Posted September 06, 2018
I’m 99.9% sure VITEK is SCUM, ATTACK VITEK. I’ve re-read the whole thread (well concentrating with certain posters Mchack interacted with) with the benefit of hindsight and Vitek looks very much like Mchack’s buddy. This is long but if you're town please read:
On Page 3 Mchack makes an issue over Yogs voting for Vitek. Is he defending a buddy?
Then this:
ZFR: ...
But there is more. I wanted to see other's reactions. If this was T-T going at each other mafia would be having a field day with it. They could easily push one wagon at D1 and then when that flips town go after the other one at D2. But nothing like this happened.
mchack: By that logic the zfr vs. trent debate should not be T-T either because I don't see mafia having a field day there either. If that were true and both should be regarded probably T-W then who's the more likely W in that equation? Both Lift and Trent or only you?
Do you think T-T is possible and no one cares? Do you think W-W is possible and no one cares? Do you really think T-W is the only possibility if no one cares much? So W is Wolf apparently, so Scum. Is Mchack defending Trent or saying one or both him Lift could be Scum? These could be 3 townees he's trying to set up or perhaps there’s a wolf there.
Mchack then has a little discussion about Yogs hint at a role. If Scum have an investigator they probably investigated him that night or the next.
On page 4 Mchack pits ZFR against Yogs, who we know are both town. Lift also jumps on the Yogs wagon claiming it was a wagon but only myself Scene and Mchack had hit Yogs at this stage.
Vitek: flub - his usual safe, that doesn't tell me his alignment but I have no reason to suspect him so far
trentonlf - same as flub
Bookwyrm - didn't like how coy he was with his reasoning. not much towny in that but nothing too damning
Lift - seem a bit similar to last game where he was scum but right now I am not feeling the same scum vibe for some reason right now
ZFR - kinda same as last game too. "They" thing gives me no reads by itself but his dragging Lift into the issue and then denying it feels off.
Vítek - posts very little and missed 2 days. dumbo town
yogs- tries too hard to pose as non-harmful townie.
mchack - not sure if I ever played with him as town. He seems cool so far but that could easily change
SPF - I... don't remember anything from him. I suppose his avatar made him invisible. So Vitek is now criticising townee Yogs. I Scene considered him suspicious partly because of others arguments and because a lack of analysis from Yogs. But these 3 players in Vitek/Lift/Mchack are going quite hard after are townee Yogs who didn't really do anything suspicious. It is round 1 and you have to jump on anything. But could there be team play with an inadvertent townee along for the ride?
Oh and then Mchack quotes Vitek and tells Vitek that he forgot him in the end analysis. Why is this important to Mchack? Is he telling Vitek ‘don’t just go after town and don’t forget to distance’?Vitek replies saying neither Mchack or Lift ‘fit a category’
mchack: oh, ok. missed that lift was also missing. guess that's ok then, as long as I'm not singled out :)
sorry for my pointless post then. Now tell me Mchack isn’t giving a teammate a shove here….
Onto Page 5, Scene panics thinking no lynch will happen because he miscounted the numbers needs. Or is Scene Scum trying to lynch a certain townee? Mchack is sympathetic of the newbie or is he protecting a teammate? Vitek, Trent, Lift and Sage are suspicious of Scene. But Vitek does this without actually quoting Scene’s post, making it harder for Scene to see and respond to. At the time I commented that this could be Scummy behaviour.
Mchack then accuses Lift’s suspicion of supplementscene as being Scummy. Now he is either setting up Lift here or distancing and I think it maybe the latter because both were on the early yogs wagon
On page 5 we also have a further short convo between Mchack and Vitek. Mchack says he thinks Vitek is probably town in post 247.
Post 310, Yogs votes Vitek. Is this what sealed Yogs fate? Post 332, Vitek says his preferred votes are Scene, then Yogs, then ZFR. I know all 3 are Town, other townees know 2 to be. Possibly not as Yogs reveals his role in post 410. They know Trent will be protected if there’s a doctor so they kill Yogs and roleblock Trent.
Post 326 Vitek wants ZFR to reveal his role and reveal who his lover is if indeed. He then analyses who it can’t be. Is this scum play? I think so. If we all gave ZFR a break Vitek still wants to know who the lover is. Surprised no one picked this up. Adalia also gets involved in this chatting to Vitek about it.
Post 397 – Mchack picks SPF as his prime suspect. Does this mean SPF is town and we shouldn’t lynch him? I think so right now. Now no one has picked up so maybe I’m the only one re-reading?
Post 417 – Vitek also votes SPF (well makes the case for it and votes a couple of posts later). So does Scene and Adalia. SPF has lurked so I went with the consensus but Mchack and Vitek were first on the SPF wagon.
Post 463 - Vitek says "MChack - only person I couldn't remember while making list. I felt like he was trying earlier but I have lsot sight of him. Kinda scummy." – really after all your conversations with him you didn’t remember him? Have you been told to distance yourself during night chat Vitek?
Also made 2 false claims about myself Supplementscene. Says he did so because “Doing too many thing and remmebring it backwards. “
Post 494 – Yogs states his votes were Vitek and MChack
Post 490, 495 and 500 – Vitek talking nonsense and claiming Yogs has more towncred now. Is he panic posting? Attempts at Distancing from Mchack? I think so.
Post 542 - 3 - SirPrimalform is being attacked by Vitek, adaliabooks & Lifthrasil – I think we have 2 scum players here, voting the same way as Mchack. They’re not going for distancing here imo
Post 553 – Vitek claims to have re-read the thread and claims Mchack talked to likely townees more than others, ie SPF. However he fails to note Mchack voted for SPF prior to. Mchack probably changed his vote to Mchack so the polling wouldn’t show that he originally voted for SPF.
In the last few pages Adalia and Vitek have chatted a great deal. They are accusing each other of being scum. I have a feeling this could be distancing but I’m not sure. If Adalia isn’t the third scum buddy I think Lift is likely.
On Page 3 Mchack makes an issue over Yogs voting for Vitek. Is he defending a buddy?
Then this:

