amok: sigh... this is what you get when you try to do a joke with fanatics...
BrianSim: "Fanatics"? "Claim I am Hitler"? People here are just talking normally mate. Sounds like you need to take a break and get some fresh air...
"fantics", i.e.e those people who can not read anything without frotthing at the mouth... the joke is still there, but so many people here have blinders on so they do not see it....
"claiming hitler" - i.e. pulling the argument into a position which is so grand as they can not argue against it, and kills it. other example i used was just claiming entropy, making all points meaningless.
You can not define "ownership", it is a term which is at the same time too simple and too elusive at the same time. It is a completly arbituary and and every single culture, legal system, customes, econmoic models and what-ever have their own version of what "ownership" entails. It is a completel argument stopper, same as claiing I ma hitler, and therfore all arguments I pull are void.... because hitler said it
amok: In any case, you don't own shit, apparently. therefore then, ownership of games on gOg' is a meaningless concept. This is as following your own argument here; you own your games just as much on gOg as on Steam as ownership is not going to be defined as we are now making so grand statments as " Everything in life can be legally taken away from you.". There - argument solved, you cracked it. No longer any point arguing any further.
teceem: You could revisit this thread again when you're feeling a little less negative... and notice my question mark...
I was asking about your views on ownership, whether they're really as black & white as your post suggests. I don't think that that's the same as trying to kill an argument?
my views of ownership currently follow the British legal system, as this is where I now live