GOG.com: However you’re spending this holiday season, we just wanted to wish you an amazing, peaceful time. We couldn’t ask for a better, more passionate community. Thank you so much for being part of our journey and helping make games live forever!
From all of us at GOG—Happy Holidays! Best store front in the world for games. the ONLY store front where i feel like when i buy i game i actually own it, and always my first pick when looking to get a new title. i love GoG, as a developer, i want to publish my games on GoG, and as a player, i do as much buying as i can from GoG. Because when your business model respects the customers, the customers respect the business.
eat a rooster valve/steam, try respecting your players and you might get the kind of loyalty i have for GoG some day. until then, ill never buy from them again unless its literally the only option for a title i want.
HEY STEAM, LOOK WHAT I CAN DO! *leaves my games collection to my kids in my will.* nanny nanny boo boo, you cant do that!!!
GoG forever. merry christmas and a happy new year. thanks team GoG, for being a genuinely good business in a world full of scummy scummy businesses.