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Microfish_1: The funny thing is I was actually trying to scun hunt except for my fake claim. Even during my fake claim I tried to scun hunt by choosing the lunch that would give the town the most info.
Well you had no idea the mafia had been wiped out either! And it's absolutely in your interests to scumhunt as a SK since they are your competition. You did well until the end, it only really fell apart because the strange holes in your claim.
Might have been better to have claimed you watched Catventurer and say you saw Vitek visit, since you already knew Vitek's claim and Vitek was almost confirmed town and therefore probably telling the truth. If asked why you watched Catv it would basically be the same reason Vitek protected them.
my name is grompy catte: I was on Micro's wagon in spirit, having expressed heavy scepticism towards him, so I feel vindicated there too.
I saw your post and felt you there with us voting to lynch Micro in spirit, but that could also be my pro-cat biases again.

Panthor (Catte) and Battle Cat (Lift) giving each other a high paw:

Catventurer: I saw your post and felt you there with us voting to lynch Micro in spirit, but that could also be my pro-cat biases again.
I was ready to vote, but there were so many people on the wagon already I thought I'd wait until the next day so Micro had some more time to defend himself.
Catventurer: Panthor (Catte) and Battle Cat (Lift) giving each other a high paw:

I approve this emoticon.
Microfish_1: Deco and I chatted at length about how I'm 3rd party by myself. Not scum and I wouldn't win if the scum won.
That's how SKs work. If you were scum then you would have been in the scumchat and known to your partners etc.
Post edited August 07, 2022 by my name is grompy catte
Microfish_1: The funny thing is I was actually trying to scun hunt except for my fake claim. Even during my fake claim I tried to scun hunt by choosing the lunch that would give the town the most info.

Deco and I chatted at length about how I'm 3rd party by myself. Not scum and I wouldn't win if the scum won.
When you did the fake claim, I was waiting to see if you said something that I might be believe like - "I had a backup role to start with and because Koba was mod killed, I took over his Watcher role starting on night two."

Although that would have been super risky for a serial killer to even attempt.
my name is grompy catte: The modkill was very unfortunate, but I can't imagine it was a decision Dedo took lightly. The consequences were stated beforehand, so when DK refused to play by the rules Dedo's hands were pretty much tied. I see now why there was no flip...

EDIT: Just seen the scumchat. Oof, yeah I'm with Dedo on this one.
I didn't feel it was a decision taken with any sort of weight at all. It happened before we knew it for something that's literally plagued half the players at this point and endemic to GOG Forums. The punishment itself is, and I won't mince words (even though I'm pals with dedoporno my one and only Mafia Roleblocker partner <3), quite stupid.

I understand a modkill for repeatedly breaking the no edit rule, fine. But modkilled for not listing song names instead of uhh, just directly doing the original offense again, has essentially made this game not a lot of fun for me. Ultimately Forum Mafia is about having fun, but since there was barely any challenge, yeah. A bittersweet victory at best.
A HUGE thank you to Dedoporno for hosting! This game was a lot of fun for me, and I really do appreciate it!! Thanks to everyone for playing and I'm sorry for your sake I didn't put up more of a challenge.
PookaMustard: I understand a modkill for repeatedly breaking the no edit rule, fine. But modkilled for not listing song names instead of uhh, just directly doing the original offense again, has essentially made this game not a lot of fun for me. Ultimately Forum Mafia is about having fun, but since there was barely any challenge, yeah. A bittersweet victory at best.
But they did repeatedly break the no edit rule (and were seemingly quite unapologetic about it). The song name thing was a sort of probation/suspended sentence thing. Normally it would just go along the lines of offence -> first warning -> offence -> second warning -> offence -> modkill.

The modkill was punishment for repeatedly breaking the no-edit rule, Dedo just gave them a way to put that off which they completely ignored just as they had the repeated requests to stop editing.

