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bler144: Very interesting night action. I wrote this (plus a much longer follow-up) Saturday afternoon, but the outcome of the night action at first blush only makes me more confident:

Doctor? Well, shit. Nobody could have seen that coming.

So the question becomes whether JMich is right and sacrificing a bishop yielded something of greater value. On the theory that JMich is right and I was completely wrong:

Vote Trentonlf
I’m throwing in all my chips plus the deed on the house.

p.s. Kudos to whoever knocked out dedo.
So you're betting everything that I'm scum? You are wrong, but please give me your reasonings.

Just because this might not be a standard mafia game does not mean it's less fun or too complicated to play. Just accept the game for what it is and enjoy it. i'm also still not sure why you are busting on the milk game. I thought that was one of the better mafia games we had, and I think this one will be just as good. S i'm also still not sure why you are busting on the milk game. I thought that was one of the better mafia games we had, and I think this one will be just as good. it is a good thing to get out of your comfort zone and try new things. Don't get frustrated or disheartened, take the game for what it is and have fun.

To be honest your rant also makes me want to vote for you just because, but I will refrain and see how this plays out.
bler144: Very interesting night action. I wrote this (plus a much longer follow-up) Saturday afternoon, but the outcome of the night action at first blush only makes me more confident:

Doctor? Well, shit. Nobody could have seen that coming.

So the question becomes whether JMich is right and sacrificing a bishop yielded something of greater value. On the theory that JMich is right and I was completely wrong:

Vote Trentonlf
I’m throwing in all my chips plus the deed on the house.

p.s. Kudos to whoever knocked out dedo.
trentonlf: So you're betting everything that I'm scum? You are wrong, but please give me your reasonings.
I agree a explanation would be nice, but it did remind me of something...

JMich: If my count is correct, this brings Wyrm to L-1. Can we wait for a claim before lynching?
trentonlf: Sorry JMich I saw your request after I posted.
Hammering before a claim seems strange. It’s not like we had a set deadline. I can buy that you missed JMich’s request, but I would expect an experienced town player to wait for and/or request a claim before hammering. Why did you hammer with no claim?
yogsloth: I mean, “trainee doctor”, “incompetent vigilante”, and “compulsive firefighter”? What the hell do any of those even mean?
Trainee doctor is not a doctor. It's more of a nurse. Someone that will take the mantle of the doctor, should the doctor be killed.
Incompetent vigilante. Similar to an insane cop. A vigilante that will not be able to kill anyone, though it is possible that he is a weak vigilante instead, which means a useless one either way.
Compulsive firefighter. This one I'm curious about. My guess would be that either he is one that sets fires to be able to fight them, or that he must use his ability each and every night. Don't think I've encountered compulsive modifier before though.

Why did you ignore the "property owner" part of Bookwyrm? That is the one I find most intriguing, especially since the other two weren't.

JMich: And just so we don't have deadline problems, vote yogsloth.
yogsloth: Yeah, great, cute.
Glad you like it. As I said, with Vitek pushing us for votes, I will be voting much faster than I like to.
trentonlf: So you're betting everything that I'm scum? You are wrong, but please give me your reasonings.
Well, I do confess that dedo falling off changes the calculus a bit. Everything I wrote was on Sat. when it looked like we'd be at n-2 / m-0. Town now has some improved margin for error at n-3 / m-1, and with n at odd to boot.

My analysis also holds better if Kryp was a mafia NK and dedo a vig kill. If Kryp/dedo each offed themselves accidentally, then we really don't know who mafia targeted at all, which would complicate the picture a bit. Possible a second mafia faction did the second kill, but from that perspective dedo would seem to have been an odd target.

But I'm still feeling pretty confident in what I wrote Saturday. I'll share it eventually, but I thought I'd wait and see what else comes on the table first. I learned last round that this is a marathon, not a sprint, and that keeping some cards off the table has value. And of course I'll continue to reassess as new data / possibilities come on the table.
trentonlf: So you're betting everything that I'm scum? You are wrong, but please give me your reasonings.
cristigale: I agree a explanation would be nice, but it did remind me of something...

trentonlf: Sorry JMich I saw your request after I posted.
cristigale: Hammering before a claim seems strange. It’s not like we had a set deadline. I can buy that you missed JMich’s request, but I would expect an experienced town player to wait for and/or request a claim before hammering. Why did you hammer with no claim?
I did not expect a claim so it did not cross my mind to wait for one. The only way someone should expect a claim is if they know the person being lynched will flip town. If this had been a game of no flips why would scum give a claim and if they did why woul it be an honest one? Doesn't matter as we are getting flips anyway.
It could have been much worse. Two night kills could have been three dead town. The fire flavor does make it seem Dedo died to an arsonist. I'm assuming Krypsen died to a standard night kill, but I guess I can't rule out him killing himself as part of the incompetent part of his role. In which case, assuming there is a standard mafia team, that kill would have somehow been prevented.

