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Klumpen0815: I haven't seen Prometheus because everyone said it's shit, is it?
As you may have noticed, I look for something like Interstellar, the first Star Trek movie or Alien 1 when it comes to Sci-Fi.
It really is insultingly bad. It's visually beautiful, and has great music, but as far as the story goes it's one of the dumbest things I've seen, made all the worse by the fact it's very pompous, comvinced that it's actually very smart.
fortune_p_dawg: I watched it last night (for the second time since the cinema) while playing some witcher 3 on my laptop, and it was terrible, again.

The scene with the capoeira trolls in the graveyard, the scene with the monkeys, that fat guy who dies at the end (who was he anyway), Kate blanchette is completely unthreatening as a villain, etc.

Oh and the part that took the taco for me was when they're in that Russian jeep toward the end, and they (including the jeep) end up in the river somehow and end up going over a huge Amazonian waterfall... The scene is framed so it looks like the main characters are sharing a 'jones family moment' as they travel over the waterfall with a limp "aaah" and all laugh together as they hit the bottom unscathed. I felt embarrassed for these characters.
It suffers from the exact same thing as episodes I, II and III of Star Wars. A "universe" and its characters put in a totally not fitting environment and story. Wtf Lucas? Putting gritty characters and their gritty universe into a shiny 1950s world? Dumbass!

Klumpen0815: I haven't seen Prometheus because everyone said it's shit, is it?
As you may have noticed, I look for something like Interstellar, the first Star Trek movie or Alien 1 when it comes to Sci-Fi.
Prometheus is a gorgeous looking film with some rather interesting characters. This films problem is the script. It feels like large parts have been just cut from it. I actually thought I'd missed parts of it a lot of times before I realized it had huge script problems.
InfraSuperman: Prometheus is awful. Extremely flashy and stupid, at times downright insulting. And the forced connections to the Alien franchise hurt both that series and Prometheus itself.

I'd recommend watching the Swiss movie Cargo. It starts off being very similar to Alien and then goes the story into a very different direction, but still with the same sort of atmosphere and style.

By the way... I don't think Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was all that bad...
Haven't heard about Cargo but will look into it, thanks.
The last two Sci-Fi movies I've seen were Europa Report and Gravity and they were very disappointing, especcially "Gravity" for which I had high hopes. Europa Report was a horror movie with a standard script and Gravity was just a thriller where imcompetent Astronauts constantly miscalculate stuff.

One of my favourite Sci-Fi movies isn't even regarded as true Sci-Fi by some, so I often don't mention it, it's Enemy Mine. Does anybody still remember it?

Oh and ontopic:
Yes, Indiana Jones 4 was bad. I've seen worse, but the aliens there gave me the rest.

