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NessAndSonic: I think it is only fair that no double standards for corporations exist. In other words, no more trade secrets being kept. If people can no longer have their own privacy online, company trade secrets like software source codes should be available to the general public.

If trade secrets and corporate shenanigans were made public, the entire system would collapse from the sheer weight of its own corruption and rot. Pleasant fictions have to be maintained to keep an orderly society. Unfortunately for us little people, our privacy and freedoms are not part of that pleasant lie and therefore may be eradicated by act or omission.

Some may accuse those of us who can see with cynicism or wearing tinfoil hats. A bit of cynicism is good. At least you're aware of who's raping you. The other alternative is to fall asleep during the act and wake up pretending it didn't happen.
And all the more reason for our privacy and their trade secrets should be tied to one another. If companies want to destroy the privacy of their customers, it should come with a sacrifice that not even lobbying can cover.

I've been accused of both before just for not approving of some of Sony's policies on PS4. The online multiplayer fee is one of those policies.
Emob78: If trade secrets and corporate shenanigans were made public, the entire system would collapse from the sheer weight of its own corruption and rot.
I wonder if Konami's treatment of their staff and workers qualifies as 'trade secrets'?
Yay :
Maxvorstadt: Because american companies act worldwide? Ever heard of Google, Youtube and so on?
fronzelneekburm: Not here in China they don't! *smugface.jpg*
You need smug Gendo Ikari for this level of smugness, comrade! :)
fronzelneekburm: Not here in China they don't! *smugface.jpg*
edgar1: You need smug Gendo Ikari for this level of smugness, comrade! :)
Bro, you just got outsmugged! :P
smugface.jpg (56 Kb)
Shadowstalker16: A good guide on moving forward after this :
Thanks for the link!

I'll have to look into this Tor browser bundle.
tort1234: slutwalk supporters
OMG, i wish i wasn't googling pictures of them.
So ugly! Terrible. Just terrible. Reminds me of Ukrainian "Femen" group, who execute political actions (being topless, shout some shit) for theirs customers (they don't care who pays them).