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low rated
Chedo: It was a yes or no question.

Chedo: People in this very thread will handwave the human rights violations and atrocities of the countries you listed and make some argument that it can only actually count if a country invades another.
With reference to the trucker convoy (which is made clear earlier in the thread), I thought "human rights violations" and "atrocities" was overly dramatic and too much.

They had a cause, which to be fair was shared by some. They thought it gave them the right to just barge in the capital with all their trucks and make it an unlivable quagmire for a prolonged amount of time. It didn't.
Post edited March 07, 2022 by Magnitus
low rated
Chedo: It was a yes or no question.
Magnitus: Aye.

Chedo: People in this very thread will handwave the human rights violations and atrocities of the countries you listed and make some argument that it can only actually count if a country invades another.
Magnitus: With reference to the trucker convoy (which is made clear earlier in the thread), I thought "human rights violations" and "atrocities" was overly dramatic and too much.
And yet, it didn't specify what those human rights violations were. So he might as well have been referring to the natives and their mistreatment if you're so adamant about the focus on Canada instead of the general hypocrisy.
low rated
Chedo: So he might as well have been referring to the natives and their mistreatment if you're so adamant about the focus on Canada instead of the general hypocrisy.
Yes, thank you. That is all :).
low rated
Bah. What’s the point.

Anyway - will gladly never pay for a GoG product ever again. Cheers for the moral vapidness.
Post edited March 07, 2022 by poobek
low rated
The OP wrote:
I don't like it when my service providers inject politics into their services.
I think this is the core reasoning behind this outrage. All the other arguments, the claims that it doesn't work and the various whataboutism, none of this is what this is truly about.

In the same vein, notice the term "virtue signaling" which is a genetic complain about any kind of political engagement.

It sounds a bit like the same mentality we saw with the Gamergate movement, those angry men who "just want to play games".

Of course, from my point of view, the horrors of war is important stuff. So I have a hard time understanding how anyone can be so outraged that the war dares to slightly inconvenience ones video game hobby. When the OP dismiss an ongoing war, with people, you know, actually dying, when he dismiss this as merely "politics", which has no right to interrupt his fun, to me it sounds like he feels that Video Games are some sort of space where, to him, the war simply doesn't exist. It is "politics", ergo not part of his world.
low rated
exiledemulator: I Hope steam doesn't do the same as much as I HATE DRM it may be the only way for me to play MGSV again.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Steam SILENTLY did the same, already. Somebody opened a neutral thread without politics being discussed, merely asking "if steam also blocked users from those countries from purchasing games anymore", citing that Paypal could still work for Russians at the time and saying that at least 2 russian banks were excluded from sanctions (the ones linked with energy production that Europeans merrily keep buying to this very day) and asking if purchasing on steam store was still possible.

Various nuts appeared to raise arguments that "anyway it is not their top priority to buy games now", or "since they are out of swift they cannot make online purchases anyway" and random irrelevant, plus derailing stuff. No official responded. Thread was closed after couple of hours and deleted, gone!

I bet my money on every major distributor doing the same, without announcements, unlike gog. Only small shops like the zoom-platform still work. Just a heads up!
I Figured as much. I Don't think steam ended sales to Russia directly more indirectly by having several developers refuse sales to Russia. I was looking through steam last night found articles about whats left of activision aside E.A. banning sales to Russia. What is really petty about it is E.A. is taking out Russian teams from their FIFA series. Their not exactly a mascot for their government or even diplomats just a sports ball team. Why not take out teams from games when they endorse other countries for whatever reason. I'm in the US and my sports ball team represented mexico for awhile.. Anyhow, I've tried zoom they don't really have anything I'm interested in except maybe Duke Nukem that I already have on disc.
low rated
KasperHviid: In the same vein, notice the term "virtue signaling" which is a genetic complain about any kind of political engagement.
Once a virtue signaler... always a virtue signaler. They've done it in the past... wont give them the benefit of the doubt now.
low rated
amok: I am making the point that you think I am not making, while you think I am making an another point, which is different from the point I think I am making, dissimilar to the point you thought I was making.
pearnon: Oh, no, it's even better and sadder than that.

