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bluethief: Starred games are harder to get, so I think it's safe so assume that people who enter for them, really want those games. So if you're someone who wins a starred game, and then notices that a game you wanted more appears on the list at a later date, there's no reason to be upset about it. After all, in the end, you got yourself a game you wanted, and should be grateful for it. Today we're fortunate to have this giveaway, but who guarantees we'll have it tomorrow?

Also, it's highly possible that BenKii doesn't even know all the games that will be starred, as some of them might be donated whith the month already underway.
My thoughts exactly.
Yes, knowing what games in the next 3 months can help someone weigh which game they love to play the most and decide if they should undergo that 3 month cooldown.

I get that but I believe the idea of starred games with a 3 month cooldown was intended to filter out spam entries, and prioritize those who truly would love to play a specific game to have an advantage with the dice roll.

Therefore, revealing 3 months' games would defeat that purpose.
Besides, it is unlikely BenKii already planned the entire year's list of games.

Donations happen all the time and I can personally attest to that sometimes donors will personally ask to have their game listed for specific months. All of these factors are beyond the host's control.

With that said, reading the suggestion, I do not sense any entitlement, but only a casual tone.
Friendly suggestions with no toxicity should be welcomed.
Lexor: Question: What happens if first of the month ends and there is no post stating the new month has begun? :D
Bum8ara5h: 32nd of May obviously!
September being cat month, I would say it has 99 days in total...
But that's just me-ow~
Post edited June 08, 2024 by drxenija
Cavalary: Just one thing: If the community giveaway is for active users and a person has multiple user accounts for quite some time that are reasonably active, technically the accounts meet the criteria.
Well T E C H N I C A L L Y yes.
Although then we have post #3 with the "banned users" and several of them havve a reason, and I qute " for violating rule #8 of the giveaway, using several accounts in benefit of a single user " - I just re-read the rule 8, and it's somewhat of a "linguistic stretch".
The point here however is that the ban reason cites "user", not "single ACCOUNT".
So MAYBE it could be argued that BenKii already disapproves of "benefit of a single USER ( even if they use separate ACCOUNTS, each activating keys for ITSELF ( account ) )". I don't know - BenKii RFC! ( request for comment ).

Cavalary: Other than that, circumventing the rules in a largely undetectable way seems sufficiently difficult now
I'd disagree.
You only need to have a couple of brain cells, and be clever enough to not "tell on yourself".
I suspect there are ALREADY people in the giveaway who are doing this...

Cavalary: overhauling them to try to prevent it from happening altogether seems far more trouble than it's worth, and as you admit, likely to lead to far more false positives. Which are a problem.
Yes, like I said, I don't really know of a way they could be improved right now.


Quantum_Quark: People gifting games should be as careful as possible, but the main objective should be to make people happy with a game and not to overly worry if giftees are legitimate or not
I don't know about you, but if I'd donate a key, I'd like to make actual players happy, NOT some "giveaway profiteers" ( cue key / account resellers ).
If I would become aware that my donated key was swiftly packaged and sent off to a "grey market", it would make me perhaps a little upset - perhaps I'd feel like there was no point, as it didn't make some ACTUAL player happy, as no ACTUAL player got it for FREE, as it was INTENDED when I was donating such key.


Provide_A_Username: I suggest him to first check the personal reasons for donating the game. I bet generosity or altruism isn't going to be. And I think that's what GamezRanker said in other words to a variant of bad feelings.
Honestly this is a dense take.
I'd EASILY argue that MOST of key donators in this, and all previous editions of this giveaway, have a goal of making ACTUAL PLAYERS happy - NOT to just "throw keys at the wall and see what sticks".
I'd argue it would likely make many key donators unhappy if they would become aware that their keys are - instead of making some ACTUAL player happy, the actual player getting the key for FREE ( cue giveaway ) - the keys are being shadily re-distributed, with some openly profiting off of their charitable donations...
But this is MY take - noone has to agree with it...

Provide_A_Username: If a person wants to police to the point of invading the privacy of who's using the account for the game he donated
This isn't about "policing anything" - if I'd donate a key, I'd like a LEGITIMATE user to be "HAPPY", like you say, NOT to make some reseller "happy" for getting free shit he then can swiftly proceed to resell ( the account ) and make money off of.