Breja: It really is insultingly bad. It's visually beautiful, and has great music, but as far as the story goes it's one of the dumbest things I've seen, made all the worse by the fact it's very pompous, comvinced that it's actually very smart.
Post edited January 03, 2016 by Klumpen0815
InfraSuperman: I'd recommend watching the Swiss movie Cargo. It starts off being very similar to Alien and then the story goes into a very different direction, but still with the same sort of atmosphere and style.
Cargo is a good film. I bought it cheap on a whim and got pleasantly surprised.
InfraSuperman: I'd recommend watching the Swiss movie Cargo. It starts off being very similar to Alien and then the story goes into a very different direction, but still with the same sort of atmosphere and style.
Tarm: Cargo is a good film. I bought it cheap on a whim and got pleasantly surprised.
I had this experience with the new Planent of the Apes prequels a few days ago.
Got them really cheap and was very pleasantly surprised!
Science Fiction on Earth without spaceships, aliens or too much action overshadowing the plot? Gimme more of this!
I'm excited about the third one and hope it will have less action than the second one altough it was still good and since it's about a beginning war, the action was justified.
Post edited January 03, 2016 by Klumpen0815
Klumpen0815: One of my favourite Sci-Fi movies isn't even regarded as true Sci-Fi by some, so I often don't mention it, it's Enemy Mine. Does anybody still remember it?
I still have to see that, but I just remembered another movie that's sometimes said to have some shades of Enemy Mine, the excellent low-budget film "Hunter Prey" (known as "Space Prey" in Germany). Really damn good, even feels quite a bit like a Star Wars film, even though the story is nothing like anything in that series and on a much smaller scale. Here's the trailer, but be aware that it spoils a few major turns in the plot, if you care about that sort of thing.
Tarm: Cargo is a good film. I bought it cheap on a whim and got pleasantly surprised.
Same here. I paid exactly one Euro for a brand-new DVD of the film.
Post edited January 03, 2016 by InfraSuperman
Tarm: Cargo is a good film. I bought it cheap on a whim and got pleasantly surprised.
Klumpen0815: I had this experience with the new Planent of the Apes prequels a few days ago.
Got them really cheap and was very pleasantly surprised!
Science Fiction on Earth without spaceships, aliens or too much action overshadowing the plot? Gimme more of this!
I'm excited about the third one and hope it will have less action than the second one altough it was still good and since it's about a beginning war, the action was justified.
I'm avoiding the new Planet of the Apes films. It's a bit of a petty reason really. I don't want to see something where humanity is fucked from the beginning and bound to lose. Don't care how right the apes are. Viva la humanity!
Forget about Breja. He has a fetish for women who are portrayed unrealistically as strong, independent, smart, pretty, aggressive, scientific geniuses, martial arts masters, godlike perfect humans etc etc.

No wonder he likes Blanchette's character. It was ridiculous how she was in charge of a military squad where men were basically towering over her. She was giving orders to big men whose fists were the size of her skull.

Plus, Shia Labeof character and the Jones's wife characters felt shoehorned into the movie. This movie was crap.

The best movie was the third one with Sean Connery in it.
Post edited January 04, 2016 by tort1234
InfraSuperman: snip
Enemy Mine is awesome, I highly recommend it as a movie in general.
Just ordered Space Prey and Cargo on BD together for 7,03€ incl. shipping, can't go wrong with that.

Tarm: I'm avoiding the new Planet of the Apes films. It's a bit of a petty reason really. I don't want to see something where humanity is fucked from the beginning and bound to lose. Don't care how right the apes are. Viva la humanity!
Well, I'm sure there are movies without a happy end that you like. You're missing out, these prequels are excellent and I prefer them over the original old movies and especcially over this weird one from Tim Burton.

How about Titan A.E. where the earth explodes and humanity goes nearly extinct right at the beginning of the movie? :D
Post edited January 03, 2016 by Klumpen0815
tort1234: Forget about Breja. He has a fetish for women who are portrayed unrealistically as strong, independent, smart, pretty, aggressive, scientific geniuses, martial arts masters, godlike perfect humans etc etc.

No wonder he likes Blanchette's character. It was ridiculous how she was in charge of a military squad where men were basically towering over her. She was giving orders to big men whose fists were the size of her skull.

Plus, Shia Labeof character and the Jones's wife characters felt shoehorned into the movie. This movie was crap.

The best movie was the second one with Sean Connery in it.
Holy shit man you got 30 rep and I got 6(?). THE WORLD ISN'T FAIR!!!!!
tort1234: Forget about Breja. He has a fetish for women who are portrayed unrealistically as strong, independent, smart, pretty, aggressive, scientific geniuses, martial arts masters, godlike perfect humans etc etc.

