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Krypsyn: 1) RWarehall
2) dedoporno
3) cristigale
Funny, on Day 2 (RL) of Day 1 (Game) my list would have been the same, just with you instead of Cristi.

Also, your use of "wont" appears perfectly correct to me. Not sure why you're second-guessing yourself on it.
bler144: Also, your use of "wont" appears perfectly correct to me. Not sure why you're second-guessing yourself on it.
it is more of a connotation thing. Wont usually refers to a habit or something that has been done in the past. This is a one time inclination, not a historical one. Not a big deal, but little things like that make my brain bleed when I see them.
bler144: Also, your use of "wont" appears perfectly correct to me. Not sure why you're second-guessing yourself on it.
Krypsyn: it is more of a connotation thing. Wont usually refers to a habit or something that has been done in the past. This is a one time inclination, not a historical one. Not a big deal, but little things like that make my brain bleed when I see them.
Hmmm...true. I guess I glossed the word "today" in your original post and assumed you were talking about more of a more general tendency.
I have internet access for a short period, so I'll catch up and post after I'm done.
Sage103082: My place of employment is dying a slow death. The owner gambled away the money and is drowning in debt and only cares about what his wife and mistress are doing. I have been there many years. I have been offered a job from a competitor who is opening up again and he wants me there. Common sense screaming YES run like hell. .... So I am going to take the other job and if I fail so be it. -
Sorry to hear that. As the game goes you haven't really missed much, and it's obvs less important than having paid work.

Your current boss pretty much screams <Run Away!> between the gambling, the debt, and the mistress. Preeeeetty unlikely he puts your needs high on his decision-making list, and being faithful to someone who hasn't earned it doesn't tend to pay off.

As for the other job, I'd say just evaluate if this new prospect is viable. It sounds like it's someone you have some familiarity with, and presumably you have sufficient ability to gauge if this competitor knows what they're doing enough to make it work - you say opening up again, so hopefully the last time didn't end in fleeing the country, bankruptcy, or a conviction in federal court for fraud.

I wouldn't doubt whether <you> will fail - presumably they want you on board for a reason. Now, if you want to have some concern that <he> will fail (as above), then sure, gauging your prospects is a good thing. And perhaps just mull on what your backup plan will be if his re-launch doesn't reach orbit.

Just my random internet opinion. But srsly, I hope it goes well! We'll be here, still ready to lynch you in Day 3. Which by my calculations will probably be sometime in late September.
God you people talk a lot. When are you going to kill someone?

Kill kill! Snip like coney!
adaliabooks: God you people talk a lot. When are you going to kill someone?

Kill kill! Snip like coney!
Hush, don't rush them. ;)
adaliabooks: God you people talk a lot. When are you going to kill someone?
Friggin' Tree Stumps... ;)
adaliabooks: God you people talk a lot. When are you going to kill someone?

Kill kill! Snip like coney!
Shut up!

Who let you out of observers thread?
adaliabooks: God you people talk a lot. When are you going to kill someone?

Kill kill! Snip like coney!
Vitek: Shut up!

Who let you out of observers thread?
Can we vote to lynch adalliabooks! Pretty please :-)
trentonlf: Can we vote to lynch adalliabooks! Pretty please :-)

I need him alive.
Trust me, he will be punished.
Being unable to follow the game properly sucks ass. I have been reading for more than 2 hours and I'm still at #632. My time is up and I can't continue to read, but I can quickly cover a few things that were of note.

@Flub, you asked if I would vig kill my vote choice - I wouldn't. I have bad experience with gig killing people on n1 and I'm not certain enough of JMich's to waste a trump card like a vig kill. At least not as early as d1/n1.

