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HypersomniacLive: On to my second point - as I said in my first post of the Day, we didn't really have the votes to lunch RWarehall in the final hours of EoD1. So, given that he's generally pro-Lynch, and had made posts #361, #371 and #375, do you think that he'd try and save his scum-buddy in a scenario where he doesn't have a special role as you said? I mean, we barely made the votes to get a wagon over, and that was with his vote; you think he'd risk standing out as the one who let it go to NL, and thus his own lunch on D2?
was RW not callibg for no lunch around a day before End Of Day? Did I misunderstand?

JoeSapphire: [...] not particularly. [...]
HypersomniacLive: Then why did you bring it up?
i' d been writing my thoughts on your Day opener post where you said about 'AZ & ZFR look cleared and i'm not sure about RWarehall, what do you think?' and I was telling you what I think

JoeSapphire: [...] tbh I hadn't really read either of your bucktooth pushes, and I only had time to check the game very briefly in the run up to end of day. I saw bucktooth was the new wagon, thought 'he could be mafia, sure' and voted, then thought "I hope whatever HypersomniacLive has written there is good stuff and makes sense."

I picked up that your argument was to do with tone difference between this game and others I think? [...]
HypersomniacLive: So you asked LordCephy to talk about his read of FrostburnPhoenix as an experienced player but didn't read it, you were planning to read RWarehall and me but didn't do it, and you didn't read my bucktoothgamer pushes and have no idea if they made sense...
This sounds awfully like you made zero effort to game-solve after you formed your initial pool of people to take for the D1 lunch.

In the PoE you stay.
hm. I don't think that's QUITE accurate, but the sentiment is fair. I'd say minimal effort. I've been watching Dark off netflix when I should have been playing mafia.

You and RWarehall aren't in that pool any more so it's not like I'm not doing ANYTHING. I don't think Catte's in it either after this thing with the rhetorical question. On the one hand I feel like it could have been a gambit, but on the other this joke-non-apology would be such a strange way for scum to resolve being-challenged-on-a-gambit.

Then again there was the shrug of scum... I know it's stupid but I honestly am having trouble looking past it.

No I think I'm worried that IF catte is mafia then this is basically the last chance for the shrug-of-scum to be real because it has a name now. Nah you know what? If three games in a row the mafia shrug-of-scummed and three games the mafia never got caught I'd be fine with being a part of that. I am going to base my read on catte on things that make sense and not on fairy tales.

JoeSapphire: [...] I kinda thought that the bucktooth wagon was last-minute panic that in the light of Day might not be seen as worth pursuing, if it had failed. But actually you had put in more work than I'm giving you credit for. Sorry. [...]
HypersomniacLive: Perhaps you're projecting your last-minute panic to be on the right wagon...?
ha. I think if I made anything clear at the end of day it's that I didn't give a toss which wagon it was, just as long as we yeeted someone.
HypersomniacLive: Talk to me about the rest in the list. Do you think any of them are going to self-resolve, and if yes, which ones? What about the rest? Remember, we only have two mislynches if there are two more mafia.
First of all I'd like to start with a small request. You've used that phrase "Talk to me about X" a few times now. I was meaning to make a point of it but kept forgetting and since it's now related to a question that I'm going to address anyway here I am. Normally when people use it around me it generally carries a pretty condescending and demanding tone which I find quite rude. I'm pretty certain you don't mean sound in this way but previously I've never noticed you write like this - you're usually very polite and inviting while this sounds off-putting. I acknowledge that this may just be a "me" issue but I still kindly ask you to phrase your questioning in your usual manner, if it's not a problem (feel free to shut me down if you feel my request is unreasonable). Thanks in advance either way.

Now to answer the question. I don't understand what you mean by "self-resolve", please explain.

