Posted July 02, 2015

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted July 02, 2015

You seem rather jumpy and so fast to suggest I'm a serial killer? How so? I mean, there are a bunch of different neutral anti-town roles out there. Why did you automatically assume a serial killer?
A serial killer is the most obvious other anti-town so the guess by me was simple.
Now that you're restating your anti-town factions as "neutral anti-town" I think my vote is well placed.

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted July 02, 2015
With 14 players, I'd think it very unlikely we'd only have 3 scum, I'd expect 4 or 5. I'd lean higher given the wackiness I'd expect from Vitek.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 02, 2015

If the town guessed wrong on Day 1 (more likely than not) it would be very hard for them to claw back. I would assume 2 villains favors the town slightly and 3 favors the villains slightly.
10 v 2 v 2 would be more interesting since there's a chance the two gangs might accidentally knock each other off. And would have less ability to coordinate a sabotage of the daytime festivities. But with one daytime kill + two nighttime kills, that would tend to make for a pretty short game, I'd guess.
On the other end, is there a sheriff? Or multiple?

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 02, 2015
*sigh* I just hate RVS. I tried not to muck it up, but I just can’t help myself.
What do we have so far? bler makes a strange slip with the “dead mayor” bit, but then does provide a link to game #1. Fair enough. Kryspyn is trying to draw attention to himself, and wrym obliges with a terrible 3rd vote. Yech. Then dedo makes a weird slip confusing “factions” with “players”, and flub over-reacts. (Reminds me of him following wrym to the ends of the earth, or whatever, last game, lol). Everybody is suspicious, woo hoo! (Believe it or not, based only on these first 50 posts, I do have my first lunatic idea of who a three-man scum team might be, but even I think it best not to be just a liiiitle bit hasty there.)
Then, of course, we have a number of lurkers chipping in with useless posts, and one brand new player yet to post at all, which is usually not a great sign.
I can’t stand it. We have to have more to start with, as the usual Day #1, RVS nit-picking just doesn’t draw out enough. The usual “how many scum are there” conversation doesn’t entice me today, either.
So – the OP gives us next-to-no information about the game setup. I get the vibe that we’re supposed to piece the story together. After all, don’t most of these games start with a murder? Nobody’s dead here. There are no clear flavor delineations between good guys and bad guys. Why are we here? Why are we about to “hang” somebody (let’s go ahead and assume that’s how we roll in here in Grand Oak Gallows)?
So I’m going into my PM.
Yes, yes, I know. My apologies to players like Trent and others who hate that. I’m not at all trying to measure PMs looking for scum clues in the turn of a single word or phrase. I’m not role fishing. I’m not role claiming or not role claiming. I just feel like we have to start SOMEWHERE, and begin pulling reactions out into the open. I think it’s worth it, because reading the OP but then comparing it to my PM, it reads like a puzzle, and it’s actually kind of neat. I like it.
So here’s me: (all paraphrasing, of course) I love this town and love talking about it. I have a somewhat eclectic but harmless hobby. I am aware of a nearby metropolis, and I admire it, but I don’t like it for two very specific reasons.
I find my character to be kind of a neat little mystery. My wife recently bought me a “Twin Peaks” box set, and I’m currently working my way through it, and I catch that kind of vibe from this setup. Small town with a dark secret? lol. I dunno, but that’s the feeling I get. I sound like a character you’d meet in Twin Peaks.
First – I sound pretty conflicted. I like the big city, but hate it too? OK, buddy. Second – if my PM makes a contrast between the small town I live in and love, and a bigger city – how does that make sense that the small town is building a space program, of all things? Is that just random flavor? Is the scum team real-estate developers from the metropolis? Are they going to burn down the saw mill and take over?
So no, good people, don’t role claim, don’t compare micro-words in your PMs… but I think the first step towards winning the game is getting the lay of the land figured out. I felt the exact same way in the milk game. But please don’t just yell “SCUM” at me and sulk, as I’m just not going to have any more patience for that.
What do we have so far? bler makes a strange slip with the “dead mayor” bit, but then does provide a link to game #1. Fair enough. Kryspyn is trying to draw attention to himself, and wrym obliges with a terrible 3rd vote. Yech. Then dedo makes a weird slip confusing “factions” with “players”, and flub over-reacts. (Reminds me of him following wrym to the ends of the earth, or whatever, last game, lol). Everybody is suspicious, woo hoo! (Believe it or not, based only on these first 50 posts, I do have my first lunatic idea of who a three-man scum team might be, but even I think it best not to be just a liiiitle bit hasty there.)
Then, of course, we have a number of lurkers chipping in with useless posts, and one brand new player yet to post at all, which is usually not a great sign.
I can’t stand it. We have to have more to start with, as the usual Day #1, RVS nit-picking just doesn’t draw out enough. The usual “how many scum are there” conversation doesn’t entice me today, either.
So – the OP gives us next-to-no information about the game setup. I get the vibe that we’re supposed to piece the story together. After all, don’t most of these games start with a murder? Nobody’s dead here. There are no clear flavor delineations between good guys and bad guys. Why are we here? Why are we about to “hang” somebody (let’s go ahead and assume that’s how we roll in here in Grand Oak Gallows)?
So I’m going into my PM.
Yes, yes, I know. My apologies to players like Trent and others who hate that. I’m not at all trying to measure PMs looking for scum clues in the turn of a single word or phrase. I’m not role fishing. I’m not role claiming or not role claiming. I just feel like we have to start SOMEWHERE, and begin pulling reactions out into the open. I think it’s worth it, because reading the OP but then comparing it to my PM, it reads like a puzzle, and it’s actually kind of neat. I like it.
So here’s me: (all paraphrasing, of course) I love this town and love talking about it. I have a somewhat eclectic but harmless hobby. I am aware of a nearby metropolis, and I admire it, but I don’t like it for two very specific reasons.
I find my character to be kind of a neat little mystery. My wife recently bought me a “Twin Peaks” box set, and I’m currently working my way through it, and I catch that kind of vibe from this setup. Small town with a dark secret? lol. I dunno, but that’s the feeling I get. I sound like a character you’d meet in Twin Peaks.
First – I sound pretty conflicted. I like the big city, but hate it too? OK, buddy. Second – if my PM makes a contrast between the small town I live in and love, and a bigger city – how does that make sense that the small town is building a space program, of all things? Is that just random flavor? Is the scum team real-estate developers from the metropolis? Are they going to burn down the saw mill and take over?
So no, good people, don’t role claim, don’t compare micro-words in your PMs… but I think the first step towards winning the game is getting the lay of the land figured out. I felt the exact same way in the milk game. But please don’t just yell “SCUM” at me and sulk, as I’m just not going to have any more patience for that.

