Non-GOG crappy customer support story:
A major airline (not talking about those low cost airlines; this was a flag carrier of one of the Asian oil states and one that consistently appears in the world's top 10 airlines every year) messed up my flights (long story). Their office there said that once I'm home I can contact their customer support and they'll get me a refund.
So after I got back home I called customer service. What followed was 3 months of phone and email communication with them refusing to give any refund. Or any reason as to why they won't. It was simply "sorry; it's not our fault; we won't give you anything." repeated again and again. I'd ask to speak to the person's manager, but they'd initially say they can't do that, and on my insistence give me contact details of a more senior person, who'd just repeat the same thing.
The phone calls were costly. And they would take their sweet time answering e-mails.
The breakthrough happened when after a few months I got an Out Of Office email from one of the senior guys. "I'm on holidays.. bla bla bla... in my absence please contact this fellow who is my manager". Now so far I was in contact with either east Asian or European people. The guy mentioned in the out of office email however had a local Arab name, sheikh somebody or the other, so he must have been a really senior manager. I sent another email to one of the customer service people again asking for a refund, putting the Arab guy on cc. I struck gold. Within an hour I got a reply saying they'll send me a cheque with the refund.
End of story? No. I got a cheque, but not for the full amount. It was just over one half of what they had to send. OK, I think, maybe the customer support person made an honest mistake. I don't want to get them in trouble with the manager again, so I quietly send an email to the customer service guy politely asking what happened. Three, four, five days pass without a reply. That's it. Idiots never learn. I repeat my question with the Arab guy on cc and again within less than an hour I get an apology and a promise to send the remaining amount in another cheque.
End of story. I got my refund, but it wasn't a pleasant experience. I don't mind the money and time spent on phones and emails. What pissed me off is their attitude. They never admitted their mistake, it was more like "you're wrong; but we'll give you the money anyway". It's as if their policy in giving refunds is not checking whether the guy asking for it is right or wrong, but simply refusing any refunds at all, even if the customer is right, and then give refunds to those who are persistent enough and bother them long enough, even if the customer is wrong. Assholes.
Other than the above and another case or two, I've only had positive experience with various customer service. Even people going out of their way to correct what in essence was my mistake. So I can't really complain.
Post edited September 18, 2015 by ZFR