Nothing has really changed about Babark for me so far. I got the impression that he saw things similarly to Pooka where he can't/won't do a lot on D1 until we get something more to work with on D2 and further. So far nothing of use. RW sort of vouched for him that it's how he played before so I guess there may not be a lot to expect but I still don't like that as it's the easiest way for scum to hide. I also didn't like how he OMGUS-ed at me (I think he didn't vote but it was effectively an OMGUS post at me nonetheless).

I made my case for Catte on D1. Similar to babark things haven't change that much. I still find him scummy. I accept his reason for not making an appearance on during the end of the day but at the same time he's done this before as well - say he'll be back near deadline and then he just misses it. I think it even happened last game when he was scum. Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying he's scum because wasn't there to vote for buck. Getting unexpectedly hung up on RL can happen to anyone and I don't doubt it happened to him. What I don't like is that he may have at least placed a vote earlier rather than wait till the very last moment.

I skimmed over Joe's posts today and I think his stocks have actually dropped the most, in my opinion. He feels slightly off but for the better part of D1 I was shrugging that off as his style can be somewhat "unorthodox" so I usually give him a bit more slack than other players (I also like him like a more than a friend *wink wink*). But near the end of D1 he took part of a flash voting which I didn't like then and I dislike even more Today. He eventually jumped to the next forming wagon which was RW and ultimately on buck. Today Joe acknowledged that his vote is likely less assuring that those of the earlier players but also made sure to include me. I wonder what he would have said about Frostburn if he hadn't flipped but that point is moot now. The only thing that gives me pause is the fact that even Joe brought my name up he also kind of defended me which I'm not sure he does as scum!Joe who is trying to point people in the wrong direction.

Razza and Dessimu are pretty unknown to me still. Razza more so than Dessimu as they have been mostly abscent and/or coasting.

Cephy was strongly pushing against Frostburn even after the claim which seems pretty risky for scum to me, especially after they decided to ultimately NK them. Out of the bunch I feel Dessimu's slot is the least likely to be scum.

If there are 2 scum left, we can only afford to mislynch twice and there isn't any further useful information I'd probably bet on babark, Catte or Joe for the first try.

HypersomniacLive: Why do you frame it as him having a special role that makes him more valuable than the goon? Doesn't any role tramp goon? Being a stump-maker doesn't count.
If both of them are scum and goons RW might have taken the hit for buck rather than turn on buck.

HypersomniacLive: On to my second point - as I said in my first post of the Day, we didn't really have the votes to lunch RWarehall in the final hours of EoD1. So, given that he's generally pro-Lynch, and had made posts #361, #371 and #375, do you think that he'd try and save his scum-buddy in a scenario where he doesn't have a special role as you said? I mean, we barely made the votes to get a wagon over, and that was with his vote; you think he'd risk standing out as the one who let it go to NL, and thus his own lunch on D2?
That's a fair point but he was pretty quick about it, wasn't he? Even with him onboard the votes weren't guaranteed until Frostburn and myself turned up so he could have waited a bit longer and maybe take Joe's place or mine.

PPE (pre-post edit): I see 2 new posts but I don't have time to go through them right now. Back later.
babark: Apparently this is your normal way of addressing people in Mafia games, but I gotta say, I'm certainly not used to it.

As for ideas based off of the sequence of votes (can't really be with any certainty, because the rushed timing at the end seems to have caused confusion), my simplistic reading of it would be that there's at least one mafia among catte, Joe and dedo.
Yeah this is HypersomnicLive's normal tone - I don't think he means to be aggressive, just direct. The accompanying steely-unblinking-eyeball completes the illusion I feel.

Why these three? Me and Dedo I see why we go together, why Catte in this group?


Ambiti0nZ: The implication that my magnificent mafia skills are not a bigger loss than some rando role used badly is grounds for a duel. Pick up your pistol, kind sir!

Shoot RWarehall
RWarehall: I'm sorry, but that is the way to play Mafia. If you have taken someone to the brink of lynch, skills be damned, and they reveal vanilla town, you finish the lynch. Doesn't matter.