@Yog, you said in one of your fat posts that some players don't see Wyrm's behavior as scummy hence not wanting to vote for him. I don't see his behavior as not scummy. It most definitely is. Even he agrees with this, since this is his whole play. I'm sure he has(d) a plan, but I think it didn't go exactly as planned so he may end up paying the ultimate price for this. I'll stick with my feeling that he is Town and don't want vote for him unless absolutely necessary (deadline is about to end the day and I'm the only person who can make the difference between a lynch for Wyrm and no lynch at all). Also, I don't believe Wyrm will be safe from potential future slips if he was to survive. I'm pretty sure he will be walking on the thinnest of ice.

I'm not fond of CSPVG's vote on Sage. From what I read it's based on nothing (like literally nothing - CSPVG wrote at one point that his notes on Sage are very thin and that's one of the main reasons). I'm not the greatest fan of Sage either (in this game that is, you know I love you JKitty! :*) but CSPVG is one notch up in the nasty list now. I'm pretty sure I won't vote for Sage today.

My time is up :( I know for a fact I won't have internet access until I get back on Suday evening. I hope we are still awake by then - if not, good luck!
Bookwyrm627: Besides, if I make some of those next game decisions now, then my alignment next game will affect my play less. Take this game for example: during the last game, I decided to liven up THIS game's Day 1 instead of waiting for someone else to make the first move.
My question to you is...If you had a plan in mind before the game started to play the game a certain way did your PM impact that plan or change it in anyway? *I am not asking for any information from your PM* I am asking if your plans changed once you read your pm.
2) If you're town, I figure you should accept other people's suggestions, especially if a lot of players are finding your traps really unhelpful.
3) I would select Krypsyn. He's made some strange plays, which he has accounted for, but I'm trying to keep an eye on him.

flubbucket: Also you could think of an answer to my question from post #444.
flubbucket: You claim "inexperienced" and yet you also claim "but that's just the way I play" and I just can't make the two work out clearly.

How can you have a "way I play" if this is your first game??
Sorry, I forgot to answer this earlier. I am inexperienced, there is no denying that. Heck, look at my rep. However, because of my personality and the game that I watched, I have certain tendencies, such as taking both sides of an issue, when I play any game and even in RL. That is how I can be inexperienced, and yet also have "the way I play".

bler144: I did think that was interesting, but not inherently contradictory. Like me he could be someone who has played IRL (and perhaps more recently and extensively than I), which could explain why he seems to have fallen into step with others' play styles better than I have. His personality may also be less manic than mine.
To tell the truth, I LOVE this game in RL. I can't say about the personality, but that is a possibility ;)

Krypsyn: Nah... You always have to plan for your meta. Sometimes it is amusing to have a multi-game plan set up in advance for switching things up, just to keep people guessing.
Next game, I am only going to post in iambic pentameter, just to keep people guessing :)

trentonlf: I will honestly say as soon as JMich voted for Bookwyrm and gave his reasoning to do so a red flag popped up for me.
Trentonlf is not the only person who had a red flag pop up after JMich voted for Bookwyrm. First time I read the post, his logic seemed pretty non-existent, but his next post explained (sort of) his reasoning. However, when I saw trentonlf, cristigale, and dedoporno post about JMich's vote, I went back and read it again. His logic really is non-existent, even with his explanation, and that doesn't seem like JMich. (My reading of JMich is drawn from his posts earlier this game, from last game, and from certain comments made about him during both of those games)
I do think this seems very bizarre, and it's a scum-mark in my book, but it's not enough to make me vote for him...yet.

And now I'm going to skip a whole bunch of talking and interesting stuff that people have already commented on. I assure, I have read it all.

bler144: There's also the oddity that, despite being a Mar2014 account, he started the game with 1 rep.
I can explain that...actually, no I can't. I think there was a game that I wanted, but I can't remember. Anyway, it was pretty much a dead account until I found out about Forum Mafia.

And that actually brings me back up to current, though there's a lot that I have to go over in my mind.

Because I placed that vote in a hurry, without proper research, I am going to
unvote Bookwyrm

Now, I'm going to try to give my opinion on each of the other players. In another post.
Just installed adaliabooks' user script, and it works like a charm.

(Let's see if my link works :)