Provide_A_Username: A leap of faith must be taken at every moment
Dude, if I would still "take everything at face value", "judge people based on MY OWN standards / behaviours", like I did when I was a small innocent child long time ago - I'd not only get totally f-ed over in life, I'd actually be DEAD by now.
Humanity as a whole is way too cheety when you don't VERIFY their deeds - a hefty % of civillian population WILL do something "if they can get away with it" without consequences.
Sure, you can trust people, you can trust EVERYONE equally if you so desire - but sooner or later this will horribly bite you in the ass.

Oftentimes "trust but verify" ( to quote, for example Nathan Drake ), is a far superior approach.

Provide_A_Username: Why do we follow the norms and rules if we cannot directly guarantee the honorability and impartiality of all our law enforcing fellow citizens? Trust.
Excuse me. W H A T ?
You follow rules because of TRUST?
This has to be one of the goofiest logic bending I have heard in a while and I don't even know how to comment that... No offence, but it's just fallacy.

Rules are for those who are willing to follow them.

You voluntarily reduce your freedom of WHATEVER, to follow arbitrary rules for the sake of OTHERS - there's NO "trust" in this of any kind, certainly not YOU trusting, because WHAT exactly would you trust anyway?
Trust has nothing to do with it.
It's just goodwill.
Note that "some" require a direct and or thinly veiled threat to deter them from breaking such rules - THOSE people won't be so "voluntary".
Others couldn't give two shits about this.

The only people who can "TRUST" are OTHERS - trusting that YOU ( by extension "everyone" ) will follow their part of "goodwill" - but YOU don't havve any "trust" by JUST abiding to rules.

Provide_A_Username: In case you don't agree with me, give Sociology a chance.
I might take Criminal Psychology instead :P Maybe someday anyway...

Provide_A_Username: forgiveness, honor, justice!
There's no honor among thevies.
Key / account reselling is a free real estate.
It's legal in most jurisdictions across the world.
So regardless if this giveaway forbids it or not, the only thing stopping those resellers from even TRYING to do this HERE is their MORALITY.

Provide_A_Username: Who knows, you might dive in and come up with more structured solutions to cyber problems we all know exist without effective solutions, yet.
Here's an off-topic hot take:
the so called "web developers" of either websites or "webapps" need a cold bucket over their collective heads - the current trend of making everything bloated either by design or by literal INCOMPETENCE, the PISS POOR code optimisation, etc, results in web browsers eating resources like there's no tomorrow, for no real reason - this simply cannot go on forever, this "approach" has to end someday, and we need to go back to "web 1.0 SANITY".
Don't even get me started on memory leaking...
But alas, this is off-topic...

Provide_A_Username: I could've avoided my text wall by simply saying generosity and altruism are bigger than cheating. My leap of faith and my way to enjoy this extraordinary event.
You can ask the thevies in dark alley to "generously let you go without taking any of your shit", after they "ask for a charitable donation from your wallet" /s


CarChris: In my mind there are 2 (maybe “and a half”) donation variants.
And then you swiftly proceed to name 3 individual variants :S

CarChris: So, in this case, the donor doesn’t basically have a say to who the giftee is, nor if that giftee deserves something (or asking for the giftee to be checked out!) or not!
Would you be happy or even just indifferent if the only person you'd make "happy" would be an account reseller who proceeds to make money out of a giveaway?
Because I don't think you would - and if you claim you WOULD be indifferent - please forgive me, but I'd then say you are just COPING.

CarChris: If a donor has any doubts (or reluctance, or hesitation), about the above, he/she can resort to the second donation variant. That is to buy a game and directly give it to the person he deems worthy (so, no giveaway “middleman”!).
This simply no longer falls under "giveaway" under that point - not any definition I'm aware of anyway.
It's simply a direct gift - and it's irrelevant to this discussion.

CarChris: The middle variant (“the half” I wrote about), I consider to be the draws that OPs make in their respective threads. The OP buys the code. He/She doesn't give it to the "box". But he/she doesn't give it to someone specifically either! Only the draw decides who takes it!
Your variant 3 doesn't address the problem either.
It's exactly the same as variant 1, it simply changes "the administrator".