And there are good reasons for this. One, you are useless as cover for our PRs. Why would they kill a Vanilla Town. Your early claim made the game easier for them.

Whatever happens, if we lynch now, there is absolutely no way we will have 7 out of the likely 9 Town involved. Meaning if we get an acceptable lynch, it has the mafia stamp of approval. As I see it, IF we go for a rushed lynch with this time crunch and no time for people to claim a PR. There is no better choice than a Vanilla Town. Period. I don't care how good you think your skills are, the job of Vanilla Town is often to die protecting more valuable PRs.


Now let's look at Joe...
"Let's kill somebody!"
No discussion of my post? No analysis? Am I not right about what happens if we try to lynch someone now? Day 1 is already a mess. What do we learn if somehow we get the time to lynch me? When I flip Town, what is the state of the game? How many claims already?

I'm sorry but it's too late. We waited too long. But if somehow we get enough time, the last thing we want is a rushed lynch where we learn nothing about the wagon except everyone being desperate to get some lynch. On the flimsy premise that we will learn something from it. Because right now if we lynch anyone, all voters will all use the excuse, we had to lynch "someone" for all the "useful information". I don't see how we get anything out of any wagon right now. I don't see how one can tell the difference between a Townie doing their "patriotic duty" and a scum happily eliminating a Townie. But hey, have at it and dig a bigger hole.

And for the record, calling for a rushed lynch with no discussion, Joe, is the scummiest thing I've seen in all of Day 1...
This is the post that made me think he was calling for no lunch. I guess he never did REALLY, just saying that no-lunch is preferable to RW lunch which lol no.

I guess he's saying preferable to LAZY RW lunch, which still no but not so lolably.

I quoted the whole post because it's making my brain tingle reading it and I'm not sure why. How does it read to anyone else. Fine?


dedoporno: Today Joe acknowledged that his vote is likely less assuring that those of the earlier players but also made sure to include me. I wonder what he would have said about Frostburn if he hadn't flipped but that point is moot now. The only thing that gives me pause is the fact that even Joe brought my name up he also kind of defended me which I'm not sure he does as scum!Joe who is trying to point people in the wrong direction.
I do think dedo is town.

I'm going to add 'check if dedo does this self-doubting thing as scum' to my list of things I really ought to do but I probably won't get round to.
JoeSapphire: Yeah this is HypersomnicLive's normal tone - I don't think he means to be aggressive, just direct. The accompanying steely-unblinking-eyeball completes the illusion I feel.

Why these three? Me and Dedo I see why we go together, why Catte in this group?
I guess I should try to not let it rub me the wrong way.

As I said, it's simply due to the sequence of votes (or in Catte's case, non-voting). I can completely accept that s/he was busy near the end, but that would still give some time.
Lifthrasil: frostburn is dead
He was Max, bearing the power of Bobbin Threadbare: he was a Town Copier. He could copy any power targeted at him for a one-time use in the next Night.
GG. Hope you join us again.

(Second game in a row Mafia kill a newbie N1)
Catching up now... kinda.

RWarehall: although Ambiti0nZ did switch his vote without explanation.
I thought it was pretty intuitive and self explanatory. As far as I was concerned, it was a vote either for you or him because I did not trust either. His insinuations and continuous misrepresentation of my points in the discussion with ZFR made me question his integrity. Plus, his abstention from initially voting me seemed to indicate that he was really just uncomfortable with the vote number that's usually among most scrutinized in a wagon, whether for good or bad reasons, historically speaking. And then you just made some good points, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt.

I guess I could've tried voting for myself, but, on a more serious note, that would've just led us to (probably) two townies down and (most likely) 3 scum up.

RWarehall: Possibly Ambiti0nZ who wasn't around to remove his vote, yet that doesn't explain why he would place that vote so late. It would be a great risk to place a vote on a scum buddy possibly getting a wagon rolling just to provide future cover for oneself.
You know, anything and everything is possible, but, as your scenario implies, scum me would have to pass on the possibility to get a wagon rolling on you for an uncertain benefit. Not to mention buck tried multiple times to misconstrue my arguments.... The planets just ain't aligning here, hermano.

