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low rated
LootHunter: So, you are saying that it's not that GOG staff hates Russians, they just don't care about other countries except Ukraine and others who border them?
TakesReign: I said nothing
LootHunter: Then what did you say? What is the reason for GoG not refusing to serve US or China despite their agressive actions against Syria, Turky or Hong Kong?
Vainamoinen: If the American people have no real clue what's going on, I can understand that to a degree. But you know the geography here. You know that Poland, where GOG resides, has the invading forces on their doorstep as soon as the Ukraine falls.
Yes, I know geography. I also have read 1984 to recognize your doublethink.

Vainamoinen: This is an act of self-preservation for GOG. The faint hope that the Tsar can be stopped by sanctions alone.
Which sanctions? Banning Russian cats? Removeing Russian sports teams? Refusing to sell games to Russians? How exactly should it affect Putin or his decisions?

Vainamoinen: of course it's also solidarity
Aka virtue signalling. Aka simple jesture that doesn't require actual resources to spend nor brings any real gain for those whom you have "soliddarity with".

Vainamoinen: If things go halfway right, you'll pay reparations for the rest of your life. You, as a citizen of Russia.
And with such attitude you want Russian people to help you? So you can just get more of our resources and free labor? And you are surprised that they refuse submit to you by abandoning Putin?

Vainamoinen: German people... they're still paying for World War II.
Are they? I don't remember any reparations from Germany to Russia for all the atrocities Nazi army commited. Nor particular hatered towards German people from Russian people.

Vainamoinen: I know you can't exactly go to the streets and protest, because that gets you imprisoned. I know that these sanctions hit the impoverished masses of the Putin regime harder than its many oligarchs. You're not responsible for the shit that your government is pulling.
If things go halfway right, you'll pay reparations for the rest of your life. You, as a citizen of Russia.
Yes. That's what you want - humiliate and extort Russian people, even as you fully aware we weren't the ones who started the war.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by LootHunter
low rated
rojimboo: Oh look. A bunch of obfuscation without addressing a single point or answering a single question from my post.

What a surprise.
Roahin: You remember this discussion began with you ignoring my entire post and refusing to acknowledge any single point in it, right? I can't tell if you're trying to be ironic here or are so self-absorbed past seeing the staggering hypocrisy of your post.

Deimos is right, this is striking me as a fruitless waste of time with a troll.
Again, care to explain what the solid reasoning is to invade Ukraine? Or are you just going to try and dodge all questions, hoping nobody would notice?

"To be clear, I don't have a stance on the war itself. I can see some solid reasoning on both sides."

A horrific and brutal invasion by Russia on an innocent neighbouring country to complete it's full conquering and annexation, and you don't have any stance about it? Except to be a Putler apologist? Which itself is already a stance, mind you.
Telika: "Boo, I hate our dictatorship, and its war against our neighbours is an atrocity."

no more videogame for you

"What ? Wargh, long live Putin, death to all Ukrainians !!"
This was brilliant by the way :)
Post edited March 06, 2022 by rojimboo
low rated
Roahin: To be clear, I don't have a stance on the war itself. I can see some solid reasoning on both sides.
"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." ~ Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, 1986 recipient of the Nobel Peace prize
Post edited March 06, 2022 by Vainamoinen
low rated
Leevi: Get rid of your corrupt, warmongering leaders,, then maybe we can talk and things return to normal.
LootHunter: In other words, we get rid of Putin and you force on us your corrupt leaders? How about you show some good wll first? So people like me could actually trust you.
I said maybe we can talk, since Russia might replace Putin with some component military leader who keeps fighting. Instead of replacing him with someone sane. Putin seems to be like late WW2 Hitler, incompetent and removed from reality.
low rated
rojimboo: Again, care to explain what the solid reasoning is to invade Ukraine? Or are you just going to try and dodge all questions, hoping nobody would notice?
I did. In the post that you ignored, then proceeded to demand that I not ignore your posts in turn. Again, I can't tell if you're being ironic here or not.

