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To provide our community with the best possible experience both on GOG and GOG GALAXY is one of our strongest driving forces. We’ve brought some new changes and enhancements into the latest GOG GALAXY Update to take one step further to achieve it! Let’s see what they are.

When logging into the GOG GALAXY you’ll most likely notice that the “Report a bug” option is no longer there. And that’s very much intentional. We’re improving our tickets submission system so that it can be quicker, more efficient and better address any issues that our community may encounter. From now on, if you’d like to report any bugs feel free to do so by using the “Get support” option. You can access it in its original location, which is by clicking the gear icon in the upper left corner and finding it just below the “Share feedback”.

We pay very close attention to any issues you report and attach high importance to resolving them as quickly as we can (thus the submission system changes). We know that one of such issues was a reported problem of nested context menus (like tag selection list) not being scrollable. We are happy to say that we’ve managed to fix it and it should work as intended!

Latest update has also fixed the issues preventing GOG GALAXY (2.0.60 and onward) from updating – so you’re not missing out on any improvements – as well as problems with game installations sometimes failing after resuming. We’ve also made significant changes to the underlying network stack and that means you should be able to experience reduced CPU usage or faster downloads!

There’s even more goodness within the update so make sure to check it out and let us know how you like it!
This could probably be amazing.....if Galaxy didn't keep crashing every time it tried to update lately.

I ended up just making new shortcuts and bypassing it altogether :(
high rated
Johnathanamz: Zoom might eat your lunch for multiplayer video games They are releasing video games that have multiplayer without requiring CD Keys. They are looking into 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free multiplayer.
Considering how unstable the people who run that place are towards any criticism I'll take a hard pass.
MarkoH01: If THIS is what you call "as quickly as we can" I'd suggest these devs to get a new job. At least in my world you get money for things you actually DO and not for those you read and ignore for years.
Aye the error is gone... now it's "Checking for GOG GALAXY updates..." forever. And the chatbot is still there, ready to send you kindly away, so I don't know if the support system really improved that much.
high rated
Johnathanamz: Zoom might eat your lunch for multiplayer video games They are releasing video games that have multiplayer without requiring CD Keys. They are looking into 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free multiplayer.
Tell us more about the Zoom Platform ticket submission system. It's always intrigued me.
If Galaxy won't can we get the update so that it can update. Catch 22.
Mortius1: You may have fixed some of the issues, but not all of them. I've just had GALAXY fail to update twice in a row. Same generic "There was a problem with updating the application error".
Doc0075: Same.
The announcement says the issue is fixed from version 2.0.60 onwards. So you need to manually update to that version, and there should be no issues with automatic updates afterwards.
quizplz: If Galaxy won't can we get the update so that it can update. Catch 22.
Click the "Download GOG Galaxy" button in the bottom right corner of this page. Use it to update while GOG Galaxy isn't running. If you run into trouble with that installer, you can alternatively get the full installers: for Windows or for Mac.
Doc0075: Same.
Ice_Mage: The announcement says the issue is fixed from version 2.0.60 onwards. So you need to manually update to that version, and there should be no issues with automatic updates afterwards.
quizplz: If Galaxy won't can we get the update so that it can update. Catch 22.
Ice_Mage: Click the "Download GOG Galaxy" button in the bottom right corner of this page. Use it to update while GOG Galaxy isn't running. If you run into trouble with that installer, you can alternatively get the full installers: for Windows or for Mac.
Thanks for the direct link as 2.0.60 does not update for me and clicking the Download Galaxy purple button just re-downloaded and installed 2.0.60 which just sticks on checking for updates.

Edit @ GOG: Also why didn't you put 2.060.2 in the taskbar hover? As that tells the version number on Windows and it still says 2.0.60 as least it says no updates avaliable now for me rather than hanging at checking.

Also I had to uninstall and install re-install Galaxy from the links above, before it would let me install it and work.
Post edited February 28, 2023 by RoboPond
high rated
I wonder how many years it will take GOG to realize that removing the bot will instantly improve customer experience and satisfaction. Instead they waste precious time to find a technical solution for a very human problem, greed or unwillingness to listen to customers needs or maybe both.

Reasurring us that 'the monkeys are actually listening' starts getting old. If anyone at GOG would actually listen to feedback and wishes of customers, instead of having meetings and working on improving inclusivity, things would look different by now.

Instead this news is another example that all you do is wasting more time and money on fixing problems of your own making. If all that money went into hiring more support staff, installation of an open bug-tracker, posting of updates in one place instead of getting swamped and wasting time tending to scores of indvidual requests and reports about the same or very similar problems, and most important of all to fix what's broken, the search system is a hot candidate, you might win back dissatisfied customers and also gain new ones.

Maybe I live to see the day it happens. ;)
Post edited February 28, 2023 by Mori_Yuki
Alexim: I'd add that you should definitely include an option to edit tags and possibly apply the tags in bulk. When you have hundreds of games already tagged and for some reason you want to change the tag name, for now there is no other way but to remove and put the tags back on the games one by one.
Yeah. It's not a main issue, but it's years I've asked for a tag manager..
Tagging without it is kinda unfeasible. -_-
high rated
So since the Galaxy pseudo devs fixed the updating for GOG Galaxy I guess the message

"Essential components needed to start GOG Galaxy are missing or incorrectly configured. If this continue, please reinstall the application."

Translates to

"Congratulations Galaxy has been updated?"

Because I receive this message every single time ... even after this "fix". Another job well done ;)
avatar We pay very close attention to any issues you report and attach high importance to resolving them as quickly as we can (thus the submission system changes).
I hope you're not talking about the idiotic support bot. That's not helpful, it's just an annoyance that doesn't serve anyone.
How to solve all the open/unsolved incidences at
Easy, remove access from Galaxy so they can't be easily seen anymore.

Typical GOGfix :)
Latest Galaxy Update failed already 10 times in a row. Fix your updater!
Johnathanamz: Zoom might eat your lunch for multiplayer video games They are releasing video games that have multiplayer without requiring CD Keys. They are looking into 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free multiplayer.
wolfsite: Considering how unstable the people who run that place are towards any criticism I'll take a hard pass.
So far they respond to me with my criticism and do not ignore me.