RWarehall: off chance for Ambiti0nZ, but he has fallen to just the 6th prettiest princess which is solid Town territory 9 players.
Man, I'm just perennially seen scummier than others, smh. It's cause I'm Romanian and y'all racist, ain't it? I'm joshing, I'm joshing.

RWarehall: As to our PMs and role claims...
I haven't taken a second look at mine yet and I'm not sure I wanna cause I generally concur with your point. I mean... if we get desperate and it helps.... maybe? But I don't know that. I don't even know what's going on with that. My mind is too focused on packing and temporary farewell meetings.

I'm gonna copy and add CHUMPY DOOFUS in my regular rotation of impersonating British people with my partner. Cheers, m8!

my name is catte: What do you notice? PLEASE TELL ME!

detective_razza: please correct me if i’m wrong.
You're so wrong that it's not even funny.

HypersomniacLive: my fellow townies, let's not get complacent/lazy

Vote detective_razza

I'd like to hear some more of their insights.
JoeSapphire: The accompanying steely-unblinking-eyeball completes the illusion I feel.
Oh, man. I used to have an avatar with Robert Downy Jr. in a deuchy pose before. I guess it probably contributed to people interpreting my posts a certain way.
HypersomniacLive: TIL. I didn't know that the GOG online status feature behaves this way; bleh. I expected to hear something like you thought you had some time, came on, and then something came up and you had to leave suddenly, and it'd have been fine because rule #3.
I'm pretty certain, however, that we've never had this discussion before - if I'd known about it, I wouldn't have the thoughts I had at EoD1.
Well I figure it's got to be based on something like page loads since there's no way for GOG to know whether I've actually looked at anything or not. I assume that's how that kind of thing works on most forums to be honest. It was quite a while ago the last time this sort of thing was brought up, I thought maybe you'd just forgotten but come to think of it it might have been Vitek last time.

JoeSapphire: I'd say minimal effort. I've been watching Dark off netflix when I should have been playing mafia.
Ohhh, I've seen the first series of that, it was pretty good.

dedoporno: What I don't like is that he may have at least placed a vote earlier rather than wait till the very last moment.
That was a big miscalculation on my part I'm afraid. I didn't have any idea what to do with my vote that night, really wanted to go to bed and was fairly convinced it was going to be a slow day at work.

Ambiti0nZ: I'm gonna copy and add CHUMPY DOOFUS in my regular rotation of impersonating British people with my partner. Cheers, m8!
I find this especially amusing as chump and doofus are very American terms to my ear. I asked Dall E Mini what a big chumpy doofus was last night and it gave me this.
Ambiti0nZ: Vote detective_razza

I'd like to hear some more of their insights.
i agree with HSL. we need to be more pro-active, myself included (though i have been busy the past few days). i generally didn’t say a lot D1 because i didn’t know what to make of anything or anyone, everyone was accusing one another (as expected) but nothing substantial enough was said that i could make any conclusions, a lot of D1 was taken up by the argument between Frost and ZFR, and then the backlash of said argument or just general inactivity, so yeah- i didn’t say an awful lot.

^^ now i have a better idea of the pace and how people generally behave, i’ll have more to contribute to conversation.

also, in response to HSL’s question about why i was confused about bucktooth, i just wanted to double check. that’s all :D (i believe people were questioning if they gave it away after being lynched? and then it was confirmed by lifthrasil? the subtext and nicknames for roles kinda throw me off, but judging by everyone’s reactions it seems as if it were a successful kill).

i guess you could say my tactic for D1 was to just see what happens, and then hopefully more would happen on D2, which we could then refer back to D1 and look for similarities/ differences in behaviour- ig i’m just waiting for that, though i’ll be more active now it’s D2- no more coasting from me, i promise xD
JoeSapphire: Yeah this is HypersomnicLive's normal tone - I don't think he means to be aggressive, just direct. The accompanying steely-unblinking-eyeball completes the illusion I feel.

