dtgreene: Granted, but you are teleported to a location on the planet that isn't human friendly, and the cat-people don't live there either as that location isn't friendly to them. (Think something like Antarctica.)
I wish for some indie games in the style of classic games like Wizardry and the Bard's Tale series to be made and released here DRM-free with functional Linux versions.
Meany :p
Granted, but the game is released as wizardry, the Archmage HD edition and they just crammed all the previous games into one prefabbed engine with a visual overhaul, without heed for balance or gameplay impact. It costs 35 euri and suddenly takes 25 GB of hard disk space too. And there is a 60% savegame corruption chance everytime you save...
I wish for a new Gaunt 's ghosts omnibus