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 02, 2015
Unvote Bookwyrm
Vote Yogsloth
You had to know this was coming from me. I do not agree with talking any sort of role information this early in the game, it does not benefit town at all. The PM we receive about our role is for us, not to discuss openly for everyone. All discussing our PMs or roles does is give scum information they don't need.
My stance is if you are discussing roles or PMs you are hunting for who has a role and what it is (scummy). You can disagree all you want, but that will always be my stance on the matter.
The best thing you can do if you are town and feel someone is behaving scummy then place a vote and give your reasons for the vote. Unfortunately for RVS it's a shot in the dark most times unless someone slips up.
Later in the game it is inevitable that roles will be discussed, but absolutely no reason to do so now.
Vote Yogsloth
You had to know this was coming from me. I do not agree with talking any sort of role information this early in the game, it does not benefit town at all. The PM we receive about our role is for us, not to discuss openly for everyone. All discussing our PMs or roles does is give scum information they don't need.
My stance is if you are discussing roles or PMs you are hunting for who has a role and what it is (scummy). You can disagree all you want, but that will always be my stance on the matter.
The best thing you can do if you are town and feel someone is behaving scummy then place a vote and give your reasons for the vote. Unfortunately for RVS it's a shot in the dark most times unless someone slips up.
Later in the game it is inevitable that roles will be discussed, but absolutely no reason to do so now.

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted July 02, 2015

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted July 02, 2015
Aww... I messed up the link to Sonny & Cher. Somehow, I don't actually mind that much. :P

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 02, 2015
If it makes you feel better to think I'm crazy and not thinking it through fine by me. I'll continue to play the game, you can continue to play "let's give scum as much info as we can".

The Anti-Hippie
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted July 02, 2015
I am reminded of this song, for some reason. Friggin' Kyle, amirite?!