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low rated
TakesReign: War isn't politics. It's war.
LootHunter: You can repeat that as many times as you want. But that wouldn't make that true.

TakesReign: I said nothing about what GOG staff feels about anything.
LootHunter: Then what did you say? What is the reason for GoG not refusing to serve US or China despite their agressive actions against Syria, Turky or Hong Kong?

TakesReign: Limiting what is expressed on media is within the legal rights of those that own it
LootHunter: If censorship is made legal, that doesn't make it good. Just like when slavery was legal that didn't make it good.
Your right, my repetition doesn't make it true. It is true. My repetition is simply a continued recognition of that truth.

I said what I said. If you want a refresher read it again. It's still there.

Censorship of privately owned media is legal. There is no "making" that need be done. GOG can limit what is said on their forum in any way they wish whenever they wish. This is so for the owner of any privately owned forum. That is why they can set terms of use for their forums and take action against those that violate them, and why they can change those terms unilaterally at their whim.

Owning and controlling forums isn't comparable to owning and controlling people, making your reference to such in relation to this matter quite silly indeed.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by TakesReign
low rated
David9855: Ban Turkey until it gives back Constantinople!!!!!
low rated
Chedo: As far as I know, I am allowed to write my opinion on THEIR highway. And I will do so when I choose to.
TakesReign: You are, so long as they permit it.
Thanks for confirming Captain Obvious.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by Chedo
low rated
timppu: So educate me: what has e.g. Canada and Australia done recently so that GOG (and the rest of the world) should boycott them, like they are now doing with Russia? Are their alleged actions in any shape or form comparable to Russia invading Ukraine because Putin doesn't want it to be a sovereign and democratic country, but a mere puppet state and subject to Russia, just like Belarus?
Roahin: Canada's Prime Minister suspended civil liberties invoking an act meant to be utilized in times of dire emergencies like wartime invasion. He used this to aggressively attack and punish civilians for political wrongthink. You didn't see the news where people who had supported the COVID protests with cash donations had discovered the government froze their bank accounts and were incapable of paying bills, rent, purchasing food, et cetera? The Act specifically even stated that (I'm quoting) ‘No proceedings under the Emergencies Act and no civil proceedings lie against an entity for complying with this Order,' meaning that there was no legal culpability for any bank or law enforcement agency that targeted these civilians for the "crime" of donating money to a legal political cause.

There actually was condemnation on a global scale over this. Although no one would dare to boycott a founding NATO member like Canada.

As for Australia, I'm not entirely sure what he's referencing there. Probably the same, considering that Australia is only a hair behind Canada in suspended civil liberties over COVID. It could also be the three dozen Afghani civilians they were caught executing in bloodsport, the Aborginese genocide, etc. Australia's always up on some charge with the UN Human Rights Council so it's hard to keep track.
COVID is a dire emergency made all the more so by the non-compliant, especially the vocally non-compliant. That the PM had to endure some lip service condemnation for what he felt needed to help address the pandemic in the nation he leads is rather irrelevant to his efforts.

Of course there was no genuine sanction. The reality of the situation is that any improvement in the COVID situation in Canada is beneficial to those condemning the action due to the global nature of the pandemic. While they grouse publicly they will privately hope for positive effect.
TakesReign: You are, so long as they permit it.
Chedo: Thanks for confirming Captain Obvious.
You're welcome, Irrelevant Boy.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by TakesReign
low rated
now even online game stores try to shove political views down your throat ...
this won't help at all. it's just adding fuel to the fire.
low rated
TakesReign: You're welcome, Irrelevant Boy.
Oh the irony.
low rated
amok: Yes, the problem is becoming how to pay. As SWIFT do not work for most Russian banks, and now Paypal, Visa and Mastercard has also pulled out of Russia, the options are dwindling rappidly.
Chedo: Exactly. The world is already piling on sanctions that actually matter and it'll get harder for Russians to pay for stuff internationally anyhow. GOG just saw this as the perfect opportunity to get some Twitter brownie points and get in on the game of virtue signalling.
Since when was taking a stand only so when it is an action that matters? The vast majority of stands taken have no impact beyond the taking of them whatsoever. They are generally simply openly taking a position, unless those taking it have access to enough power to make it more than.

Taking a stand in matters such as war and others of genuine significance has been around long before "virtue signalling" emerged as a concept and will continue long after that phrase has faded into the obscurity it deserves.
TakesReign: You're welcome, Irrelevant Boy.
Chedo: Oh the irony.
Oh, the vapidity.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by TakesReign
low rated
TakesReign: Since when was taking a stand only so when it is an action that matters? The vast majority of stands taken have no impact beyond the taking of them whatsoever. They are generally simply openly taking a position, unless those taking it have access to enough power to make it more than.

Taking a stand in matters such as war and others of genuine significance has been around long before "virtue signalling" emerged as a concept and will continue long after that phrase has faded into the obscurity it deserves.
Sure, if it wasn't all hypocritical to begin with.