Vainamoinen: "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." ~ Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, 1986 recipient of the Nobel Peace prize
Like clockwork, the Hitler and Holocaust allegories continue to lead the charge. I think I might be more receptive to arguments for Ukraine if even one of you had a nuanced opinion that sank any deeper than "Putler is literally Hitler guise! This is WW2 all over again!" Also, like rojimboo, I can't help but notice that you pointedly ignored the entirety of my post and all the reasons that rationalized the invasion in favor of your invoking Godwin's Law.

[EDIT]: On second thought...

Crosmando: You are the same type of people who in 1939 would be cheering on Hitler invading Poland, absolutely disgusting.
rojimboo: If you're gonna argue this, you better have some damn solid arguments, otherwise it's equivalent to symphatising with Hitler's invasion of Poland due to "Poland's possible threat to Germany".
Vainamoinen: "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." ~ Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, 1986 recipient of the Nobel Peace prize
Leevi: Putin seems to be like late WW2 Hitler, incompetent and removed from reality.
This is the level of discourse I'm getting in this thread. I'm going to bow out. It was silly of me thinking I'd get informed geopolitical discussion on a video game forum in the first place. My best to everyone wading through this nonsense and trying to argue coherent points.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by Roahin
low rated
Mega Man X: Considering that closed off new posts, I thought that I would open this one.

I don't know about you but I don't like it when my service providers inject politics into their services.

On that note, I am waiting for to take a stance on the following:

- China
- Australia
- Canada
- New Zealand

Punishing innocent people because you're carrying a political chip on your shoulder is useless virtue signalling!

Unless decide to close this, please feel free to discuss.
What's Australia and New Zealand done wrong dickhead! More causal accepted racism on GOG it seems.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by David9855
low rated
timppu: Joking aside, rest of the world doesn't really care that much about Russia. Just stay within your own borders and stop threatening and attacking non-violent, small defenseless countries like Ukraine, Finland, Sweden and Baltic countries.
I'm afraid that this particular part of your speech (with the rest I more or less agree) isn't true. For the last decade Russia was constantly attacked - economocally, culturally, technologically. Remember how for the last several years every major commotion on the Internet was blamed on "Russian hackers"? Or how you pushed CRT, LGBT and other types of identity politics on us claiming that Russians should "learn to tolerate"?
Post edited March 06, 2022 by LootHunter
low rated
A superpower country invaded illegally a neighbour sovereign republic. That breaks the international laws and creates dangerous precedents. It can not be justified and it is not a valid pressure political and/or ethical movement. It can't be. It shouldn't be.

I am perfectly aware of the continuum of events and whole stuation across the near past. But sorry, right now I consider it irrelevant. It will be relevant again, if it is, when the agressor retreat their troops, this time with their credibility very damaged, probably.

Subjectvity and personal political visions of a random politician can't be any reason for any unilateral invasion. In the short term there are no greys here. Maybe in the future. We will see.
low rated
Roahin: Like clockwork, the Hitler and Holocaust allegories continue to lead the charge.
You realise right that Putler's main justitification for the invasion was the de-nazification of the fascist Ukraine regime, right? So the Hitler references were bound to happen, seeing as how much Putler likes to project and his symphatisers gobble it up.

There's also an excellent comparison between Nazi tactics and speeches vs current Russian and Putler ones circulating. They are eerily similar, it's uncanny. Truth is indeed the first casualty of war, get rid of the free press first. Oh wait. He did that already. Then plant the seed of doubt everywhere, whatabout everything with your Russian troll farms, obtain sets of useful gullible idiots from appropriately cultivated political followers (the far-right in this case) and suddenly it doesn't look *completely* bad to ruthlessly invade a country. Shame it didn't work out so well in 2022 anymore. Though some seem to sink, line and hook it nevertheless.

