[Apologies in advance - I know I typed out that I will list some theories - when I began writing... it turned out into something else...] Ok, first things first -
why the need for conspiracy theories? Why not just use what has been posted so far? Because we are into Day 3 and are 1 mislynch away from having to work from home, instead of getting to see each other face to face, like normal people.
(Goddammit Pooka... you do realize scum are actually the ''good guys'' in this flavor!?) I think it's fair to say they have done a good job at staying hidden this long. :/
Why don't we simply lynch the scummiest player? There are 2 problems with this:
1.) It worked out very well the last 2 days, didn't it ?
2.) Who is currently the scummiest player? By any metric its supplementscene -- but there is a special paragraph about him further up ahead.
-- Lift & Microfish --
When your talking about conspiracy theories it is very easy to imagine
The thing about Microfish is... as far as I'm concerned most votes cast on him were already based on conspiracy. :/
No one has actually added anything to my this text:
Atlo: The entire microfish ''
(If there ever was any microfish wagon to begin with!!) was just confusing and bizzare as hell!! There is something here that I simply don't see...
But that's OK. I did re-read the votes and accusations -- those appear to have evaporated.
The problem about Lift is/was - up until this writing he was AFK.
I was beginning to worry he might not actually show up. He's back! So I'm interested in what he has to say. No need for conspiracies here just yet.
-- MrKrabs & joppo --
Essentially these 2 are the sole reason why I'm even coming up with this ''
conspiracy theory'' post...
If we exclude Microfish, Lifthrasil & supplemenscene from the scum-list for a moment these are the only that remain
To repeat what I wrote earlier:
I think it's fair to say they (mafia/scum) have done a good job at staying hidden this long. :/
Both have made good and insightful posts, no?
Both have cast votes that they can justify, no?
And that's a problem. You cannot catch scum who simply are not
But no one is perfect. Both have also done moves that are ''
Well, that is strange...''
MrKrab's vote-hopping. joppo's weird vote-placement. To name the most prominent ''
weird feeling'' ones. :/
I have asked both ''
What's up with that ?'' And both have given seemingly reasonable answers.
So how do you begin to find mafia in this situation?
By assuming there is a masterfully crafted conspiracy afoot.
(An outlandish example but it will get the point across:) joppo & supplementscene are both scum who intend to remove their respective votes later on.
Right now you're probably thinking: -
What the hell did I just read??? Atlo is scum wasting our time with nonsense like this!!! To this I repeat what I wrote earlier on:
I think it's fair to say they have done a good job at staying hidden this long. :/
Why don't we simply lynch the scummiest player?
It worked out very well the last 2 days, didn't it ?
You will notice that this is not the full quote. And with this I am coming close to the end.
Who is currently the scummiest player? By any metric its supplementscene -- but there is a special paragraph about him further up ahead.
The thing about Scene is - you don't have to find things that make him look scummy. He does that by default. :/
(Right now for example I'm looking at 1 scummy thing that no one has bothered bringing up. And I think yesterday there were 2.) In scenes case I look for things that make him town.
And it is here where I begin to have problems:
Atlo: And as much as I would/should find vote-hopping scummy... there is something...
scene about all this...
This, however:
Atlo: Did the scum!cop investigated her on Night 1?
Atlo: I did not miss the fact that mafia have a rolecop.
There is also this issue; my summary of scene on Day 1:
supplementscene: Hey guys, I seem to have drawn the mafia card. Can anyone explains what that means please?
Atlo: It would be easy to roll eyes and state that he's just being goofy... but... what if he were actually mafia?
This would mean Scene's playstyle has evolved... and not only by just a little bit, but made a quantum leap to -- scum-scene pretending to be town acting scummy on purpose trying to use reverse-psychology!
The chances of this being true are... slim.
If Scene = Town -> he will try to catch mafia his way
If Scene = Scum -> he will oust himself sooner or later
As much as I would like to state that scene's vote hopping and other
questionable points is not something to worry about too much - at what moment do you reach a cutoff point where you say - ''
that's enough scuminess for me.'' ?
I lost my train of thought here, but the dilemma I'm trying to point out is -- lynching the scummiest player has worked out so well historically hasn't it?
At the same time - saying
NOT to lynch the scummiest player is
really questionable advice.
My current hope spot is -- Lift! =]
When he finally posts I have a few questions for him.
(Provided he does not already point those out in his post.) After his answer a question for 2, maybe 3 players.
There are still more options than doing unreasonable things for reasonable reasons, or reasonable things but for unreasonable reasons.