No wonder he likes Blanchette's character. It was ridiculous how she was in charge of a military squad where men were basically towering over her. She was giving orders to big men whose fists were the size of her skull.
A big heap of muscles is worth nothing, you can still be stabbed or shot. Weapons make stuff like this meaningless and more of a handicap because of the slow movement and big surface, it's even a disadvantage in most unarmed martial arts, just look at the guys winning MMA or other tournaments besides this boxing nonsense with the ridiculously restricting rules.
I'd always prefer a hulk over a cranky woman with a gun or knife in front of me and I've fought both in martial arts with melee weapons.

tort1234: Plus, Shia Labeof character and the Jones's wife characters felt shoehorned into the movie. This movie was crap.

tort1234: The best movie was the second one with Sean Connery in it.
Sean Connery was in the third Indiana Jones movie, not the second.
Post edited January 03, 2016 by Klumpen0815
tort1234: Forget about Breja. He has a fetish for women who are portrayed unrealistically as strong, independent, smart, pretty, aggressive, scientific geniuses, martial arts masters, godlike perfect humans etc etc.
As well evidenced by my numerous mentiones of characters like Clara from Doctor Who or Daenerys from Game of Thrones as insufferable Mary Sues. Troll harder dude.

tort1234: No wonder he likes Blanchette's character. It was ridiculous how she was in charge of a military squad where men were basically towering over her. She was giving orders to big men whose fists were the size of her skull.
Because as we all know guys like Napoleon, Wellington, Washington or Eisenhower were in command because they were the biggest, strongest guys around, and they had to arm wrestle for it daily :D
InfraSuperman: snip
Klumpen0815: Enemy Mine is awesome, I highly recommend it as a movie in general.
Just ordered Space Prey and Cargo on BD together for 7,03€ incl. shipping, can't go wrong with that.

Tarm: I'm avoiding the new Planet of the Apes films. It's a bit of a petty reason really. I don't want to see something where humanity is fucked from the beginning and bound to lose. Don't care how right the apes are. Viva la humanity!
Klumpen0815: Well, I'm sure there are movies without a happy end that you like. You're missing out, these prequels are excellent and I prefer them over the original old movies and especcially over this weird one from Tim Burton.

How about Titan A.E. where the earth explodes and humanity goes nearly extinct right at the beginning of the movie? :D
I generally don't like bad endings but if they made sense and is well done I can live with it. It's just that the whole film series of Planet of the Apes is about humanity fucking it up royally. It was a great concept in the first say two films but after that I think it got sad. It's like watching a match by your favourite team when you've already read the results and know they're going to lose hard.

Titan A.E. is a great film. :) Also when you watch it you don't know if it's going to end bad or good until the end. ;)
Shadowstalker16: Holy shit man you got 30 rep and I got 6(?). THE WORLD ISN'T FAIR!!!!!
I guess he just avoided the infamous #gg thread.

Tarm: I generally don't like bad endings but if they made sense and is well done I can live with it. It's just that the whole film series of Planet of the Apes is about humanity fucking it up royally. It was a great concept in the first say two films but after that I think it got sad. It's like watching a match by your favourite team when you've already read the results and know they're going to lose hard.
Well, actually the movies are more about the apes, their infighting, having the same problems as us but in the end still doing well in a way. I especcially like it because it shows, that humans really are not as important as they think they are.
It's a lot about intercultural communication too, in this case even interspecies.

Tarm: Titan A.E. is a great film. :) Also when you watch it you don't know if it's going to end bad or good until the end. ;)
Yep. :)
Post edited January 03, 2016 by Klumpen0815
Tarm: I generally don't like bad endings but if they made sense and is well done I can live with it. It's just that the whole film series of Planet of the Apes is about humanity fucking it up royally. It was a great concept in the first say two films but after that I think it got sad. It's like watching a match by your favourite team when you've already read the results and know they're going to lose hard.
Klumpen0815: Well, actually the movies are more about the apes, their infighting, having the same problems as us but in the end still doing well in a way. I especcially like it because it shows, that humans really are not as important as they think they are.
It's a lot about intercultural communication too, in this case even interspecies.
You just made the films sound immensely boring. At least to me. ;)

Ah well. Since I haven't seen them you're probably right. Chances of me watching them are still low anyway. :P