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Microfish_1: Okay, I'm back at last from IRL. I rechecked my DMs. I received one message from Dedoporno. I looked back at chat history to see what my role actually was, and (without quoting), I'm a Watcher, but my power doesn't begin until N2. IOW, I was powerless N1 and now am powerful! Yipee! or something.

That would explain only one message from dedo and it wasn't asking about my night action but was more of a prod. I feel a) stupid for not recalling this. b) relieved I didn't waste my power c) wishing I hadn't bothered y'all with an incomplete claim.
Okay, Micro. I have a theory on this but, I want to hear it from you first.

Exactly why did you have no night one action?
Catventurer: Okay, Micro. I have a theory on this but, I want to hear it from you first.

Exactly why did you have no night one action?
I was not given any reason. The message was something like Starting on N2, you can do your action every night thereafter.

I wasn't intelligent enough to ask why. I just ran with it. And then forgot the wording before the end of D1.

if I had to guess, I assume the no N1 action is to counteract/balance other roles. Kind of a "if you are smart enough to stay alive, you can act such and so." To be quite honest it could be because I wasn't sure how committed I could be, and Dedo gave me no N1 action as an impetuous to play hard enough to survive to N2.
Crow Song by Girls Dead Monster / Marina Nakamura <-(not the LiSa version)

Yeah, no. And Dedo has to assign the roles randomly fyi.

Who's for ending the day ~43 hours early? Anyone?
FrostburnPhoenix: Crow Song by Girls Dead Monster / Marina Nakamura <-(not the LiSa version)

Yeah, no. And Dedo has to assign the roles randomly fyi.

Who's for ending the day ~43 hours early? Anyone?
You know, I KNOW you are wrong. I am NOT scum. an awful player, yes. Scum? no. Am I usually considered scum in every single game? yes. Am I? rarely (2x in 20 games). Therefore, while I might look scum, history shows I look scum when i'm town.
I regret to inform you that in this case I'm not scum, and you are wrong in thinking I am.

So, who other than me shall it be? (I'd like to play out one night, but that's besides the point.)
The masons aren't confirmed. Nor are the lovers.
Razza says Lift is weaponless, but that doesn't mean he's not scum. Just that he's not a cop, nor a goon/regular mafia. If Razza is telling the truth. Since this is RM, the mafia probably have a rolecop, I'd guess, and if Razza is the scum rolecop she'd know that Lift was a role that is weaponless.

Catventurer: Okay, Micro. I have a theory on this but, I want to hear it from you first.

Exactly why did you have no night one action?
what's your theory?
Microfish_1: Okay, I'm back at last from IRL. I rechecked my DMs. I received one message from Dedoporno. I looked back at chat history to see what my role actually was, and (without quoting), I'm a Watcher, but my power doesn't begin until N2. IOW, I was powerless N1 and now am powerful! Yipee! or something.

That would explain only one message from dedo and it wasn't asking about my night action but was more of a prod. I feel a) stupid for not recalling this. b) relieved I didn't waste my power c) wishing I hadn't bothered y'all with an incomplete claim.
*raises a sceptical eyebrow*

In the first paragraph you claim your power doesn't kick in until N2, but in the second paragraph you say you're relieved you didn't waste your power. How would it have been possible to waste a power you didn't have at that point? And the possibility of wasting something implies a limited number of uses, something you've not mentioned until now.
Something smells fishy here... and it's not a duck.
my name is grompy catte: *raises a sceptical eyebrow*

In the first paragraph you claim your power doesn't kick in until N2, but in the second paragraph you say you're relieved you didn't waste your power. How would it have been possible to waste a power you didn't have at that point? And the possibility of wasting something implies a limited number of uses, something you've not mentioned until now.
Something smells fishy here... and it's not a duck.
easy. i thought i had "wasted" one potential use (n1) out of however many uses i have. Nothing about my PM says it is limited, but there are only a limited number of turns i'll be alive or this game will last; thus a limit to how many times i can use it.
However, i didn't have the power N1.
PS: every time i theoretically could have used my power but didn't, is a "wasted" opportunity to have more fun, to spice up my life, to learn things about my fellow players, etc.

In other words, I thought i had passed up or missed out on an opportunity to have more fun.

I'm going to be AFK most of my Sunday.
Microfish_1: So, who other than me shall it be? (I'd like to play out one night, but that's besides the point.)
The masons aren't confirmed. Nor are the lovers.
Razza says Lift is weaponless, but that doesn't mean he's not scum. Just that he's not a cop, nor a goon/regular mafia. If Razza is telling the truth. Since this is RM, the mafia probably have a rolecop, I'd guess, and if Razza is the scum rolecop she'd know that Lift was a role that is weaponless.
We've already discussed the masons and lovers to the point ad nauseam. I think that the other players still alive will agree with me when I say that there should be no more discussions about masons or lovers unless it is about why we should or should not be lynched. Anything else is going to look like trying to use us as a distraction.