Why these three? Me and Dedo I see why we go together, why Catte in this group?
babark: I guess I should try to not let it rub me the wrong way.

As I said, it's simply due to the sequence of votes (or in Catte's case, non-voting). I can completely accept that s/he was busy near the end, but that would still give some time.
but there was someone else non-voting I thought?
I am on the phone only. Trickier to navigate, so when I post, it will be in pieces.

@RWarehall. #361 you explain what looks like your entire way of judging players and pointing out what slips or hints you are looking for mafia to make. Just as it is informative for new townies to look for the same things, it can be used as a "checklist of what not to do" by same new mafia players. On one hand, you may be mafia, guiding your new scum buddies on D1, due to mafia chat being unavailable (if chat is available, really no reason to go in such detailed post and potentially helping townies to be more aware). On the other hand, you are town, guiding new townies. The question: are you not concerned that your teachings could be used by mafia?

#366. Bucktooth basically says he would be fine voting ZFR or Frostburn. Fristburn flipped town, so I am inclined to believe ZFR here is town too. Seems too early for complicated shenanigans.

#371 @RWarehall. Since D1 and N1 are over, why did you ask not to use roles on Ambitionz?

#372 @Ambitionz. I remember seeing this as an observer and having my face glued to the screen, refreshing the oage, to see if Lifthrasil will resolve your shooting. Nothing happened, so you are not a day vig at least. Actually shooting RWarehall at that point would have been reckless. What's that about? (Found #382. Maybe I missed somewhere, but this being your alt account, the inside joke loses the meaning and was for a while misleading).

#373 @Joe. Voting from HSL to RWarehall. Based on D1 end actions and interactions, I kinda believe RWarehall to be town. And HSL to be town based on D2 posts. So, this vote jump is either scum or unlucky town. Since Joe was so good at guessing last game... Joe, dear Joe... Scum?

Seeing #384, @all: please tell me, who claimed what during D1.

(Based on vote changes, I think Babark and Joe are last two scum)
(Buuuut then Joe jumped on Buck, when he really did not have to. For mafia Joe, no-lynch would have been better, so not mafia?)

#425. Now that's a hell of a claim! As in, I like the lie.

Both #450 by Babark and #476 by Detective_Razza in my eyes fall into RWarehall's scum catching thing that he explained.


Based on what I have seen, I believe this:
• HSL, RWarehall are town.
• ZFR, AmbitionZ and Dedo leaning town.
• Joe jumps the rope between scum and town.
• Babark is scum.
• Detective_Razza leans scum.

I need to ISO Babark and Detective, and Joe.
Dessimu: Joe, dear Joe... Scum?
this made me lol.


Dessimu: #373 @Joe. Voting from HSL to RWarehall. Based on D1 end actions and interactions, I kinda believe RWarehall to be town. And HSL to be town based on D2 posts. So, this vote jump is either scum or unlucky town. Since Joe was so good at guessing last game... Joe, dear Joe... Scum?
you think RW is town, but I voted for him, and I was good at guessing in the last game.

So the logical conclusion is that Joe is lying? Not that you might be wrong?
detective_razza: i believe people were questioning if they gave it away after being lynched?
who said this? where did they say it?
JoeSapphire: you think RW is town, but I voted for him, and I was good at guessing in the last game.

So the logical conclusion is that Joe is lying? Not that you might be wrong?
Well, yeah. I mean, the way RWarehall expresses himself does seem honest and helpful. He voted Buck. And Buck cross-voted him. I don't think it was mafia on mafia. Don't have that feeling. So, either you are lying and trying to mislead, or this time you guess worse. I admire your confidence though.
Dessimu: I admire your confidence though.
how do you mean, confidence?