fil-cat: Now the news section that I rely on to quickly check what's new every day has moved way down to the last spot and morphed into a horizontal scroll through thingy (again with way too big pictures).
I didn't care for the pics so much but for the short text next to it, giving you an idea what it was about before clicking to see the whole news. That was actually good. Now it is bad.
I can live with some of the other questionable design choices, like having to scroll down on game pages to actually see any info about what I am looking at due to the oversized banner, or games not having titles until hovered over; but the horizontal scroll and removal of the news section is just broken.
There's a reason mice have vertical scroll wheels, and pages tend to be navigated by scrolling up and down with a single gesture if you're using trackpads or touch devices. Now you have to stop scrolling, stop, then scroll through each section sideways (not that horizontal scroll gestures even work with this layout on my machine, so I guess click repeatedly) and open pages in new tabs because there is no information in the little boxes. Having everything broken up like this is incredibly awkward to navigate, and effectively removes the news feature from the page.