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If Lift is right and Microfish is Scum, Mafia will win when he comes in and votes. Hopefully I'm right and he's the Neutral Faction

I don't think EOD is until tomorrow so putting me at L1 today is premature Atlo
supplementscene: If Lift is right and Microfish is Scum, Mafia will win when he comes in and votes. Hopefully I'm right and he's the Neutral Faction
Wouldn't change anything. If you are Town and the Neutral isn't on your wagon yet, they will hammer you to end the game and win alongside scum.

@Town: actually at this point I think that a no Lynch would be better than a mislynch. It's a numbers game. A mislynch is a lose. We went through that.

But a no Lynch would mean that either a towny or the Neutral is nightkilled tonight. This means we'll be either at
2 vs 2 vs 1
Or at
3 vs 2
Tomorrow. Either way, we get another day. I'm all for lynching scum today. That's why I'd prefer micro. But the argument that we have to Lynch at all costs isn't valid today.
supplementscene: I don't think EOD is until tomorrow
Is it?! I'm confident it's somewhat ''soon-ish''. I was willing to wait longer but I got worried Pooka might show up with a
PookaMustard: Times up you beautiful people! =]
Another problem is - I must work every second Saturday. There's only so much looking into the forums that I'm willing to do before I finally have to go to bed. :''D

Lifthrasil: @Town: actually at this point I think that a no Lynch would be better than a mislynch. It's a numbers game. A mislynch is a lose. We went through that.


But the argument that we have to Lynch at all costs isn't valid today.
I... actually hadn't realised this!!!

Unvote supplementscene

Thing is... I'm still pretty sure he is mafia... but I'm not 100% convinced just yet. :/

I am willing to go into another day based on my doubt.
supplementscene: I'm at L1 and I'll say now I'm Town and not Neutral. I'm pretty sure there's 2 scum on my wagon though
So lemme get this straight, and assuming somehow you're town for a sec:
you think scum would be so bold as to both jump onto your wagon together?
I'm wondering, could it be Joppo is the sheeped Townie and Atlo and MrKrabsWallet are the scumteam jumping on my wagon? If you're town Joppo, you've not been helpful this game.

supplementscene: I don't think EOD is until tomorrow
Atlo: Is it?! I'm confident it's somewhat ''soon-ish''. I was willing to wait longer but I got worried Pooka might show up with a
Pooka hasn't given a count down at all, which sounds like it 99.9% it isn't today.

Also I thought you were Town before you put me at L1

supplementscene: I'm at L1 and I'll say now I'm Town and not Neutral. I'm pretty sure there's 2 scum on my wagon though
MrKrabsWallet: So lemme get this straight, and assuming somehow you're town for a sec:
you think scum would be so bold as to both jump onto your wagon together?
Yes because they win if they get a Town Kill

Why is the player who's CatV's most Town play at L1 a day after she's been Night Killed?
Lifthrasil: @Town: actually at this point I think that a no Lynch would be better than a mislynch. It's a numbers game. A mislynch is a lose. We went through that.

But a no Lynch would mean that either a towny or the Neutral is nightkilled tonight. This means we'll be either at
2 vs 2 vs 1
Or at
3 vs 2
Tomorrow. Either way, we get another day.
Hmm. Yeah at first I guess you have a point.

Then again, I think it's a risky proposition because of the neutral player. Who knows what they will do? I thought a bunch of stuff I would do if it was me and most of it doesn't help Town at all.

Unfortunately we should hope that scum will NK the neutral toNight.
I think I'm looking at a no lynch today, are you guys serious?
"Well Nikolay, or can I call you Niko?" Joey sipped some coffee he had on hand. "You've been speaking in Russian recently. Somehow I'm kind of afraid you might be talking to your 'superiors' so to say. Just please tell us you're not it."

"Well I hafta agree." Amanda pulled her back. "The whole Russian thing is kind of suspicious."

