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I watched it last night (for the second time since the cinema) while playing some witcher 3 on my laptop, and it was terrible, again.

The scene with the capoeira trolls in the graveyard, the scene with the monkeys, that fat guy who dies at the end (who was he anyway), Kate blanchette is completely unthreatening as a villain, etc.

Oh and the part that took the taco for me was when they're in that Russian jeep toward the end, and they (including the jeep) end up in the river somehow and end up going over a huge Amazonian waterfall... The scene is framed so it looks like the main characters are sharing a 'jones family moment' as they travel over the waterfall with a limp "aaah" and all laugh together as they hit the bottom unscathed. I felt embarrassed for these characters.
fortune_p_dawg: Kate blanchette is completely unthreatening as a villain, etc.
Actually I thought she was the best villain the series ever had. I love the original trilogy, but the villains were always rather bland. I found Blanchette's character way more memorable.

As for the whole movie, I said it here before, I'll say it again- it's not nearly as good as the other three, but it's still way better than most people (or at least the very vocal haters) make it out to be, and it's an ok, entertaining action movie.

Though yeah, Ford's characters are not lucky with their sons. If this trend keeps up we'll have the dork from Twilight playing Deckard's son in the Blade Runner sequel :P
Post edited January 03, 2016 by Breja
When in doubt, crank up Temple of Doom!
I actually quite like it. Of course it's nowhere near the quality of the original trilogy, but I never understood where all the hatred came from. And I just love Cate Blanchett's performance in this movie.
Is now a bad time to mention they greenlit #5 and both Ford and Spielberg are very interested.
fortune_p_dawg: ...
This is more film than these people watch in a week.

You're insulting them, and you're embarrassing me.
Breja: ...snip. If this trend keeps up we'll have the dork from Twilight playing Deckard's son in the Blade Runner sequel :P
Noooo! What is this need to have these dickhead teenagers taking over important roles and turning it into pouting at the camera and being all emo? First vampires with that twilight garbage, kylo ren in star wars. Are they unable to cast strong bad characters any more?
tinyE: Is now a bad time to mention they greenlit #5 and both Ford and Spielberg are very interested.
I'm looking forward to it. No, seriously. As long as Ford actually wants to do it I think it can still be good. I give The Force Awakens a hard time, but if there is one good thing it proved, it's that Ford is still awesome and can return to a character like that succesfully.
tinyE: Is now a bad time to mention they greenlit #5 and both Ford and Spielberg are very interested.
Breja: I'm looking forward to it. No, seriously. As long as Ford actually wants to do it I think it can still be good. I give The Force Awakens a hard time, but if there is one good thing it proved, it's that Ford is still awesome and can return to a character like that succesfully.
On that note, I've also read that both Ford and Scott are in love with the new Bladerunner script, which you alluded to.
Post edited January 03, 2016 by tinyE
Breja: ...snip. If this trend keeps up we'll have the dork from Twilight playing Deckard's son in the Blade Runner sequel :P
nightcraw1er.488: Noooo! What is this need to have these dickhead teenagers taking over important roles and turning it into pouting at the camera and being all emo? First vampires with that twilight garbage, kylo ren in star wars. Are they unable to cast strong bad characters any more?
It's an age of angsty pretty boys. It really is a signum temporis that we have to rely on guys in their 50s, 60s, even 70s for good action heroes.
Post edited January 03, 2016 by Breja
Yezemin: [..] but I never understood where all the hatred came from.
Better ask HypersomniacLive. ;)
tinyE: On that note, I've also read that both Ford and Scott are in love with the new Bladerunner script, which you alluded to.
After Prometheus I don't put much faith in Scott's ability to recognise a good script :D But if Ford really likes it, there might be something to it. He was rather vocal about his problems with the original (or at least the theatrical release) so I guess he would not be in for the sequel if he didn't really see something good in it.
Breja: I'm looking forward to it. No, seriously. As long as Ford actually wants to do it I think it can still be good. I give The Force Awakens a hard time, but if there is one good thing it proved, it's that Ford is still awesome and can return to a character like that succesfully.
tinyE: On that note, I've also read that both Ford and Scott are in love with the new Bladerunner script, which you alluded to.
New Bladerunner? Wut?
I hope it's at least a bit closer to the awesome book, but I guess it wouldn't be enough "action" since for some reason everything is made into an action-movie or an action-comedy (like Episode VII).
How boring does the life of most people seem to be, when they want to see action all the time?
I'm happy whenever I get a bit of rest - had enough violence and action in my life and if I need more of it, I don't watch a movie.

Breja: After Prometheus I don't put much faith in Scott's ability to recognise a good script :D But if Ford really likes it, there might be something to it. He was rather vocal about his problems with the original (or at least the theatrical release) so I guess he would not be in for the sequel if he didn't really see something good in it.
I haven't seen Prometheus because everyone said it's shit, is it?
As you may have noticed, I look for something like Interstellar, the first Star Trek movie or Alien 1 when it comes to Sci-Fi.
Post edited January 03, 2016 by Klumpen0815
Klumpen0815: I haven't seen Prometheus because everyone said it's shit, is it?
As you may have noticed, I look for something like Interstellar, the first Star Trek movie or Alien 1 when it comes to Sci-Fi.
Prometheus is awful. Extremely flashy and stupid, at times downright insulting. And the forced connections to the Alien franchise hurt both that series and Prometheus itself.

I'd recommend watching the Swiss movie Cargo. It starts off being very similar to Alien and then the story goes into a very different direction, but still with the same sort of atmosphere and style.

By the way... I don't think Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was all that bad...
Post edited January 03, 2016 by InfraSuperman
The monkey vine swinging scene will go down in cinema history as one of the greatest scenes ever put to film!