I was on the fence during the game, but after seeing the scumchat it's pretty obvious how patient dedo was. When someone goes 'I don't see what the big deal is?' and gives no indication they're even going to make an effort to stop, what can you do?
Post edited August 07, 2022 by my name is grompy catte
PookaMustard: Frost and I don't necessarily agree with each other nor have the same ideas about how to play Mafia, but I won't let someone I know is Town get lynched while scum laugh all the way to the bank. (and the people in observer too).
Scene, the only observer, wasn't even around to laugh at us :)
my name is grompy catte: I was on the fence during the game, but after seeing the scumchat it's pretty obvious how patient dedo was. When someone goes 'I don't see what the big deal is?' and gives no indication they're even going to make an effort to stop, what can you do?
I don't know. You've got a point, but at the same time I'm still on the fence. Maybe I'm a tad more forgiving, if even for the sake of the game to keep going and nothing else. And also have to admit that I was happy to have newer players on board. We've got Catventurer with the previous game, Razza, Ambitionz returned, and Koba, but this being how Koba's first game here turned out, I wasn't exactly happy about it.

We do need fresh blood after all. Players lose interest and come back later occasionally, and for a while we went for months without a game. Thankfully we fared well in this time, but new faces help keep things not stale.
Post edited August 07, 2022 by PookaMustard
my name is grompy catte: I was on the fence during the game, but after seeing the scumchat it's pretty obvious how patient dedo was. When someone goes 'I don't see what the big deal is?' and gives no indication they're even going to make an effort to stop, what can you do?
You have to either mod kill the person or let the person play by their own roles.
PookaMustard: I understand a modkill for repeatedly breaking the no edit rule, fine. But modkilled for not listing song names instead of uhh, just directly doing the original offense again, has essentially made this game not a lot of fun for me. Ultimately Forum Mafia is about having fun, but since there was barely any challenge, yeah. A bittersweet victory at best.
my name is grompy catte: But they did repeatedly break the no edit rule (and were seemingly quite unapologetic about it). The song name thing was a sort of probation/suspended sentence thing. Normally it would just go along the lines of offence -> first warning -> offence -> second warning -> offence -> modkill.

The modkill was punishment for repeatedly breaking the no-edit rule, Dedo just gave them a way to put that off which they completely ignored just as they had the repeated requests to stop editing.

I was on the fence during the game, but after seeing the scumchat it's pretty obvious how patient dedo was. When someone goes 'I don't see what the big deal is?' and gives no indication they're even going to make an effort to stop, what can you do?

thanks for assuming things
JoeSapphire: oh.
Ambiti0nZ: I know, I'm a shocking character.
dedoporno: Player's alignments and roles have been added to post #2.

Everyone can post in this thread now.
Ambiti0nZ: LMFAO, the entire mafia team was gone after D1. Man, what a bummer. If only DK didn't keep breaking the rules.
if only the host didn't do a poor job in running their game lmao
Post edited August 08, 2022 by DkKobaPL
@dedo frankly. This was the worst game of mafia I have played, integrity wise primarily.

You chose to bastardize the game further after deciding to modkill a player for inactivity, rather than at least give a chance to find a replacement, and then when they came back, gave them a post restriction as an arbirtrary punishment.

Just because I did something several times initially - I was not fully aware of what was going on at first. I was not warned that the forum does this.

What I believe happened was, and is plainly obvious - is that Dedo took massive offense to me saying that it was unfair to skip night actions for modkilling. It was even worse that Ambitionz was quite plainly host-spewed town based on what Dedo was using to justify it.

Would that modkill + nightkill removal have been fair for mafia had it been my partner? No. I guarantee that Dedo would no have done the same if it was mafia, ergo hardspewing the slot town. You don't do this.

Minor complaint but mainly suggestion: let people communicate during day. It is a way bigger benefit for people to know eachother outside of game when you remove daychat, because planning is part of mafia and having 2 strangers rand mafia together among people who know eachother is a huge disadvantage.

I will also state -> I was never actually DMed about my post restriction in the first place either, even though it is something you do not do.

If you really think allowing hosts to arbitrarily modkill and add post restrictions is ok thats fine, but don't expect me to come back or recommend games here to anyone.(in fact I will likely do the opposite, considering the experience and the fact there are now even more blaming me over keeping others accountable for what was a bullshit situation)

If your justification is "they made the rules so its ok what they did" then you missed the point entirely. Mainly talking to you catte, who seems to be really keen to defend dedo's actions.

Like no, sorry, accidentally double posting is not a crazy egregious event on the level of posting your role PM publicly or something like that. At the end of the day its a game and taking it seriously to this point was ridiculous lmao. I didn't do it intentionally, at all. It is't like I didnt take an effort to do it either -> you can clearly tell by my posts about the merge thing that once I was aware of it I actually tried my best to follow it.
You can call me fucking unapologetic for doing it a bunch at first but you can also look foolish as fuck for assuming I was doing it on purpose.