"Guys," Nikolay light hit the desk, "I'm not working for the KGB or whatever, I'm just losing my c-"

"Stop thinking about it you idiots," Sam interrupted. "It has to be Franco. Who forgets which day is it? What is he working at, a customer support job with rotational shifts?"

"Oh, that..." Natsuko seemed particularly calm today, oddly enough. "Let's be fair, I worked something like that before, I'm glad I know my workdays, my work hours and my weekends. Ugh, what a pain in the ass that was."

"Yep, count your blessings, ladies and gentlemen," Joey sipped more of the coffee, "whatever happens, at least we have that going here."

"Right, why the heck are we after Nikolay now?" Amanda shrugged. "It's nice to work here."

"Seriously!?" Nikolay was super frustrated to see the fingers pointed at him disperse at the mere mention of rotational shifts. It's like he thought all along. It was all noise, a distraction so the "scum" wouldn't have to be exposed! "But, eh." He then decided to change his plan. "I don't wanna work the night shift then the morning shift the very next morning, I think I'm good here."


And eventually, the day ended without a fallout. Without someone's secrets being exposed, or another one being insulted and then quitting immediately. Even Natsuko has used less curse words.

This made Stuart scratch his head. The WHOLE WEEK went by without any progress, as his employees left the Zoom room one by one, not a single one of them exposed for being the perps behind the anime girls, or the planes, or the conductor + Santa combo that nobody could figure out how to crack. "What the fuck?"

And yes, nobody showed up to submit their resignations with Price. "Well, none of that shitty paperwork this Friday, phew," she thought.

Oh well, at least it was a normal work week.



supplementscene (2) - joppo, GamezRanker (MrKrabsWallet)
joppo (1) - supplementscene
Microfish (1) - Lifthrasil

Not voting:
- Microfish
- Atlo

It's FRIDAY NIGHT! It's time to enjoy the weekend.
No posting in the thread until the work week starts next Monday.
Post edited January 06, 2024 by PookaMustard

Well this Monday seemed to start like other Mondays. Everyone in the familiar Zoom meeting started chit-chatting about their weekend endeavors. Amanda just straight up bought a dog for some of the kids she's babysitting, despite the fact she didn't have to - she figured it'd make their time more fun. Sam just slept Saturday and Sunday away, preferrably not putting his mind into anything at all.

Natsuko, like the movie enthusiast she was, spent her entire Saturday just watching Disney classics, triggered by the fact that Steamboat Willie had become public domain. Joey just went to the beach with his wife Marisa, obviously visible by the mild sunburn. Nikolay has met Miriam another time in a bar, this time both of them sober and chatting about work - she started work as a literal bartender there, as it turns out she knows some of the basics. Franco was maybe the only one who kept to his pets.

This maybe, just maybe, enraged Stuart a little bit. See, while his workers were living, he was working. If he didn't work Saturdays and Sundays, there wouldn't be a roof for all these people. But then again, what kind of lives were these? Watching cartoons just because of that copyright mumbo jumbo? Going to the beach with all those whackos in revealing bikinis in the winter? Miriam, that devout asshole who "owned" him every time he tried to lecture her with the Bible, now working as a (perhaps a little bit skimpy) bartender - and that's after the meltdown she had with the succubus thing? People are put on this Earth to produce and toil. Produce and toil. And then there's everyone else who demanded such silly things like work-life balance, so they could waste the "life" part on watching cartoons where the women of a whole kingdom have to try a glass shoe because the prince got infatuated by a lady who ran off and left said shoe in her desperate escape!

But that's okay, because the two shapeshifting lunatics who couldn't decide if they were anime girls, or planes, or conductor Santas, were missing for once. And as far as he was concerned, he's now the king of their time.

But at nearly the last hour of the day, of course, the Zoom meeting was graced by two more people. Everyone knew the drill. One was called "The Nun" and the other "The Black Cat". Suddenly it sounded like a horror night. Like Jack Skellington's idea of a New Year.

