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This is common ground..... Like holy/hollow ground like in Highlander.
high rated
If people still believe in the biggest lie called "representative democracy", i think they deserve constant surveillance as punishment for their ignorance.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by Calamitus
Woohoo, so when I get to play one of my favorite games like pure pinball 2.0 redux, Uncle Sam gets to watch me play with my balls? What a voyeur.
vsr: I live in Russia, this law has no power here.
first, they took my asocial neighbour. I didn't do anything.
Then they took my filthy neighbour. I didn't do anything.
And when they came after me I screamed for help but there wasn't nobody to help me anymore. So they took me too.
In Russia, a vastly shittier variant of this thing is already law. There's a petition currently circulating for Google, Zuck et al to pretty please keep spying on Russians but not share it with Mr. Shirtless & Sexxy here.
This is important because google, facebook, twitter, youtube, etc function worldwide, and they could give Uncle Sam non-American citizen's info as well.
Ofc there needs to be a non spying atmosphere in the first place, and if you believe they weren't spying on you and giving it to the CIA or NSA(which they don't / didn't as per official statements until now) this bill makes all the difference. If you did think this was happening all from the start, this is just a legalization and admittance.

As to how it was passed; no the opposition has been strong from common people against this, and I don't think the people tort describes are actively pushing it. They put this in a federal budget bill; which I read is required for continuing even base, barebones level government functioning, and put it in with it. So either the govt shuts down or they pass this. And in a few decades, the people who pushed this through will be running for president.

Starmaker: In Russia, a vastly shittier variant of this thing is already law. There's a petition currently circulating for Google, Zuck et al to pretty please keep spying on Russians but not share it with Mr. Shirtless & Sexxy here.
Use duckduckgo. I started today.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by Shadowstalker16
vsr: Why everyone cares about this American law?
I live in Russia, this law has no power here.
Starmaker: In Russia, a vastly shittier variant of this thing is already law. There's a petition currently circulating for Google, Zuck et al to pretty please keep spying on Russians but not share it with Mr. Shirtless & Sexxy here.
Yeah. For example, SORM is a thing.
Shadowstalker16: Use duckduckgo. I started today.
or better, over it :)
Shadowstalker16: Use duckduckgo. I started today.
mobutu: or better, over it :)
I'd like to see someone trace someone else through all that. Thanks!
low rated
Emachine9643: This is common ground..... Like holy/hollow ground like in Highlander.
No such thing as safe ground here as most stab you in the back and run.
low rated
vsr: Why everyone cares about this American law?
I live in Russia, this law has no power here.
Starmaker: In Russia, a vastly shittier variant of this thing is already law. There's a petition currently circulating for Google, Zuck et al to pretty please keep spying on Russians but not share it with Mr. Shirtless & Sexxy here.
k4ZE106: Yeah. For example, SORM is a thing.
SORM-2 is an analog of an old American system called "Carnivore". It is not "a thing" already, pretty much outdated (exists for decades).
Your attempts at demonizing Russia are laughable. :D
This does not bode well...
rtcvb32: This does not bode well...
And Cameron must be horny after he heard about this.
Maxvorstadt: Because american companies act worldwide? Ever heard of Google, Youtube and so on?
vsr: That's why i'm not giving them sensitive information, and even if it goes through them, i use encryption.

edit: USA is spying on everyone for ages. Snowden is hiding from them in Russia for revealing the this truth.
Death warrant is waiting for him in USA. :/
I take it you don't use Windows, OS X/iOS, or linux/android/tyzen then, as they're made by US entities and have access to all the data you use on them...
Shadowstalker16: So its was passed. Yup. And facebook and apple and all the many other two faced pigs that were ''against'' it were supporting it. So now whatever you use the internet and use the popular services like google or facebook, your data could be shifting through Uncle Sam's monitor distracting him from real terrorists and pedophiles. Here's an article reporting on it :

A good guide on moving forward after this :

No one seemed to notice beyond the GG thread so I thought we could use a general thread.
One thing to remember is that no-one makes you use Facebook, Apple, Google or any other site. I have never used social media and never intend to, nor would i give apple a penny. True, I use Gmail, but try to avoid it, and use one of the anonymous search wrappers if needed. The reason they get away with doing these things is because people still go ahead and use it.
vsr: That's why i'm not giving them sensitive information, and even if it goes through them, i use encryption.

edit: USA is spying on everyone for ages. Snowden is hiding from them in Russia for revealing the this truth.
Death warrant is waiting for him in USA. :/
dksone: I take it you don't use Windows, OS X/iOS, or linux/android/tyzen then, as they're made by US entities and have access to all the data you use on them...
For Windows, stick on Win 7/8 and remove the updates which add in tracking, simple. Don't know OSX I am afraid as don't use apple.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by nightcraw1er.488