My biggest thing is that again, I was *not* DMed about the post restriction(which even then should not have existed) and then assumed to have read every post in the thread.

At that point, Dedo was taking out his frustration as a grudge. If you want to defend that catte ,go ahead, but if it happened to you you'd be pissed too.

And yes, my honest opinion of the post restriction was that it was a nice little way for dedo to project how much they detested that I thought their night skip decision was townsided.

And yeah, this setup was grossly townsided from the start so I guess this is a better ending ironically than having it had played out. 2 investigatives, a 3p SK, and 2 masons are not counterbalanced by everything else lol. SK has a better chance of winning than mafia because at least SK can't get screwed n1 by anything.
Post edited August 08, 2022 by DkKobaPL
Microfish_1: Deco and I chatted at length about how I'm 3rd party by myself. Not scum and I wouldn't win if the scum won.
I always used scum as overarching term for all anti-town folks. Mafia, serial killers, cult, all that stuff. By that definition I would consider you scum. :-)

PookaMustard: Scene, the only observer, wasn't even around to laugh at us :)
I don't know. You've got a point, but at the same time I'm still on the fence. Maybe I'm a tad more forgiving, if even for the sake of the game to keep going and nothing else. And also have to admit that I was happy to have newer players on board. We've got Catventurer with the previous game, Razza, Ambitionz returned, and Koba, but this being how Koba's first game here turned out, I wasn't exactly happy about it.

We do need fresh blood after all. Players lose interest and come back later occasionally, and for a while we went for months without a game. Thankfully we fared well in this time, but new faces help keep things not stale.
If you allow people to do anything they want out of fear of driving them away, it usually ends up in dissatisfaction of even more people whom possibly leave when they feel others have special priviliges or when they are insulted by those people (not this case, but we had our share of "divisive" people).
I am sure this pleased nobody, not DK, not dedo, not other players and we all would like if the game proceeded in natural way (I would love to lynch every single one of scums myself), but you always have to weight how much are people allowed to bend the rules and when it starts to have negative influence and Dk made basically no attempt to play by local rules, so you can't be surprised when it had consequences. Almost all people before him were able to handle it, even forum newcomers, so it isn't that hard. If one is not willing to do that silly but very easy restriction, you have to wonder how willing they actually are to participate.

It shouldn't distract us from the fact that we managed to lynch 2 scums in row and that we rock, folks.
Believe me, if he could have found a replacement he would have.

Not at first, no.

I Can see how you could interpret #206 as spew since night actions were not skipped when you were modkilled, however he had already changed his mind by #286, before you were modkilled. Also was this a private conversation after you died?

Perhaps that's why he changed his mind?

I Believe game #75 had D1 daychat so they seem to do this off and on.

I PMed Dedo before he had the opportunity to PM me so I'm not sure if that's normal or not. You'd have to ask AZ.


You can edit a post within 10 minutes of posting and pretend it's a double post so yes it's very important not to double post. No one assumed you were doing it on purpose.

Yeah you probably should have been PMed the post restriction.

Not at all.

Not at all.

Yeah it was hurried because rookieterror dropped out.

It was still 50% luck I'd say. But then I didn't participate in the scene wagon.
DkKobaPL: if only the host didn't do a poor job in running their game lmao
Rules are rules. We've been fine abiding by them until this point, then you showed up.
I think some of you have played here some many times that you no longer need to read the rules and therefore forgot about this one:

9. Do not edit your posts for any reason!! Remember there is a forum feature that automatically merges posts made within 10 minutes. There is also a forum bug which prevents your post from appearing sometimes when it should appear on a new page. Making a second post in this case after less than 10 minutes can cause your post to be merged and appear edited. For best results either wait for another post to appear after your last one or wait for the timestamp on your last post to say at least "11 minutes ago".

The only way to not know about this rule is to make a decision to not read it. If someone made a decision on their own not to read the rules, it's not Dedo's fault they didn't know not to do this.

DkKobaPL: if only the host didn't do a poor job in running their game lmao
Ambiti0nZ: Rules are rules. We've been fine abiding by them until this point, then you showed up.
I also think that Dedo has been pretty easy on people when it came to punishments. The having to name a song and artist in each post looked more like being forced to acknowledge each post that you're not above the rules and intend to follow them in the future.