kaboro: The reason was i hoped that on GoG and Steam, these games will be kept alive, that is, they will be kept functional on newer systems.
They do, though....most GOG games are made to keep working on updates to Win10/etc(for games already here), or made to work on the currently supported lists of OSs(if newly added old games).
kaboro: So these store-fronts make money selling these games, but its up to the technically inclined players to fix them and keep them alive.
No, GOG/the ip holders make sure the games work for the supported OSs as best they can(which is reasonable), and for the odd case here and there that won't run it they offer refunds or one can use a fix(there are usually several for most old games).
kaboro: Also you seem intrigued by the fact i complain and write a "misleading" thread while supporting GOG.
Personally i see no contradiction here, the fact i support GOG does not mean i have to agree with everything they do, and i have the right to complain when something bothers me.
Dont consider my post was misleading, at least not any more misleading than GoG deciding they were not called "good old games" anymore but keeping the acronym AND not telling what the acronym was standing for....unless it was not meant to be an acronym anymore but just a name....in this case with a surely unintended biblical resonance to it :P
You can complain if you want, but you/anyone else should try to do so correctly
These lines stand out as untrue/misleading: "You mean good old games that dont work on newer systems and nothing is done to correct the reported issues?" and
"Gothic 1 and 2 dont work, the few stupidiotic solutions presented in the sh*tty support dont work." and
"Forum requests for help are ignored." i.e. You make it sound like they apply to the whole site/everyone and not just you.....hence somewhat misleading/untrue(as written that is...if corrected to show it applied to your own experiences only/mainly then it'd be much better)
Look, I get your frustration and all, but saying/alluding that GOG is completely crud because of 2 games of your 850+ is like saying/alluding that a theme park is crud because the bathrooms are out of order.