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Yep, yogsloth, he is totally an evil person. :)
CSPVG: Honestly, while no-lynch may be a smart play in certain contexts, I push against it so hard because it is the most game killing play there is to me.

With a kill we go into the night knowing that all of our yammering hasn't been in vain, even if it has resulted in an undesirable result (such as the offing of a townie)...

If everyone hates this sort of post though, please tell me that it's overwhelming or unhelpful, and I'll try to think of a better way of sharing my thoughts and feelings about previous posts and the current run of events.
When people are posting infrequently I quite enjoy this style of post, though it would be overwhelming if all 14 of us did it multiple times a day. So no objection to you doing the same tomorrow.

Most of your argument above strikes me as psychological, which at least seems more honest. Other arguments have largely centered around it being bad strategically for the town, which I still don't find persuasive.

But we play games to have fun, so if a no vote strikes you as less fun, well, I'm sympathetic to that even if I don't yet believe it's a superior play. In 6 months most of us are probably more likely to remember if we had fun or not than who all was on the winning team. Though we'll probably remember whoever was the most audacious in victory - whether it's Wyrm's combativeness or...well, whatever it is Kryp is doing.
Vitek: 18. This isn't rule, only note. This game has its fair share randomness so be prepared. If anyone tries to convince you it is nicely balanced game he is lying to you and probably evil person. Do not trust him at all!
Krypsyn: I don't think I am allowed to trust you anymore. Not that I ever really did. Nothing personal.
I never said nicely balanced, just balanced. Plus it's not a rule :-P
bler144: Though we'll probably remember whoever was the most audacious in victory - whether it's Wyrm's combativeness or...well, whatever it is Kryp is doing.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
dedoporno: You are correct. I didn't realize Vitek would actually go out of his way to manually string it together rather than use the [enhanced] forum software.

So, people are referring to the "usually"! Hm. I'm not. What I thought Wyrm originally meant was the mafia stock win condition:

You win when your team overpower other factions in numbers or votes.

The overpowering in term of numbers is pretty clear but the votes alternative is something else. It implies that the mafia may be able to out-vote the town and potentially other enemies even when they are outnumbered.
trentonlf: Mafia player with two votes would be almost overpowered I would think, but that statement can be taken to mean the mafia might have a double voter.
If a 2-vote was 1-shot, it may not be too overpowered.
cristigale: If a 2-vote was 1-shot, it may not be too overpowered.
I have hazy memories of a party I once attended that started off with something like that. Very hazy memories.
I'm back with another wall of text. Woohoo!

Bookwyrm627: Problem with trying not to create such a circle in the first place is that I've written posts in previous games that I thought were logically straight forward, with me outlining every step I took to get to my conclusion, and people STILL managed to end up in the WIFOM circle. No one ever quite disputed the logic, just that I'd said it (whatever "it" was). I've seen circles made out of some other people's posts that I thought were straight forward, too. So I pretty much assume that circles may happen regardless of what is said.
I TOTALLY agree with you here. WIFOM is a naturally occurring part of Mafia. I still don't much like your deliberate creation of WIFOM, though.

agentcarr16: This is the kind of admissions that I like. Trentonlf is fairly certain Bookwyrm is scum, but he realizes that if Bookwyrm flips town, then trentonlf will be in a spot of hot water. (Rather sneakily, he still pushes that he is town with his "'unfortunate' next candidate" line.)
yogsloth: Why do you like this admission? What’s likeable about it? From what perspective?
I like it because all too often people don't think about the consequences of their actions, especially here in Forum Mafia. Also, it shows that trentonlf is smart enough to point out the possible consequences, thereby decreasing the chance that those consequences come to pass.

trentonlf: You don’t like it, fine, then YOU vote for somebody and wow me with your amazing logic on why you did so.
I will when I work out something :)

yogsloth: I haven't changed my mind. My current vote on yogsloth is an RVS vote, and holds approximately the same weight. I'll remove it when someone answers the trivia, or if something pressing occurs. As to why not remove it now: there is no need. He's in no danger of being lynched, and I haven't seen any strong candidates for scum. In the meantime, I'd like to see if anyone will actually take a few minutes to figure out why yogsloth got the vote in the first place. There is a method to the selection.
yogsloth: Your current vote… is a Random Voting Stage vote… random vote… but it has a purpose and a method? I wait with baited breath.
Sorry Bookwyrm, but... exactly.

Krypsyn: Unvote: RWarehall
Vote: agentcarr16
Unvote: dedoporno
Unvote: dedoporno
Unvote: CSPVG
Vote: cristigale
Unvote: cristigale
Vote: Sage103082
Unvote: Sage103082
Vote: RWarehall
Oh no! Krypsyn is doing it again!

CSPVG: While i shared some info, I mostly agree. I don't know how productive this conversation (sharing role/PM info vs. not doing so) really is, and I also think that the two sides of the argument aren't really going to budge from their respective positions. Perhaps we can leave this discussion alone for the time being. What does everyone else think?
I would agree with you here. I was done with this conversation before it had started.

CSPVG: Furthermore, a lurker is a pretty good option for an offing, especially if we find ourselves in a situation where the day has been dragging on for an age and no consensus can be reached as to who we should off.
I admit that it's a potentially good idea when you need a lynch, but I don't think lurkers should be voted for simply because they're lurkers. IMHO.