Currently the rules are fixed around "IF you get caught" part.
It would certainly be nice if we could prevent things going that far.
But frankly, like I said before, I don't know how to improve the rules right now[b/]...
Come on, man! A gift is a gift. It comes from inside. The donor feels like making it (the gift), he makes it. If anyone examines everyone else, it isn’t a gift anymore. It becomes a transaction. As we say in my country "Do the good action and drop it in the water" (meaning don't think about it afterwards or await for congratulations or some other reward for your good action).
B1tF1ghter: I don't know about you, but if I'd donate a key, I'd like to make actual players happy,
You seem to forget that there are others besides the giftee who should be happy in order for a giveaway to be enjoyable
The host should be happy, and by obsessing too much over the legitimacy of giftees they cannot be happy
The community members witnessing the giveaway and posting comments should be happy as well

Due diligence and some vetting of giftees by giveaway hosts is expected and helps make a giveaway fun for all involved, but paranoia in a giveaway host and those watching from the sidelines just sours the whole thing for everyone

B1tF1ghter: Sure, you can trust people, you can trust EVERYONE equally if you so desire - but sooner or later this will horribly bite you in the ass.
So you have trust issues and dislike that the ones running giveaways aren't as 'stringent' as you would like them to be?
In such case your best bet is to try to not worry about how others run their giveaways and just try to enjoy them

CarChris: As we say in my country "Do the good action and drop it in the water" (meaning don't think about it afterwards or await for congratulations or some other reward for your good action).
This reminds me of something I heard before
"Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret."
Post edited June 09, 2024 by Quantum_Quark
I would like to remind everyone that this is a discussion and poll thread.
Ignoring my points and trying to spin a narrative as if "it's about ME", is just petty.
Focus on the message I'm trying to convey, NOT "my personal character".


CarChris: Come on, man! A gift is a gift. It comes from inside. The donor feels like making it (the gift), he makes it. If anyone examines everyone else, it isn’t a gift anymore. It becomes a transaction.
Really? Why do the rules exist then? Hmmm?
Maybe we should make NO RULES AT ALL, and make it a "free for all", after all some people here believe in blind trust, and that "gifts come from the inside", and that having SOME level of control is "passe".


B1tF1ghter: I don't know about you, but if I'd donate a key, I'd like to make actual players happy,
Quantum_Quark: You seem to forget that there are others besides the giftee who should be happy in order for a giveaway to be enjoyable
The host should be happy, and by obsessing too much over the legitimacy of giftees they cannot be happy
The community members witnessing the giveaway and posting comments should be happy as well

Due diligence and some vetting of giftees by giveaway hosts is expected and helps make a giveaway fun for all involved, but paranoia in a giveaway host and those watching from the sidelines just sours the whole thing for everyone
If you aren't trolling then I really don't know what you are trying to achieve here...

B1tF1ghter: Sure, you can trust people, you can trust EVERYONE equally if you so desire - but sooner or later this will horribly bite you in the ass.
Quantum_Quark: So you have trust issues and dislike that the ones running giveaways aren't as 'stringent' as you would like them to be?
In such case your best bet is to try to not worry about how others run their giveaways and just try to enjoy them
Your interpretation is invalid.
You are WAY too much bending the reality to spin a narrative here.
This isn't about ME dude.
And this has NOTHING to do with what rules I'd personally choose if I'd decide to run my own giveaway thread on this forum.

I am merely discussing an existing problem - one that some people are desperately doing everything in their power to discard as invalid, irrelevant, and unreal.


It seems that concept of SANE and limited ruleset is alien and aggravating to some here.
Perhaps some would prefer a lax ruleset in which they can take advantage of the system - I don't know.

This very thread is meant for discussion and ideas, yet some people simply get ouraged in case someone "dares" to talk about a seemingly-taboo subject.
B1tF1ghter: Honestly this is a dense take.
We know! Isn't it? I appreciate your response and I'll stop as I consider this isn't the moment or place to keep it going. Just attending something small we can quickly close, giveaway profiteers. Those aren't easy here. Don't forget GOG has the nice features to check if a key's been activated and who did it. Under those, there's no way any of us to not redeem our gifts timely or with someone else's accounts without being noticed. You may counter GOG keys from Amazon, however, those are a fraction of the giveaway and their close expiration dates reduce the chances.
Thanks for the passionate and nourished conversation you have. Enjoy the Sunday!
Quantum_Quark: You seem to forget that there are others besides the giftee who should be happy in order for a giveaway to be enjoyable
The host should be happy, and by obsessing too much over the legitimacy of giftees they cannot be happy
The community members witnessing the giveaway and posting comments should be happy as well