What else could incompetent mean? Limited number of uses? Random chance of failure (not necessarily backfire)? Backfire?

Compulsive is pretty obvious...he had to protect someone each night.

Interesting turn of events. While Bookwyrm's play fell a bit flat, it did seem to spur on a lot of conversation across the board. Should be able to give us some ideas for day 2.
trentonlf: So you're betting everything that I'm scum? You are wrong, but please give me your reasonings.
bler144: Well, I do confess that dedo falling off changes the calculus a bit. Everything I wrote was on Sat. when it looked like we'd be at n-2 / m-0. Town now has some improved margin for error at n-3 / m-1, and with n at odd to boot.

My analysis also holds better if Kryp was a mafia NK and dedo a vig kill. If Kryp/dedo each offed themselves accidentally, then we really don't know who mafia targeted at all, which would complicate the picture a bit. Possible a second mafia faction did the second kill, but from that perspective dedo would seem to have been an odd target.

But I'm still feeling pretty confident in what I wrote Saturday. I'll share it eventually, but I thought I'd wait and see what else comes on the table first. I learned last round that this is a marathon, not a sprint, and that keeping some cards off the table has value. And of course I'll continue to reassess as new data / possibilities come on the table.
So you have reasons but don't want to say them because you want to keep some cards close to your chest. Ok, makes little sense to me.
I understand keeping some cards close to the chest, I gave the same analogy to Bookwyrm about not showing your whole hand. But, if I am voting for someone I will give my reasons.
yogsloth: ...........<snip>................

I just don’t feel quite up to wowing you all with my great logical deductions today.

Well that's a load off of my mind..

bler144: ...........<snip>................
we don't even know that Dedo and Kryp both didn't off themselves because their actions carried some sort of fail chance %. That would be problematic.
Perhaps problematic, but not outside the realm of possible. Worth a ponder at least.

JMich: ...........<snip>................

Why did you ignore the "property owner" part of Bookwyrm? That is the one I find most intriguing, especially since the other two weren't.

"property owner" is interesting but not readily discernible. While I don't share yoglsoth's dismay, I'm thinking we will need other clues to surface if this is indeed important. I'm also intrigued by the compulsive part of the reveal.

I'll wait for other players and see if anything else surfaces.

I like the posts from Sage103082.
Yogs - I am sorry you took my Candyland comment before as I wanted you to quit mafia. I am sorry for that comment. I never wanted you to leave mafia and though we have not seen eye to eye before, that comment was some time ago and I have grown to enjoy you in the games. I tend to joke around a lot in the sometimes I can be a bitch and not even realize it. Again I am sorry.

Yes you were wrong. My fear right now if you were wrong and knew you were wrong and this is the game when all changed because you are scum. Now I am not sure of this yet but it does make very leery of you right now. I did see Wyrms play as scummy and no matter what he flipped not good for town as it caused a lot of what ifs and until he was flipped we would be playing a game where it was the perfect cover for scum to bring him to the point of everyone attention and then back off just enough to keep him around for the same thing day after day.

Looking at game knowing a bit more information I am thinking that somethings in normal games would be flavor scum but here the flavor maybe a bit reversed. We might be a town that has a shared joy and I do think we have the town structures and establishments to protect.
cristigale: I agree a explanation would be nice, but it did remind me of something...

Hammering before a claim seems strange. It’s not like we had a set deadline. I can buy that you missed JMich’s request, but I would expect an experienced town player to wait for and/or request a claim before hammering. Why did you hammer with no claim?
trentonlf: I did not expect a claim so it did not cross my mind to wait for one. The only way someone should expect a claim is if they know the person being lynched will flip town. If this had been a game of no flips why would scum give a claim and if they did why woul it be an honest one? Doesn't matter as we are getting flips anyway.
I agree that in terms of consequences it doesn't matter now. We received the information, but you could not have known that when you voted. I also agree that scum would not provide a claim or an honest one. However, not providing the opportunity to claim on Day One, the day we are most likely to mis-fire, seems a bit scummy.
Straight from the Mafia Wiki. I guess given the other modifiers which aren't listed, I cannot be 100% certain this is the meaning Vitek is using, but this page is linked to on page one of the administration thread...
My attempt to get back playing, and pick up some quick responses at least:

bler144: But seriously, I do agree with your basic point. I mean, we don't even know that Dedo and Kryp both didn't off themselves because their actions carried some sort of fail chance %. That would be problematic.
While I doubt there would be a fail % (this ain’t D&D here), you see my point in the difficulty we’re going to have unraveling this.

trentonlf: @yogs
Just because this might not be a standard mafia game does not mean it's less fun or too complicated to play. Just accept the game for what it is and enjoy it. i'm also still not sure why you are busting on the milk game. I thought that was one of the better mafia games we had, and I think this one will be just as good.
Enh, yeah, I know. Not everyone is me.

