hedwards: I would assume that it's a violation of the ToS to impersonate other users. So, I guess the death penalty applies...
keeveek: Scamming like that has all the symptoms of criminal fraud. Death penalty it is.
Also, damaging somebody's reputation by impersonation may be seen as slander in certain circumstances.
I don't actually fear death itself.. i wont cry for pity when it comes.
wormholewizards: Tell us about it when you're cool. Maybe some member can help you, or at least something like this can be prevented in the future.
Also, this thread need to be keep at top. GOG classified is no longer safe as it used to be.
Theta_Sigma: Oh, I'm cool, it's just I've some how lost my copy of Doom 3 (likely also stolen by an ex-roommate along with my copy of SS2), I'm sick, and just other things have gone wrong today. What happened was I was PM'd (I still have the PM) by the scammer using that fake "Big__McLargeHuge"'s name and I (in my medicated stupor) assumed it was actually him.
He said he wanted to trade Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath for my key for Resonance. I figured fair trade, and (stupidly on good faith) gave my Steam Key for the game and was told by them that it was invalid (to which I sent an email to Dave about the matter). Only to find out here, that it turned out to be the scammer using a fake name of a legit user (I doubt I'm mistaken since the scammer posting here has the same name as the PM).
So, yeah, turns out I got scammed. No longer got my copy of Resonance Steam key, and no Stranger's Wrath to show for it. I really have no recourse, so I'm sitting here feeling sick and depressed.
I wonder how it feels ripping off someone who's puking his guts out... :\ I'm not expecting any kind of pity, or a hand out (though I would be greatly appreciative IF I got the game none the less, of course); it was my own fault for being trusting. I figured I'd make it known the scammer ripped off another person on GOG.
Now i'm kinda sad.. I'll be honest with you, i didn't redeem your key.. i gave it away on the Ninja thread. I'm being very honest. If you don't trust me, well than, i'm sorry but this is the truth. If i knew that your day was THAT shitty i wouldn't have done that. Anyway, last post from my side.