But there is more. I wanted to see other's reactions. If this was T-T going at each other mafia would be having a field day with it. They could easily push one wagon at D1 and then when that flips town go after the other one at D2. But nothing like this happened.

Do you think T-T is possible and no one cares? Do you think W-W is possible and no one cares? Do you really think T-W is the only possibility if no one cares much?
Mchack then has a little discussion about Yogs hint at a role. If Scum have an investigator they probably investigated him that night or the next.
On page 4 Mchack pits ZFR against Yogs, who we know are both town. Lift also jumps on the Yogs wagon claiming it was a wagon but only myself Scene and Mchack had hit Yogs at this stage.

trentonlf - same as flub
Bookwyrm - didn't like how coy he was with his reasoning. not much towny in that but nothing too damning
Lift - seem a bit similar to last game where he was scum but right now I am not feeling the same scum vibe for some reason right now
ZFR - kinda same as last game too. "They" thing gives me no reads by itself but his dragging Lift into the issue and then denying it feels off.
Vítek - posts very little and missed 2 days. dumbo town
yogs- tries too hard to pose as non-harmful townie.
mchack - not sure if I ever played with him as town. He seems cool so far but that could easily change
SPF - I... don't remember anything from him. I suppose his avatar made him invisible.
Oh and then Mchack quotes Vitek and tells Vitek that he forgot him in the end analysis. Why is this important to Mchack? Is he telling Vitek ‘don’t just go after town and don’t forget to distance’?Vitek replies saying neither Mchack or Lift ‘fit a category’

sorry for my pointless post then.
Onto Page 5, Scene panics thinking no lynch will happen because he miscounted the numbers needs. Or is Scene Scum trying to lynch a certain townee? Mchack is sympathetic of the newbie or is he protecting a teammate? Vitek, Trent, Lift and Sage are suspicious of Scene. But Vitek does this without actually quoting Scene’s post, making it harder for Scene to see and respond to. At the time I commented that this could be Scummy behaviour.
Mchack then accuses Lift’s suspicion of supplementscene as being Scummy. Now he is either setting up Lift here or distancing and I think it maybe the latter because both were on the early yogs wagon
On page 5 we also have a further short convo between Mchack and Vitek. Mchack says he thinks Vitek is probably town in post 247.
Post 310, Yogs votes Vitek. Is this what sealed Yogs fate? Post 332, Vitek says his preferred votes are Scene, then Yogs, then ZFR. I know all 3 are Town, other townees know 2 to be. Possibly not as Yogs reveals his role in post 410. They know Trent will be protected if there’s a doctor so they kill Yogs and roleblock Trent.
Post 326 Vitek wants ZFR to reveal his role and reveal who his lover is if indeed. He then analyses who it can’t be. Is this scum play? I think so. If we all gave ZFR a break Vitek still wants to know who the lover is. Surprised no one picked this up. Adalia also gets involved in this chatting to Vitek about it.
Post 397 – Mchack picks SPF as his prime suspect. Does this mean SPF is town and we shouldn’t lynch him? I think so right now. Now no one has picked up so maybe I’m the only one re-reading?
Post 417 – Vitek also votes SPF (well makes the case for it and votes a couple of posts later). So does Scene and Adalia. SPF has lurked so I went with the consensus but Mchack and Vitek were first on the SPF wagon.
Post 463 - Vitek says "MChack - only person I couldn't remember while making list. I felt like he was trying earlier but I have lsot sight of him. Kinda scummy." – really after all your conversations with him you didn’t remember him? Have you been told to distance yourself during night chat Vitek?
Also made 2 false claims about myself Supplementscene. Says he did so because “Doing too many thing and remmebring it backwards. “
Post 494 – Yogs states his votes were Vitek and MChack
Post 490, 495 and 500 – Vitek talking nonsense and claiming Yogs has more towncred now. Is he panic posting? Attempts at Distancing from Mchack? I think so.
Post 542 - 3 - SirPrimalform is being attacked by Vitek, adaliabooks & Lifthrasil – I think we have 2 scum players here, voting the same way as Mchack. They’re not going for distancing here imo
Post 553 – Vitek claims to have re-read the thread and claims Mchack talked to likely townees more than others, ie SPF. However he fails to note Mchack voted for SPF prior to. Mchack probably changed his vote to Mchack so the polling wouldn’t show that he originally voted for SPF.
In the last few pages Adalia and Vitek have chatted a great deal. They are accusing each other of being scum. I have a feeling this could be distancing but I’m not sure. If Adalia isn’t the third scum buddy I think Lift is likely.