Rohain there said it well:

Roahin: You'll be waiting a long time then. You hit the nail on the head by calling this media stunt virtue signaling. Anyone who claims otherwise is either being disingenuous or is just wildly ignorant. People in this very thread will handwave the human rights violations and atrocities of the countries you listed and make some argument that it can only actually count if a country invades another.

Yet where are the sanctions in the Israel-Palestine conflict? Ahh, that one is a little murkier with no clear-cut socially favored side to back. So they duck their heads and avoid it. Well then, there's about eight wars going on in Africa and the Middle East. Why no sanctions over the Yemeni Crisis or the Tigray War? Both of which have had far more casualties than the Ukraine war. But... no. Those aren't fashionable conflicts that have earned the #thoughtsandprayers of virtue signaling bluechecks on Twitter.

But above all the best reason to identify this all as grandstanding and virtue signaling? Russia invaded Ukraine eight years ago and occupied Crimea. GOG was around then. GOG didn't give a single care that it was happening because social media wasn't trying to cancel Russia. The same country invaded the same country twice in less than a decade and GOG only levied sanctions the one time that it was in vogue to clutch your pearls over.
low rated
1AdAstra1: So what happens, after a single mom from my hometown tries to buy a game for her little son and gets turned away just because she and her son were born in the wrong place? Will she first swim the cold sea and then somehow travel over 7000km to overthrow Putin? No. She will simply feel humiliated, helpless and unable to do anything. Just like many other people in the very very far away lands where gaming really adds something to the life that is harsh by itself. Good job, all the 'revolutioners' arguing from their comfy sofas!
Leevi: Those island should belong to Japan anyway, but you are right, people form far away regions of Russia can't go demonstrating to Moscow. But they can go demonstrating to their local leaders. Demand elections about independence, this would be illegal of course, Russian citizens can't go demanding independence, but what will Moscow do, their army is bogged down in Ukraine. And Crimea is an example they set themselves, people can vote and Moscow will comply. (Crimea voting to join Russia was of course fraudulent and made at gun point, but that is the official narrative Moscow gave).
I am no troll, and I do have a good will to be the part of the global community. So I will stay as polite as I can. While still maintaining my point - you (and people like you) have no idea about the life of the people there.

No, the regions will not declare independence - because Russian economy has them deeply integrated into one another. We're not in the 19th century anymore, the supply chains have been established for long time, and it makes zero sense to break them apart and make people even poorer for the sake of random guys in the Western Europe applauding. No, the islands are Russian and will stay Russian - you don't know people who actually live there (Russians and some Koreans too) to judge who the islands 'should' belong to. And, most importantly - again, a single mom (and a friend of mine) who simply wants to give a little piece of joy to her son, while also being many thousand kilometers away from this war, did not deserve being humiliated like this. :(

Again, I am trying to stay polite here and do not want to attack anyone. I am also NOT a supporter of Putin, and I honestly think he betrayed us all. I just want to urge people to stop being 'sofa warriors' - and to actually learn something about the people they condemn so fiercely. It is not so black and white as it seems!
Post edited March 06, 2022 by 1AdAstra1
low rated
Post edited March 06, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
Chedo: Rohain there said it well:
The truckers was not a good example for Canada. They were being unlawful. A democracy doesn't give you the right to do whatever the heck you want and disrupts everyone's lives in whichever way suits you. Order matters.

If he had talked about Native Americans being mistreated in the Canadian schooling system, he would have had more of an argument.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by Magnitus
low rated
Magnitus: The truckers was not a good example for Canada. They were being unlawful.
Forcing/coercing people to take poison depopulation lethal injections for a fake virus is also unlawful. Yet the authorities did that anyway.

In comparison to that, the truckers being "unlawful" by illegally parking their vehicles is a very mild example of being "unlawful," and also completely warranted as justifiable civil disobedience.
low rated
Magnitus: The truckers was not a good example for Canada. They were being unlawful. A democracy doesn't give you the right to do whatever the heck you want and disrupts everyone's lives in whichever way suits you. Order matters.

If he had talked about Native Americans being mistreated in the Canadian schooling system, he would have had more of an argument.
Did I quote anything about any truckers?
low rated
Chedo: Did I quote anything about any truckers?
I believe that was the point of reference for Canada and it was unconvincing (based on a very one-sided point of view).

If you want something more cut and dried, I would refer to the treatment of indigenous population in the schooling system instead.

Ancient-Red-Dragon: Forcing/coercing people to take poison depopulation lethal injections for a fake virus is also unlawful. Yet the authorities did that anyway.

In comparison to that, the truckers being "unlawful" by illegally parking their vehicles is a very mild example of being "unlawful," and also completely warranted as justifiable civil disobedience.
I will not enter a debate about vaccination. All I will say is that over 80% of Canadians are vaccinated, so if you want to know where the majority of Canadians stand on that, well there you have it.
Post edited March 07, 2022 by Magnitus
low rated
Chedo: Did I quote anything about any truckers?
Magnitus: I believe that was the point of reference for Canada and it was unconvincing (based on a very one-sided point of view).

If you want something more cut and dried, I would refer to the treatment of indigenous population in the schooling system instead.
It was a yes or no question.