yogsloth: Quick flyby here - it sounds like some of you are trying to talk yourselves out of making a decision.
Time for everyone to put a vote on the table. The time for talkin' is about done, now it's time for shootin'.
We need a deadline and some urgency to keep the game from stalling out. You know who my top two are.
Weird - server won't let me make a new post. So reply it is.
Here's my read:
Almost definitely town: Sage. Alternatives are just too far-fetched.
Pretty likely town: Cristi. If she's not town, then, well, I don't know what to believe.
Leaning town: Jmich, Yog, Agentcarr
On the fence: Trent. Yes I'm still vacillating.
Everyone else for me is somewhere in play, but I'm not going to rank and reveal. Like flub, on the plane it occurred to me there could be a scum Nexus as well, whether or not Leon flips truthful. That would bleeping suck, frankly. I know this is looking like a role madness game, but in a game where every town who has flipped has some significant limitation on their role, that's just way OP. Maybe there is a strong cop in town, but nothing we've so far makes me think that's something we can count on.
Now, I mostly agree with Cristi's analysis - but having thought it through Leon's claim isn't actually investigation proof, it just requires multiple investigations by the same cop. For the sake of argument standard cop investigates two nights in a row - if he gets different results s/he knows the claim is true, but opposite results will happen only roughly 40% of the time. Same results prove nothing. Role cop would have a much better shot, but I didn't run the numbers because it requires too many assumptions.
Either way, that's 2 nights dedicated to one person to maybe/not get a result. So I don't think it's investigation-proof, but it would be a huge waste of town resources. Scum, conversely, wouldn't seem to have to care.
Yog is right, and I'm one of those who's been hesitate to pull the trigger and was hoping L-1 last night would make the decision easy for me. My read is that, worst case scenario for town is a 3rd claim. At this point I think that only helps scum. Town is stuck juggling three claims of varying probability, and even if we have multiple investigative roles, we have no way to coordinate them.
The alternative, then, by my read is either no-lynch, or Leon lynch, and with the likelihood that if we do no-lynch we're right back to a split on whether to policy lynch him tomorrow. I don't think that's good.
Vote: Leonard May good have mercy on our role-playing souls.