TakesReign: We can expect they will do what and when they feel appropriate. If you don't like it, maybe you should get out of their lane. This is there highway, in case you hadn't noticed.
pearnon: Are you talking about Russia or Gog here...?

Crosmando: Yeah, because standing with a nation that is bravely defending herself from an absolutelly provoked and barbarous military invasion is "virtue signalling".
pearnon: "Absolutelly provoked". Nice freudian slip there.

No dude, virtue signalling would be condemning the Russian invasion but then doing nothing concrete to fight it.
pearnon: No, virtue signalling is expressing passive, unthinking, overly emotional support for the Current Thing in order to garner praise and acknowledgment for your righteousness from those who feel the same. You've basically replaced Covid with Putin, masks with Ukrainian flags and The Unvaccinated with Russians, and think sending some rifles and gadgets for others to die with is anything more than a sociopathic, collective feel-good maneuver.

Absolutely hilarous that far-Right activists in the West think having any morals or ethics is "virtue signalling". You are the same type of people who in 1939 would be cheering on Hitler invading Poland, absolutely disgusting.
pearnon: Making this a left vs right issue is like charging tanks with cavalry. You're antiquated and behind the times, and only care about feeling vindicated in your political leanings. That's not even disgusting, it's just primitive.
GOG, as the context of the exchange should have made clear. What gave you the impression it meant otherwise?
TakesReign: Since when was taking a stand only so when it is an action that matters? The vast majority of stands taken have no impact beyond the taking of them whatsoever. They are generally simply openly taking a position, unless those taking it have access to enough power to make it more than.

Taking a stand in matters such as war and others of genuine significance has been around long before "virtue signalling" emerged as a concept and will continue long after that phrase has faded into the obscurity it deserves.
Chedo: Sure, if it wasn't all hypocritical to begin with.
What is your proof GOG's stance is hypocritical?
Post edited March 07, 2022 by TakesReign
low rated
TakesReign: My repetition is simply a continued recognition of that truth.
No, claiming that war isn't politics is a lie. And no matter how many times you repeat that lie doesn't make it true.

TakesReign: I said what I said. If you want a refresher read it again. It's still there.
I'm not asking what you said, I'm asking what you mean. People like you so used to mince words, that you often don't even understand what you say.

TakesReign: Owning and controlling forums isn't comparable to owning and controlling people, making your reference to such in relation to this matter quite silly indeed.
My point was not to compare. My point is that if something is legal that doesn't make it fair or beneficial to society.

Also, considering an importance of information today, controlling information about a person is almost the same as controlling a person. Or a country.
KasperHviid: When the OP dismiss an ongoing war, with people, you know, actually dying, when he dismiss this as merely "politics", which has no right to interrupt his fun, to me it sounds like he feels that Video Games are some sort of space where, to him, the war simply doesn't exist. It is "politics", ergo not part of his world.
You completely miss the point. No one dismisses politics. However, some people think that we should have some private space, private lives, where we can be free from our government and their politics, where the state doesn't tell us what to do. There shouldn't be "Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."
Post edited March 07, 2022 by LootHunter
low rated
TakesReign: My repetition is simply a continued recognition of that truth.
LootHunter: No, claiming that war isn't politics is a lie. And no matter how many times you repeat that lie doesn't make it true.

TakesReign: I said what I said. If you want a refresher read it again. It's still there.
LootHunter: I'm not asking what you said, I'm asking what you mean. People like you so used to mince words, that you often don't even understand what you say.

TakesReign: Owning and controlling forums isn't comparable to owning and controlling people, making your reference to such in relation to this matter quite silly indeed.
LootHunter: My point was not to compare. My point is that if something is legal that doesn't make it fair or beneficial to society.

Also, considering an importance of information today, controlling information about a person is almost the same as controlling a person. Or a country.
War is not politics.

I meant what I said.

The law isn't about being beneficial or fair.

What information have you provided GOG that could be used to control you?
low rated
LootHunter: No, claiming that war isn't politics is a lie. And no matter how many times you repeat that lie doesn't make it true.

I'm not asking what you said, I'm asking what you mean. People like you so used to mince words, that you often don't even understand what you say.

My point was not to compare. My point is that if something is legal that doesn't make it fair or beneficial to society.