"The Gunsmith is an information role that can target a player at Night to learn if they have a gun in flavor. Members of the Mafia (that are not Doctors), Cops, FBI Agents, Vigilantes, other Gunsmiths, Paranoid Gun Owners, etc. all have guns in traditional flavor. Notably, Serial Killers and Doctors do not have guns."

We've had the gunsmith discussion already. Gunsmiths can detect all mafia roles, except doctors. The presence of one in the game doesn't mean that the mafia has a doctor. The mafia could have a ninja that cannot be detected by watchers.

Catventurer: Okay, Micro. I have a theory on this but, I want to hear it from you first.

Exactly why did you have no night one action?
Microfish_1: what's your theory?
It's clearly incorrect, so there's no point telling you. I'm not being mean. I just don't want to turn it into a distraction. Ask me after the game. :)

You claim your role is Watcher, so which is it:

Post #645: "That would explain only one message from dedo and it wasn't asking about my night action but was more of a prod. I feel a) stupid for not recalling this. b) relieved I didn't waste my power c) wishing I hadn't bothered y'all with an incomplete claim."

There is no way to waste a Watcher's power other than to not use it. The only limit to the role's power is that a watcher only gets to stalk one person each night.

Post #647: "I was not given any reason. The message was something like Starting on N2, you can do your action every night thereafter"

Dedo specifically states in the first post that, "There are no Cults, Jesters or bastard elements." The normal function for the Watcher role is to start on night one, like every other role with night actions. If you consider the roles claimed so far, there is nothing really out there in terms of power that the town side needs extra balancing by taking away a Watcher's power on night one.

Post #647: "To be quite honest it could be because I wasn't sure how committed I could be, and Dedo gave me no N1 action as an impetuous to play hard enough to survive to N2."

Also Frost and I disagree on a lot. However we're in total agreement about this one, so I'm going to just quote Frost and let him tell you why:

FrostburnPhoenix: Yeah, no. And Dedo has to assign the roles randomly fyi.
@Frost -
As for ending Day 2 early, I'd say that it's entirely up to Dedo.
But more importantly, there currently isn't enough votes to lynch someone... yet.
The current closest to lynch is Microfish at L-2.

I'm estimating that we have maybe 1.5 days left on Day 2, give or take a few hours.
Microfish_1: easy. i thought i had "wasted" one potential use (n1) out of however many uses i have. Nothing about my PM says it is limited, but there are only a limited number of turns i'll be alive or this game will last; thus a limit to how many times i can use it.
However, i didn't have the power N1.
Ok yeah, I see what you meant now. It was pretty clear really, I guess I was just looking too hard for a slip.
Catventurer: We've already discussed the masons and lovers to the point ad nauseam. I think that the other players still alive will agree with me when I say that there should be no more discussions about masons or lovers unless it is about why we should or should not be lynched. Anything else is going to look like trying to use us as a distraction.
That's kinda what i was trying to do. As you said, Lunch Joe, we hit scum, we maybe win. We lunch Frost, we confirm Pooka, this sets us up for we know who the NK would be, so the doc knows whom to protect, which means the scum go for someone else, which means.... WIFOM at its finest and maybe we escape N2 without a NK.
Whom of these 4 players would you rather lunch, and do you have a better candidate other than me?
Lunching Frost would confirm Pooka one way or the other. However, Pooka is basically self-confirmed because of the whole Scene thing. Therefore I think our best bet might be to vote either Razza (considering she could be lying about her role; something no one else has commented on much, other than Lift) or Joe.
If we lunch Razza and she flips town, we confirm Lift. If we sink Joe and he flips scum, we win. IF he flips town, we messed up.

I was not in any event talking about a Mafia Doctor. You misread me. Go back and reread what i wrote. I was talking about "if Razza is mafia Rolecop she could know what type of role Lift had, and tell if it was weaponless or not, and therefore know how to fakeclaim." and therefore this claim shouldn't be accepted at face value.

Flip!lift-no information on Razza = bad flip unless he's scum.
town!Razza= Lift's alignment is locked town.
Scum!Razza = got scum, 1 more (maybe) to go, maybe win.

town!Frost=Pooka is lock-town
scum!frost=Pooka is D3 lunch for the win.

flip!Joe maybe win, maybe not. Catv said this was acceptable.

lift also mentioned a tenuous Vitek->Catv connection. (really, Vitek > Joe iiuc). However, this sounds bad all around for now.

Willing to vote
Razza (to learn Lift)
Frost (to learn Pooka)
Vitek (to learn Joe) (bad idea)
AmbitionZ (unclaimed, lurkier than me)

Not willing to vote:
Therefore, to clear the waters, I shall vote the person I think gives the most info to town upon a flip:
vote FrostburnPhoenix


See my response to Catte: I "wasted" my night action (or so i thought) by not using it. The limit (repeating myself, which is tiresome) is how many nights I remain in the game.
All I know about my role is what I was told. Just because You don't see a reason to balance by stripping my night 1 action (something that surprised myself), doesn't mean Dedo didn't see it or do it.
Microfish_1: Flip!lift-no information on Razza = bad flip unless he's scum.
town!Razza= Lift's alignment is locked town.
Scum!Razza = got scum, 1 more (maybe) to go, maybe win.

town!Frost=Pooka is lock-town
scum!frost=Pooka is D3 lunch for the win.

flip!Joe maybe win, maybe not. Catv said this was acceptable.
Lynching Joe (or myself) is acceptable if people are voting because they believe that one of us is mafia.