"You know the drill," typed the Nun. "We get to fuck with one of you."

Nikolay tilted his head. "What kind of sick joke is this? Are you making fun of Miriam or something? She's a cool lady, if you get to actually know her."

"Of course, that's after you exposed her last week." The Black Cat said, immediately silencing Nikolay.

"Well what the hell," Natsuko spoke out. "Johan was a big fan of cats, he even has... a black cat. What a merry fucking coincidence this is."

"What do you think of all this, Sam?" The Black Cat typed.

Sam squinted at the screen. "Huh?"

"Well." The Nun wrote. "You don't get to sit on your lazy ass this time. Don't think that we'll let you off the hook for a moment."

Somehow, he felt the use of the word "think" was very deliberate. "I get to do what I want." He turned his head sideways, dismissively.

"Why don't you like thinking?" said Cat.

"Because I don't like it, simple as." Sam was getting a little irritated.

"You're actually thinking all the time, aren't you?" The Nun continued. "But about what? Lost family? Friends?"

Most of you heard a table being hit before you realized that Sam's camera shook violently, and then a fist appeared right in front of him. "Enough!"

"Think!" The Nun said. "Think harder!" The Black Cat said.

Sam stayed quiet for a few minutes as the trollsters kept irritating him, seemingly without success. Until...

"You could've just said you don't want me around. Jeez, have you ever THOUGHT about that for a moment, huh? Fine! I'm quitting!"

"HAHAHAHAHA" The trolls wrote. "Do you like getting fucked, Stuart?"

Speaking of the man in question, Stuart was even more resilient than Sam... but he seemed more like a volcano that's just about to erupt. His plan has got to work!

Of course, Price had more paperwork to deal with, and on top of that... the thing is, Sam was...


Sam Michaels (Lifthrasil) has resigned!
He was Town Vanilla.

It's MONDAY again! And I hope you'll give it your all!
monday.jpg (72 Kb)
2 v 2 v1

I'm Neutral. Even breadcrumbed it D1 in my response to Yogs.
Microfish_1: No idea about your thing, other than money and planes. Enjoy it; though you might be broke if you spent all that moola on flying critters. Unlucky, too, if you crash them--I'm not flying with you!! Traditionally, you are supposed to land planes! Really now, you'd be better off spending that money on a cat-proof computer! Also, what's up with Nikolay not being resistant to the idea of going back to the office? Lift--Sam--being hard to read is a given.....
Microfish_1: 2 v 2 v1

I'm Neutral. Even breadcrumbed it D1 in my response to Yogs.
Okay, I think it's somewhat easy to believe you even without the breadcrumbs. In theory there could be someone counterclaiming, but in practice I will be pretty surprised if it happens. Even tho being the neutral right now is an enviable position (who wouldn't want to be effectively unlynchable?) Plus you can basically declare game over with your+scum victory if you so desire.

Which is why we need you to answer a question right away. It's simple: Will you at least vote toDay? Will you attempt to win along Town or take your win together with the Mafia? If you're not siding with Town we can cut the game short because without your vote there's nothing the townies can do and Scum has won already.
joppo: Okay, I think it's somewhat easy to believe you even without the breadcrumbs. In theory there could be someone counterclaiming, but in practice I will be pretty surprised if it happens. Even tho being the neutral right now is an enviable position (who wouldn't want to be effectively unlynchable?) Plus you can basically declare game over with your+scum victory if you so desire.

Which is why we need you to answer a question right away. It's simple: Will you at least vote toDay? Will you attempt to win along Town or take your win together with the Mafia? If you're not siding with Town we can cut the game short because without your vote there's nothing the townies can do and Scum has won already.
i didn't vote last night bc Lift convinced me that a delay worked to help flush scum. I want at least 1 of the two scum to be flushed out.

