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UPDATE: The Monstrous Fall Sale Finale has begun!
That means you have until Sunday 10:59 PM UTC to earn more XP and unlock the three freebies! Having a hard time deciding what to get? Can't blame you - there are tons of great deals to discover, plus some whole new ones which just got added to the pile. Yup, this is going to be a rather monstrous finale indeed!

GOG Connect is back!
It's the third edition of GOG Connect – back with 20 new games to grow your DRM-free library for free. These include favorites like Metro 2033 Redux, HuniePop, Broken Sword Director's Cut & Broken Sword 2 Remastered, Starbound, The Witcher 2 and way more.

Head to, connect your Steam account, and get started!

Score Deals Up To 90% Off | Earn XP, Get Free Games

The Monstrous Fall Sale – one of the grandest sales of this year – has begun! Join us for 10 days of new deals up to 90% off, free games to unlock, and surprises yet to come!

Start by grabbing Little Big Adventure 2 totally free to kick off your own monstrous adventure – just redeem through the banner on the front page. The giveaway will last for the first 48 hours, so be fast - that's a true classic that you really shouldn't miss.

But this is only the beginning - you can score even more free games during the Monstrous Fall Sale: participate in the fun, collect badges, and keep shopping to earn XP and unlock:
—Expeditions: Conquistador,
—Victor Vran

Every dollar spent gives you more XP (use your Wallet funds for an extra 10% boost) and you'll find great combos throughout the sale — like Divinity: Original Sin 2 or Tyranny, which unlock all 3 free games right off the bat.

Twitch Plays is coming back and the community will once again channel its inner farmer in two special Stardew Valley events that will grant everyone additional XP, if completed successfully on

You can learn more about the Sale's mechanics and track your progress here.

The Monstrous Fall Sale starts off with a thunderous roar and hot deals – but check back every day for new offers, bundles, and announcements. The Sale will last until November 13, 10:59 PM UTC.
Build Your Bundle Paradox says -80%
-60% for individual titles but select all and still only gives -70% ?????????

Deep Silver BYOB -- Pick 8 -80%
Missing 5 titles + risen 3 complete edition + risen 3 upgrade to complete

Try select all and only get -74% ???????????

Besides why would I want to "BUY" complete edition AND upgrade to complete?????

Anuman BYOB -- Pick 7
Should be 80% off when pick 7

Pick 1 game, some are 80% some are less than 80%????

Select all and get -77%

These bundles are all over the shop with the discounts. Hoping they will be fixed???
Post edited November 04, 2016 by mighty.ape.acct
Kalypso BYOB

Select all and only -71% (not -80%)

Build Your Bundle Beamdog

Select all -49% (not-75%)
Post edited November 04, 2016 by mighty.ape.acct
About the discounts. It's wrong indeed.

The correct would be "UP TO - XX%", not "-XX%"

Take the Double fine example:
The label says -90%, but If you select all, it will be -80% (-79%).
But some games are -90%, like Costume Quest, while others are less discounted.
So the correct would be UP TO -90%.
mighty.ape.acct: Build Your Bundle Paradox says -80%
-60% for individual titles but select all and still only gives -70% ?????????

Deep Silver BYOB -- Pick 8 -80%
Missing 5 titles + risen 3 complete edition + risen 3 upgrade to complete

Try select all and only get -74% ???????????

Besides why would I want to "BUY" complete edition AND upgrade to complete?????

Anuman BYOB -- Pick 7
Should be 80% off when pick 7

Pick 1 game, some are 80% some are less than 80%????

Select all and get -77%

These bundles are all over the shop with the discounts. Hoping they will be fixed???
The discount shown on any bundle's "tile" on the main page is the maximum possible discount for individual titles when the whole bundle (or, in the case of of BYOBundles, the specified number of items from the bundle) is selected, not the overall discount for the whole thing.
mighty.ape.acct: Deep Silver BYOB -- Pick 8 -80%
Missing 5 titles + risen 3 complete edition + risen 3 upgrade to complete

Try select all and only get -74% ???????????