Due diligence and some vetting of giftees by giveaway hosts is expected and helps make a giveaway fun for all involved, but paranoia in a giveaway host and those watching from the sidelines just sours the whole thing for everyone
B1tF1ghter: If you aren't trolling then I really don't know what you are trying to achieve here...
I did my best to make sure my words on the subject at hand were easy to digest
So either you're lacking in reading comprehension or you're just acting purposefully dense

edit; the current level of verification chosen by giveaway hosts seems to work well enough and I feel no change is needed
Post edited June 10, 2024 by Quantum_Quark
B1tF1ghter: Honestly this is a dense take.
Provide_A_Username: We know! Isn't it?
I realized just now I failed at language ( I guess ) and I should've had worded it a bit better to avoid ambiguity.
I meant - your take was dense. No offence!
To make my point clearer:
You can be altruistic and generous while not being a naive sheep to slay / backstab - once again - if I'd donate a key I'd like it to be used by ACTUAL players, NOT account resellers making quick buck out of MY generosity - as at that point, what is even the point?
I'm NOT making ACTUAL players happy then - which is the SOLE point of this whole giveaway!
This giveaway is NOT a "keys laundromat" that some account resellers wish it to be!
It DOES matter who activates a key! When I donate a key, I want an actual player to be happy - NOT for some scam artist to make a quick ka-ching by abusing my generosity!
Hence why I called your take dense ( again, no offence ), because to me your logic is just ass backwards :S

Provide_A_Username: I'll stop as I consider this isn't the moment or place to keep it going.
Dude, this is THE thread to discuss such things. This thread is LITERALLY a "discussion and poll thread FOR THE GIVEAWAY", it is quite literally MEANT for proposing / discussing: changes / improvements / mechanics / etc.

Provide_A_Username: Just attending something small we can quickly close, giveaway profiteers. Those aren't easy here. Don't forget GOG has the nice features to check if a key's been activated and who did it. Under those, there's no way any of us to not redeem our gifts timely or with someone else's accounts without being noticed.
Sure we can, it's called selling an ENTIRE account AFTER key activation. Super easy, barely an inconvenience.
And once again - pretty much untrackable.
And it doesn't matter if someone sells such account at insanely low price - they got it for free - thus they are going to make profit no matter what!

B1tF1ghter: If you aren't trolling then I really don't know what you are trying to achieve here...
Quantum_Quark: I did my best to make sure my words on the subject at hand were easy to digest
So either you're lacking in reading comprehension or you're just acting purposefully dense
Your interpretation is once again invalid - I am neither.
While English technically ( and I seriously mean "by a technicality" ) isn't my native language, I did comprehend what you said - and it's precisely why I suspect you of trolling - I just fail to understand how can you sanely land on your logic.
You see - I HARD disagree with your statement:
the notion - that YOU propose - that not only the giftee and the giving person should be happy, but also A L L the BYSTANDERS ( the bystanders that neither donated the key, nor are receiving the key, nor are administering anything in the giveaway, in other words, have nothing to do with it ) everyone, and I mean EEEEEEEEEEEEEVERYONE ( ) is just deranged.
Your thinly veiled implied DEMAND for it is just INSANE.
Hence, I think you indeed are trolling ( and / or rage baiting ).
Like post 846 i'm going to go do something more worthwhile
Have a nice day everyone and happy gifting
Post edited June 11, 2024 by Quantum_Quark
People, please. Let's keep BenKii's GA thread clear of discussion.
Post edited July 07, 2024 by Braggadar
Quoting My_Acc-My_Fortress from the main thread:
@BenKii. I have a question - there are 14 keys of the Hitman: Absolution (x14) [expires July 12th] !!!NO FORUM ACTIVITY REQUIRED at the same time one gamer/user can make only 1 nomination per month. If there are such situations like this maybe we can make an exception to the rules. I know some great people who do not have that game but would appreciate such a game in their library. As for me, it is better to give away a game to the gamer/gamers instead of waiting for the last day when it will expire. What is your opinion?
Not trying to be snarky - trying to understand: What's stopping you from informing them that they can ask for those keys themselves in the thread? They presumably have gog accounts, or you'd at least expect them to make accounts to redeem the keys. Is the barrier to asking for them that high? If so, what causes that? Or is it something else?
Post edited July 07, 2024 by gogtrial34987
gogtrial34987: Quoting My_Acc-My_Fortress from the main thread:

@BenKii. I have a question - there are 14 keys of the Hitman: Absolution (x14) [expires July 12th] !!!NO FORUM ACTIVITY REQUIRED at the same time one gamer/user can make only 1 nomination per month. If there are such situations like this maybe we can make an exception to the rules. I know some great people who do not have that game but would appreciate such a game in their library. As for me, it is better to give away a game to the gamer/gamers instead of waiting for the last day when it will expire. What is your opinion?
gogtrial34987: Not trying to be snarky - trying to understand: What's stopping you from informing them that they can ask for those keys themselves in the thread? They presumably have gog accounts, or you'd at least expect them to make accounts to redeem the keys. Is the barrier to asking for them that high? If so, what causes that? Or is it something else?
It's not my problem and there's nothing good for me for involving myself into this. Please consider I won't participate any further than this post.