Besides Pooka better have some epic flavor cooked up for one of the two avatars being found out.
Microfish_1: 2 v 2 v1

I'm Neutral. Even breadcrumbed it D1 in my response to Yogs.
Microfish_1: No idea about your thing, other than money and planes. Enjoy it; though you might be broke if you spent all that moola on flying critters. Unlucky, too, if you crash them--I'm not flying with you!! Traditionally, you are supposed to land planes! Really now, you'd be better off spending that money on a cat-proof computer! Also, what's up with Nikolay not being resistant to the idea of going back to the office? Lift--Sam--being hard to read is a given.....
Remember, I did call this. I thought your 'Trent would be the best for the Neutral role' was a big projection. I also called Lift as certified town, CatV as town and Trent as Town. I can't see a counter claim, because you've looked the most likely Neutral player.

I think Gameranker and Joppo are the scum team. Atlo seems most town out of all of them. But I could be wrong.

If they all vote for me again Town have lost but even if that doesn't happen, figuring out the remainding Town player from the 3 of them also isn't a given.

I'm happy CatV and Lift seemed to read me as Town. The remaining Town player is pretty bad in not reading me town and voting for me yesterday. It could be OMGUS on his part if it's Joppo. Atlo said I'd played well if Town or Mafia and then voted for me, which doesn't make allot of sense unless Scum. Gameranker has seemed scummy all game, I'm pretty sure he has to be Scum

@Pooka are you sure there isn't 3 Scum left and they've already won? Put me out of my misery......surely there can't be another Town player left
supplementscene: I can't see a counter claim, because you've looked the most likely Neutral player.
Technically GR could counterclaim -- that would explain his vote-hopping. He does not care which way the wind blows.


supplementscene: If they all vote for me again Town have lost but even if that doesn't happen, figuring out the remainding Town player from the 3 of them also isn't a given.
I won't vote against you. You can't be mafia.
If you were - we would have to ask ourselves - what is your scumbuddy doing?!

Let's look at the vote progression at twilight if you were mafia:

It can't be joppo because you both were at each others throat the entire day.

It can't be GR because at 1-1-1 vote there would be no reason for him to cast a vote on his scummbuddy.

It can't be me because at 2-1-1 I would not put my scummbuddy at L-1.

It could be Lift though, seeing how he did post 1 comment of your suspect behaviour, but has otherwise not engaged too much against you. AND He is the one who, despite recently calling out that yes, scene is indeed scummy, came out with the - actually... we shouldn't vote today... a NL is town-beneficial.
Oh, right... Lift is now confirmed Townie.

It could be microfish - microfish, also called you scummy, but has not otherwise engaged against you. Much less cast a vote.
Oh, right... Microfish has now come out as Neutral.


supplementscene: Atlo said I'd played well if Town or Mafia and then voted for me
I'm glad that I retracted my vote then!
You have to understand it from my point-of-view: Time is running short. We need a lynch. We are currently at 1-1-1. If I put a vote on GR we are at 1-1-1-1. Scene's last post is calling out new scummy things made by you. Screw it... there's only so much time I can sacrifice. You are our 1 best shot.

Had Lift not realised an NL is actually town beneficial I would not have retracted my vote.
Had Lift been right about micro being scum - the game could've ended right there and then.
Had you been right about micro being TN (Heh, you actually were! :D) who sides with scum - the game could've ended right there and then.


This all leaves us at:

GR & joppo are both scum.

The only question is - whom do we vote for first?


One last thing...
It was mafia who stated this, but I have to agree with them...
supplementscene: CatV, who's confirmed Town, decided to message Scene because she found him the most Town player in the game.
Just because a confirmed townie messaged you - that does not make you a certified townie.
Atlo: CatVenturer


in the very first game we played together I was convinced she must be Town.
Had I been FN in that game - I would have messaged scum!catV.
Bah! Get those sailor moon scum! I'm done with thinking. I'm outta here to some job where some AI does all the thinking for me! :-)