Besides why would I want to "BUY" complete edition AND upgrade to complete?????
-_- You wouldn't -- it's a Build Your Own Bundle, meaning you pick at least 8, and you'll get the higher "bundle" discount. There are nine distinct games in the promo, so, while you wouldn't be able to skip more than one game and still get the full discount, you wouldn't be "forced" to choose multiple versions of the same game, either.
Post edited November 04, 2016 by HunchBluntley
And once more,</span> brings joy to gamers worldwide! Yee-haw!!! :D

I expect to easily spend the $25-$30 towards those carefully selected freebies! :)

Don't forget to use your GOG Wallet and get an extra 10% XP for each purchase!!! :D
Post edited November 04, 2016 by TheOneRaziel
when does this sale end?
mighty.ape.acct: Kalypso BYOB

Select all and only -71% (not -80%)

Build Your Bundle Beamdog

Select all -49% (not-75%)
The values are extremely misleading. The way it works is that in each bundle there is a *specific* combination of games that will give you the full discount (for Beamdog's bundle it is BG EE, BG 2 EE, IWD EE to get the full 75%). Any other combination matching the number specified in the header ("pick 3" for example) or any combination greater than that number will give you a reduced discount as it is just a straight-up average of each individual game's discount. The trick to getting the maximum is to only buy the games with the highest individual discounts, the discount increase from hitting the target number isn't uniform across all the games in the bundle.

So yeah, the number on the landing page is seriously misleading.
Post edited November 04, 2016 by kohreval
Emachine9643: when does this sale end?
13 November.
I'm still having XP issues on mobile. Had 2100 XP 12 hours ago and logging in now, shows 0. Didn't record my Facebook share either.
mighty.ape.acct: Build Your Bundle Paradox says -80%
-60% for individual titles but select all and still only gives -70% ?????????

Deep Silver BYOB -- Pick 8 -80%
Missing 5 titles + risen 3 complete edition + risen 3 upgrade to complete

Try select all and only get -74% ???????????

Besides why would I want to "BUY" complete edition AND upgrade to complete?????

Anuman BYOB -- Pick 7
Should be 80% off when pick 7

Pick 1 game, some are 80% some are less than 80%????

Select all and get -77%

These bundles are all over the shop with the discounts. Hoping they will be fixed???
HunchBluntley: The discount shown on any bundle's "tile" on the main page is the maximum possible discount for individual titles when the whole bundle (or, in the case of of BYOBundles, the specified number of items from the bundle) is selected, not the overall discount for the whole thing.
mighty.ape.acct: Deep Silver BYOB -- Pick 8 -80%
Missing 5 titles + risen 3 complete edition + risen 3 upgrade to complete

Try select all and only get -74% ???????????

Besides why would I want to "BUY" complete edition AND upgrade to complete?????
HunchBluntley: -_- You wouldn't -- it's a Build Your Own Bundle, meaning you pick at least 8, and you'll get the higher "bundle" discount. There are nine distinct games in the promo, so, while you wouldn't be able to skip more than one game and still get the full discount, you wouldn't be "forced" to choose multiple versions of the same game, either.
Well color me confused :D This is the craziest promo yet. Some good deals to be sure but.....

As for the Deep Silver BYOB, as mentioned I am only missing 5 of the games (plus the complete/complete upgrade) so I can't pick 8. It has never been my experience with GOG that I would be "punished" for already owning some of the games in a promo. It has always been a case of getting the full bundle discount if you own some of the titles already (at an adjusted price too)

Anyway, it wasn't a complaint, more a case of letting others know that the advertised discounts on the front page seemingly do not apply to all.

Thanks for your input though ;)
DieRuhe: What is the "check in" thing? Is there something in particular you have to do? I've got 3000 points and none are from that.
Cavalary: Scroll down on the promo status page, click the check in button.
deonast: That beamdog bundle really doesn't work out for me. Since I own all except for one I only get 15% off. That will teach me for buying outside of sales.
Cavalary: That's the full discount for Siege, 10% alone, 15% if at least 3 games from that bundle are selected (or owned). The older ones are at 67/75%, but not that.
Thanks I hadn't tried selection older ones yes I see they get a bigger discount. Didn't realise they were differentiating the newer ones with a lower discount. Guess I can wait (so much unplayed anyway).
There is something wrong with displayed discount :)
discount.jpg (157 Kb)
truhlik: There is something wrong with displayed discount :)
The percentages are wrong. For me they show correct: Gettyburg -75%, Xenonauts -67% and UnderRail -50%.
How is it that there's an "ending soon" tab with tons of games? I thought that every deal was supposed to remain until the end.


OK, I see this was commented some posts ago.
Post edited November 04, 2016 by park_84
There's some games under Ending Soon.. Does it mean they will loose their discount, or that there will just be other highlights?