CSPVG: Another thing on bler. I still believe that we should ignore his, and Bookwyrm's, little 'slips' and claims, at least for the time being. They seem so transparently,"Oh, look at me," and are often (to my mind) phrased in a sort of jokey way, so they may not even be worth considering.
Again, I agree.

CSPVG: Also, a rather nice,"I'm totally townie, guys," comment to end your message, agent.
I liked that :) Didn't you?
Problem is that it would be all too easy for a scum to put something like that in. Actually, it was probably a bad idea for me to put it there, but I had to make the reference.

I actually like posts like these (as evidenced by my own massive walls of text), so keep it up and more power to you.

CSPVG: What does everyone else think?
Krypsyn: I try not to.
Me too, most of the time.
agentcarr16: I'

trentonlf: You don’t like it, fine, then YOU vote for somebody and wow me with your amazing logic on why you did so

agentcarr16: I will when I work out something :)
I never said that, it was yogs here in this post

Although I will say that it seems we will be put under a deadline before any consensus is reached for lynch or not. I can see why Krypsyn is having fun with the RVS time, there's not much info to go on or speculate on so might as well have a good time until there is some actual information to use.
agentcarr16: I like it because all too often people don't think about the consequences of their actions, especially here in Forum Mafia. Also, it shows that trentonlf is smart enough to point out the possible consequences, thereby decreasing the chance that those consequences come to pass.
I don't know if I'd agree people don't think about the consequences - the choice to mention them or not can be a gambit in its own right. Not mentioning is a way to play coy or oblivious or hope that others might miss it or assume they can twist it back on you; putting them on the table guarantees everyone will see it, but is also an attempt to take control of the framing, as you observed.

WIFOM, certainly, but I'm not taking any value out of trent's observation at this point, other than that it was an attempt to control the narrative, whether real or bluff. It's worth remembering perhaps for analysis later depending on how the day plays out.

I think the real question is whether the imminent deadline prompts an actual wagon to form on anybody, and if so, on whom. Kryp has kept up the link posts, but has been interspersing some actual thoughts. So I'm increasingly inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt to see if he plays differently come day 2. I think I'm pretty squarely off of Kryp at least for round 1.

IIRC bookwyrm noted that he may have overplayed his hand, and has certainly flirted with being the scummiest. In the absence of any real viable alternative FoS, that may well stay true. Personally I think there are 3 others I'd vote for over wyrm, but I'm not inclined yet to put names on the table, since I think I might just be being persnickety about style in those cases more than substance.

I'll try and make time to re-read their posts tonight. Do we have a sense of what sort of deadline window we're likely to get - 24 hours / 36 hours?
CSPVG: snip
I, for one, appreciate this level of commentary. I do my best to read through posts and pick out things that seem odd, but one person will invariably miss things.

I still hold to my opinion of Day 1 full role claims as being a town win, but makes the game rather boring. Maybe some day I'll prove it and run a game where everyone claims Day 0 in the OP (giving the mafia a full list of roles and letting them pick their counter-claims). They will still lose.

One reason to lynch lurkers as a potential policy lynch is they have no record to help you in later days anyway. Also, since lurkers often disappear, eliminating them early helps keep the active numbers up, so one doesn't no-lynch. Someone mentioned the werewolf game, but in that game we had some lurkers who were nowhere to be found which crippled our chances at getting a real lynch.

As to the possibility of lynching Krypsen, I'm not sure it would be a good idea, it might cripple my YouTube stock...
RWarehall: One reason to lynch lurkers as a potential policy lynch is they have no record to help you in later days anyway. Also, since lurkers often disappear, eliminating them early helps keep the active numbers up, so one doesn't no-lynch. Someone mentioned the werewolf game, but in that game we had some lurkers who were nowhere to be found which crippled our chances at getting a real lynch.
I am curious who, in your view, would rate as a lurker at this point.
RWarehall: I still hold to my opinion of Day 1 full role claims as being a town win, but makes the game rather boring. Maybe some day I'll prove it and run a game where everyone claims Day 0 in the OP (giving the mafia a full list of roles and letting them pick their counter-claims). They will still lose.
That is essentially what CSPVG's game was. All possible roles were known, and Mafia didn't have to make up roles at all. Scum did lose in the end, but it was a close thing.

RWarehall: One reason to lynch lurkers as a potential policy lynch is they have no record to help you in later days anyway.
Agreed. But, just because someone posts a lot, it doesn't necessarily follow that they have said anything of note. They could, after all, just be posting useless links to videos or something. ;)

RWarehall: As to the possibility of lynching Krypsen, I'm not sure it would be a good idea, it might cripple my YouTube stock...
Google does have me on speed-dial, but you shouldn't let that stop you.
bler144: I am curious who, in your view, would rate as a lurker at this point.
I see lurking in two different senses, infrequent posts and mostly meaningless posts...

One could argue Krypsen is actively lurking by not contributing at all.
JMich is almost always a lurker.
Leonard clearly now.
Christigale hasn't posted very much.

But it is a bot early to call anyone a lurker yet.

Some players don't really show up until we have a deadline, so its better to assess that question at the appropriate time.
RWarehall: One could argue Krypsen is actively lurking by not contributing at all.