Also, considering an importance of information today, controlling information about a person is almost the same as controlling a person. Or a country.
TakesReign: War is not politics.

I meant what I said.

The law isn't about being beneficial or fair.

What information have you provided GOG that could be used to control you?
It is.

You did not.

Then what's the purpose of the law?

That's not what I said.
Post edited March 07, 2022 by LootHunter
low rated
Here are two simple facts Gog needs to understand about your customer base:

FACT # 1

People around the entire world play video games for the sole purpose of escapism from the real world and its manifold problems. Meaning what exactly?

When it comes to real-world politics, actual gamers DON'T CARE! We don't care about politics. So? Gog ought not to presume to involve Gog's customer base in needless and unjustifiable political axe-grinding and racial vendettas against Russia!


Gog sells video games; nothing more. Gog is a video game retailer; NOT a political platform. Gog's only purpose is to sell video games; NOT overstep itself by persecuting the citizens of a government they have absolutely no control over. If Gog cannot perform its intended function of selling video games, then Gog has truly outlived its purpose and needs to be shut down.

There! I've said it!

No business on this Earth has the right to persecute people for any reason. Yes, Putin is a dictator who can do whatever he wants, but Gog has made themselves look worse by punishing KIDS who are merely innocent bystanders who have no control over what Putin does. If the leadership of Gog can't handle the truth of the actual problem here... that's Gog's problem.

I'll just take my business elsewhere.
GogWarrior71: When it comes to real-world politics, actual gamers DON'T CARE! We don't care about politics. So? Gog ought not to presume to involve Gog's customer base in needless and unjustifiable political axe-grinding and racial vendettas against Russia!
I think until someone is invading your direct neighbor, you're very much in a "never been in their shoes" territory. Find me a Polish company that is still doing business with Russia right now and we'll talk.

GogWarrior71: Gog sells video games; nothing more. Gog is a video game retailer; NOT a political platform. Gog's only purpose is to sell video games; NOT overstep itself by persecuting the citizens of a government they have absolutely no control over. If Gog cannot perform its intended function of selling video games, then Gog has truly outlived its purpose and needs to be shut down.
Usually, I'm of the opinion that companies are wh*res for money (don't get me wrong, they are still political, they'll just go with whatever politics maximizes the bottom line), but this might be a rare instance where this axiom is transcended. The situation is quite surreal.

GogWarrior71: No business on this Earth has the right to persecute people for any reason.
Technically, given that GOG is a privately owned company, I'm pretty sure they can sell to whoever they want.

If you want to democratize this (I understand if you have that urge, I often do), then the business should be moved into the public space.

GogWarrior71: Yes, Putin is a dictator who can do whatever he wants, but Gog has made themselves look worse by punishing KIDS who are merely innocent bystanders who have no control over what Putin does. If the leadership of Gog can't handle the truth of the actual problem here... that's Gog's problem.
Don't the taxes go to Putin? Essentially, isn't each Russian sale helping finance an invasion on their next door neighbor?

Don't get me wrong, if someone was invading the US, we'd be in a world of trouble anyhow, but assuming for an instant that this was the case, would you really be throwing some extra tax money to whoever was invading them? I wouldn't.
Post edited March 07, 2022 by Magnitus
low rated
GogWarrior71: No business on this Earth has the right to persecute people for any reason.
Magnitus: Technically, given that GOG is a privately owned company, I'm pretty sure they can sell to whoever they want.

If you want to democratize this (I understand if you have that urge, I often do), then the business should be moved into the public space.
Business IS in public space. That's why laws against discrimination exist. The only problem is that discrimination against black people is illegal (imagine if GOG would refuse to sell games to them!) while discrimination against Russians is okay.

GogWarrior71: Yes, Putin is a dictator who can do whatever he wants, but Gog has made themselves look worse by punishing KIDS who are merely innocent bystanders who have no control over what Putin does. If the leadership of Gog can't handle the truth of the actual problem here... that's Gog's problem.
Magnitus: Don't the taxes go to Putin?
What taxes? Do you pay taxes for the games you've bought?
TakesReign: What is your proof GOG's stance is hypocritical?
Their actions and inactions.