supplementscene: I've not played as many games as some but wasn't this too heavily weighted in terms of Town?
No. You generally balance things with a ratio of 25% mafia and 75% town. If you include a third party faction that can win with the town, then they take a spot from the town. If not, they take a spot from the mafia as they would be another antagonist.
Since the mafia had only two members, instead of three, this should tell you that there is a third party role that is hostile towards the town - serial killer, arsonist, or something similar.
A savior protecting someone town-aligned would take a town spot and would win with the town if that person stays alive to the end of the game. If a savior is taking a mafia spot, then they're trying to protect someone mafia-aligned.
The games here are a bit too small to have a Mentor, Inquisitor, Cult Leader or anything else that recruit members.
supplementscene: You have 2 Masons, who are essentially confirmed town
The only thing special about Masons is that they have night communication. Also as you saw from Day 2 if one Mason acts in a manner that others find suspicious, they can drag their teammate down if their roles become known.
supplementscene: You have 2 Lovers which are nearly always town. My take on Day 1 ending was that The Lovers must be a seperate faction. Because I don't see how you can have 4 players who are almost certain to be Town.
The Lovers are actually worse off than if they were Vanilla Town when both are town-aligned. However I am so sick of this role and explaining (granted, I did mess it up at first) that I wouldn't mind see "There are no Cults and Jesters" updated to "There are no Cults, Jesters and Lovers."
supplementscene: That gives Town a borderline 4 confirmed Townees. So when a Scum votes on them, they role reveal to stay alive. All of their claims made them unlynchable on Day 1
No, it doesn't. The Masons have confirmation of alignment and only with each other. Everyone might look at them and think, "You could be Masons, but you could be Mafia." When you find yourself with both Masons and Lovers, it's not unreasonable to think that either the Masons were imposters (mafia) or one of the Lovers is mafia.
Day 2 could easily have resulted in a mislynch of a Mason or both Lovers.
supplementscene: Then you have a tracker, a doctor, a limited detective but he isn't that limited because we have confirmed Town player, a vigilante, a gunsmith who from my understanding was essentially a second detective.
The gunsmith only goes around checking who owns guns and who doesn't. The role is not able to check alignment. This means that if Razza checked out Catte, Ambiti0nZ, DkKoba, or Scene - Razza would find the presence of guns. Half these people are town-aligned and half are mafia. (The gunsmith themselves would also have guns.)
You'll notice that I didn't mention Microfish as the Serial Killer never has a gun. The Serial Killer's weapons would be duct tape, zip ties, stabby stuff, and whatever else he wants but not guns.