Roahin: I did. In the post that you ignored, then proceeded to demand that I not ignore your posts in turn. Again, I can't tell if you're being ironic here or not.
Let's play along and assume you did. Your reasoning would have seemed to be that the invasion was justified due to the threat the West was posing to Russia (edit: not Ukraine), constantly encroaching ever closer to Russia with NATO supplying them with arms or possibly even becoming part of it. THere's a big flaw in this line of thinking - how feasible is it that Ukraine or NATO would ever invade Russia or in any way attack it? Russia has at least as many nukes as all of the NATO countries combined. Nobody in their right mind would ever invade Russia - it's an impossibility. So to make a pre-emptive attack on Ukraine due to the threat it allegedly poses, without nukes, without NATO or even EU membership, without a comparable military even to Russia, is pretty ludicrous? Don't you agree? So your "solid reasoning" to invade Ukraine is pretty laughable to be honest, and sounds like apologist propaganda.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by rojimboo
low rated
alpas: Because that method totally works — just look at North Korea and Iran who'll overthrow their dictatorship any minute now.

Didn't you people play a Civilization game? Ever heard of cultural victory? That's how USSR was defeated — not with sanctions, but with western influence. And this time you cut it off yourself? I'm sure Putin is quite happy that you do his work for him.
I'm not gonna lie, turning you into North Korea ain't the best thing for the world. However bankrupting the USSR was a big factor in its collapse, and we can only hope that works again. Russians hopefully won't be as easily enslaved as North Koreans are. In any event, we're making the best decisions we can at this time (including avoiding WW3, which if Putin is truly mad might be inevitable).
low rated
Leevi: Get rid of your corrupt, warmongering leaders,, then maybe we can talk and things return to normal.
LootHunter: In other words, we get rid of Putin and you force on us your corrupt leaders? How about you show some good wll first? So people like me could actually trust you.
What kind of "good will" do you want Finland to show you?
timppu: Joking aside, rest of the world doesn't really care that much about Russia. Just stay within your own borders and stop threatening and attacking non-violent, small defenseless countries like Ukraine, Finland, Sweden and Baltic countries.
LootHunter: I'm afraid that this particular part of your speech (with the rest I more or less agree) isn't true. For the last decade Russia was constantly attacked - economocally, culturally, technologically. Remember how for the last several years every major commotion on the Internet was blamed on "Russian hackers"? Or how you pushed CRT, LGBT and other types of identity politics on us claiming that Russians should "learn to tolerate"?
Ok, so you believe gay rights is an attack on Russia. You are in other words an idiot and I'm happy you can't shop on GOG any longer.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by Mjauv
low rated
LootHunter: In other words, we get rid of Putin and you force on us your corrupt leaders? How about you show some good wll first? So people like me could actually trust you.
Mjauv: What kind of "good will" do you want Finland to show you?
Denouncing people like you, who think that grooming and brainwashing children should be among "gay rights", would be a good start.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by LootHunter
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: [...]
I bet my money on every major distributor doing the same, without announcements, unlike gog. Only small shops like the zoom-platform still work. Just a heads up!
amok: Yes, the problem is becoming how to pay. As SWIFT do not work for most Russian banks, and now Paypal, Visa and Mastercard has also pulled out of Russia, the options are dwindling rappidly.
Exactly. The world is already piling on sanctions that actually matter and it'll get harder for Russians to pay for stuff internationally anyhow. GOG just saw this as the perfect opportunity to get some Twitter brownie points and get in on the game of virtue signalling.
low rated
David9855: What's Australia and New Zealand done wrong dickhead! More causal accepted racism on GOG it seems.
Abused it's own people for starters.
low rated
TakesReign: We can expect they will do what and when they feel appropriate. If you don't like it, maybe you should get out of their lane. This is there highway, in case you hadn't noticed.
Chedo: As far as I know, I am allowed to write my opinion on THEIR highway. And I will do so when I choose to.
You are, so long as they permit it.