clear that would happen. Hence the bad aftertaste left by this sale.
If that's the way you feel, then that's the way you feel. I have no quarrel with that.
I sometimes have the feel that GOG runs sort of like half a dozen guys working out of someone's basement. Decent people, hard working, trying to make people happy while running their business, and a little error prone.
zeruel22: No, there is virtually nothing wrong with that.
What really bother me is the message on the faq saying freebies running out would be unlikely yet it happened on the third day. And i only knew there was the sale at the end of the first day so it looks very quick to me., far from what i believed with the faq.
*shrug* They miscalculated. Or there were a lot more people spam buying games after that 5 per freebie deal than anticipated. And/or people (like me) actually bought more than in previous sales. Accurately guessing human behavior can be very, very error prone.