Likewise lynching Frost or Pooka should only be done if you actually believe that one of them is mafia.

Lynching Vitek (as suggested elsewhere in your post) isn't necessarily going to tell you anything about Joe's alignment. A mafia can make a protection claim on a town role after successfully falsifying a role claim. If nobody was watching Joe, who is going to know if Vitek shows up to protect him or not.

Likewise a town-aligned doctor can mistakenly protect someone with a mafia-aligned role. They can only protect who they believe is town-aligned and in danger without having any warnings or clues about either.

I'm not in favor of completely random test lynches not based on suspicious behavior. If you get it wrong, they don't get to pop back alive the next day and say, "Here's the new guy!"

Microfish_1: lift also mentioned a tenuous Vitek->Catv connection. (really, Vitek > Joe iiuc). However, this sounds bad all around for now.
Who someone with a Doctor role picks to protect is irrelevant in terms of alignment. If Vitek protects one of us, he believes we're both town-aligned and that the one he picked is more likely to be the target of a night kill. If he gets it wrong where he protects Joe but the mafia targets me for the night kill, we both die due to the linked nature of the roles. You cannot save one, and let the other die because it doesn't work like that. No more reading too much into who Vitek did/didn't protect please.

This role has been discussed and explained to the extent that everyone should be an expert on it now and never want to see the role again after this game for at least another fifty games.

Also it's getting late here, so I really am going to bed.
Anything I did not reply to, I'm just tired.
How were you hoping to catch vitek in a lie when you didn't take any action?
Microfish_1: Okay, I'm back at last from IRL. I rechecked my DMs. I received one message from Dedoporno. I looked back at chat history to see what my role actually was, and (without quoting), I'm a Watcher, but my power doesn't begin until N2. IOW, I was powerless N1 and now am powerful! Yipee! or something.

That would explain only one message from dedo and it wasn't asking about my night action but was more of a prod. I feel a) stupid for not recalling this. b) relieved I didn't waste my power c) wishing I hadn't bothered y'all with an incomplete claim.
Ok. This is an even weirder correction. So you not only thought that actions were cancelled, but you also forgot about your PM and about your exact role? That's the one thing a PR should remember. Missing some posts among them all is frequent. Missing ones own PM is weird.
Now, the question is, are you really such a terrible Town player as you say yourself? Or was this an equally terrible scum attempt to save a false claim that sounded off? Or was this an attempt of generating a derp clear. 'This is so weird, micro would never do this as Scum!' might be what you are aiming for.

Also, you somewhat breadcrumbed your role, you say. So you were aware what it is. But then you went along and forgot the specifics? I still can't get over, that you didn't even ask the mod. Especially if you really forgot your specifics.. There were such juicy Watcher targets in N1. Claimed Lovers and a claimed Doc! Any Watcher would have been eager to watch one of them!

If I weren't on mobile, I would now check whether you also breadcrumbed other roles. That would be a nice Scum tactic, breadcrumb several and pick one as needed.
@micri; another thing that bugs me is, that you are so eager to solve the Mason question by lynching one of them. Why not first try to catch them at a lie without possible loss of Town-life? You claim to be a watcher. You might catch one of the four persons of interest who shouldn't move moving around, if you watch a juicy target. Yet your strategy seems to be too lynch one Town to confirm another.

Especially in the case of Razza that would be premature at the moment. If her claim is true, scum will have to kill her sooner or later. Otherwise she continues to be a danger to them, by either flushing them out or confirming Townies. So if she is Town we will probably get her flip eventually.
Yikes. What a bad claim. First you claim you forgot to take night action and when you are asked for details and if you got any PM from dedo, you take time to think it through and come back with new explanation of not even having any action for N1 at all? And supposedly dedo PM'ed you at night only as courtesy.
Nope, I am not buying this one.
So you were not surprised D2, when people claimed to have actions? You had no reaction to that at all.
Also you have no problem with razza also claiming investigative role, when you have one? If I had one, it would have at least some doubts about other role in the same rank as is mine but you feel confident about it?

Also, as Joe already asked, what was the lie you tried to catch me in?

Don't you have any reads? All your proposed lynches are absed on mechanics.

Honestly, right now, I think I have not even saved anyone and that there is some truth to your claim, you are mafia, you haven't submitted night action and dedo prodded you for one.
Not moving my vote for now.

@catte; I take it back, those are some subtle crumbs. Pooka's was like huge neon sign compared to this.
These are so subtle that if you look for the words, looks, see and watch, almost everyone used them throughout this game.