—Isn't My_Acc-My_Fortress a new user? Registered: Jun 2024

—And no eligible as BenKii said on those posts?

—And yet, he found the way to nominate Charodiy_UA for the Last Train Home?

—Charodiy_UA, a guy who clearly spreads hate speech to all the Russians on his profile

Isn't all that enough fishy and against the rules to take care of the situation?
If the problem is the absence of rules, I humbly ask to create some.
profile.png (500 Kb)
high rated
THANK YOU. I knew that I wasn't hallucinating. Yesterday I read a thread, don't honestly remember if it was started by My_Acc-My_Fortress but they were active in it, in which they were complaining about GOG. Something fishy was happening so they dug around and other users suspected it was an alt of Svitla. These accounts shared common friends and people noticed. Poof, the thread was gone and the accounts are now private. I thought it was incredibly unusual that a fresh account was already recommending people for a game.
gogtrial34987: Quoting My_Acc-My_Fortress from the main thread:

Not trying to be snarky - trying to understand: What's stopping you from informing them that they can ask for those keys themselves in the thread? They presumably have gog accounts, or you'd at least expect them to make accounts to redeem the keys. Is the barrier to asking for them that high? If so, what causes that? Or is it something else?
sm5..: It's not my problem and there's nothing good for me for involving myself into this. Please consider I won't participate any further than this post.

—Isn't My_Acc-My_Fortress a new user? Registered: Jun 2024

—And no eligible as BenKii said on those posts?

—And yet, he found the way to nominate Charodiy_UA for the Last Train Home?

—Charodiy_UA, a guy who clearly spreads hate speech to all the Russians on his profile

Isn't all that enough fishy and against the rules to take care of the situation?
If the problem is the absence of rules, I humbly ask to create some.
Joke is entirely on you!
This is actively in breach of GOG's own platform-wide rules.

Hate speech is actively prohibited in both:

And if you go to section 1.11 ( g )
it specifically names xenophobia as prohibited PLATFORM-WIDE...

This of course, naturally, doesn't stop some people from starting virtue signaling olympics...
Some are even trying to harrass anyone pointing this stuff out...
Go figure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There's of course also 2 problems:
1. Extreme double standards present platform-wide, both users AND staff...

2. Practically non-existent moderation on the forums on GOG. This has been a problem for years.
Mods exist, I'm pretty sure GOG hasn't fired the last remaining 2 mods "yet"...
But they are doing nothing, unless they get flooded with reports... in which case their actions tend to be heavyhanded and lack fineese... there were documented cases of bystanders getting blasted "while at it", for simply being present in same threads...

You could also perhaps say the outlined behaviour very clearly falls under "RUDE behaviour" giveaway rule, but apparently not...

Take that as you will... :P

Mixcoatli: THANK YOU. I knew that I wasn't hallucinating. Yesterday I read a thread, don't honestly remember if it was started by My_Acc-My_Fortress but they were active in it, in which they were complaining about GOG. Something fishy was happening so they dug around and other users suspected it was an alt of Svitla. These accounts shared common friends and people noticed. Poof, the thread was gone and the accounts are now private. I thought it was incredibly unusual that a fresh account was already recommending people for a game.
If proven, that would be breach of rule 8...
I think so...

Anyway, I have a question of my own:

Diablo + Hellfire
Is currently ( 20240707 ) in STANDARD key section. Previously over the months it happened to be in STARRED instead at some point. I'm pretty sure...
May I ask what exactly is the logic around this and what decides the key to go where when??

BenKii: ( ... )
RFC ( request for comment )
Just to settle this part of the discussion, BenKii rejected My_Acc-My_Fortress's first nom (for being a too new account, though it was all too obvious from the get go whose alt it is, which would be another reason), but then Doc0075 stepped in to second the nom, and in my view (and it seems also in BenKii's) Doc's backing weighs enough to end the discussions about eligibility.