JMich: Question:
Why did you ignore the "property owner" part of Bookwyrm? That is the one I find most intriguing, especially since the other two weren't.
Hey, sure, why not? That too. Maybe. Who knows? You see the point?

bler144: But I'm still feeling pretty confident in what I wrote Saturday.
Oh good. Your turn.

trentonlf: I did not expect a claim so it did not cross my mind to wait for one. The only way someone should expect a claim is if they know the person being lynched will flip town. If this had been a game of no flips why would scum give a claim and if they did why woul it be an honest one?

Sage103082: Yogs - I am sorry you took my Candyland comment before as I wanted you to quit mafia. I am sorry for that comment. I never wanted you to leave mafia and though we have not seen eye to eye before, that comment was some time ago and I have grown to enjoy you in the games. I tend to joke around a lot in the sometimes I can be a bitch and not even realize it. Again I am sorry.
No offense taken; no apology needed. I don’t take it personally, and the point was even valid at the time, lol.

Straight from the Mafia Wiki. I guess given the other modifiers which aren't listed, I cannot be 100% certain this is the meaning Vitek is using, but this page is linked to on page one of the administration thread...
Thanks for the link, but I think it doesn’t much help. That would make some sense if Firefighter were in Town hands… but what possible sense would that make in Scum hands? The Scum must protect a different person every night? lol.


At some point, I’ll go back to what I saw yesterday, but the two players who told me not to worry about it are both proven Town so, hey, yipee, and it will cross back in to tree-yelling territory so whatevs.
agentcarr16: Note to Self.
Method 1 looks silly.
Method 2 looks fine.

RWarehall: In case something happens tonight and I can't mention it tomorrow. Curious Agentcarr jumping off the wagon should Bookwyrm turn out scum. Hopeful attempt at saving him?
agentcarr16: Bizarre thing. I was creating the post while Bookwyrm was at L-3, but I didn't refresh before posting, so I didn't know that trentonlf had hammered until right now.
I need some explanation about this Method 1 and Method 2.

Straight from the Mafia Wiki. I guess given the other modifiers which aren't listed, I cannot be 100% certain this is the meaning Vitek is using, but this page is linked to on page one of the administration thread...
Thank you. Sometimes that site can be convoluted, at least for those of us who are pretty instead of smart.


I'd like to scan the Voting for Bookwyrm627. I won't lament the lynch however town Bookwyrm ended up being. We lynched and that's better than not.

I don't like agentcarr16 jumping off when he did. I also don't like the speed of the last three votes (myself included). And I really don't like the hammer-before-claiming move pulled by trentonlf.

We know dedoporno was scum and voted for JMich along with Bookwyrm. Sort of a wash at this moment.

We know Krypsyn was town and voted RWarehall along with bler144. Also sort of a wash given bler's an unknown alignment.

Of all of that the part about agentcarr16 is what I find most troubling. Pending further explanation I will....

Vote: agentcarr16
trentonlf: I did not expect a claim so it did not cross my mind to wait for one. The only way someone should expect a claim is if they know the person being lynched will flip town. If this had been a game of no flips why would scum give a claim and if they did why woul it be an honest one? Doesn't matter as we are getting flips anyway.
cristigale: I agree that in terms of consequences it doesn't matter now. We received the information, but you could not have known that when you voted. I also agree that scum would not provide a claim or an honest one. However, not providing the opportunity to claim on Day One, the day we are most likely to mis-fire, seems a bit scummy.
So you are saying that I should have let Bookwyrm claim no matter what. Not knowing before hand if we are going to get flips or not. So if we had no flips whatever info Bookwyrm gave us we had to take at face value? The person that was just lynched for being a possible scum. So that would mean no matter what info Bookwyrm had given us it would have to be considered tainted info if there had been no flips.

I will say again, the only reason someone should expect a claim from someone else when they are lynched is if they know said person will flip town. So how did you know he would flip town? You voted for him too. Sounds like to me you are reaching here and just trying to find something "scummy".
With Krypsyn dead, I don't know if I can go on. I mean, wasn't the point of this whole thing to post Youtube videos?

The other thing sapping my will to live is the prospect of doing a re-read of day one. Seriously, you lot are very fond of writing out long posts.

For now, I'm going to Vote: Leonard03.

I place my vote on Leonard mainly because, out of all the possible candidates, he's still the greatest unknown, due to his general lack of posting. Other people may favour JMich (who I believe brought up the prospect of an arsonist, and is now alluding to some 'knowledge' we needn't worry about), trentonlf (for...uhm, a reason, I guess), or yogsloth (because we can), but I feel safest with Leonard at the moment.

Know, too, that this isn't a,"You're definitely scum," vote, but more of a,"I'd like to hear more from this person," vote.