Posted December 02, 2023
I think it's a great idea to replace the starred category with a longer cooldown. It should be much more effective at making people only request games they really want.
The proposed 3 month cooldown also seems fine. You can always reduce or increase it at a later time if needed.
Would you be noting the date for each recipient, so the cooldown is 3 months exactly? Or would you keep the monthly refresh, so people could theoretically request a game at the end of a month, and then request a new one at the beginning of a month 2 months later? Or were you thinking of one game in the 1st quarter of a year, one in the 2nd, one in the 3rd, and one in the 4th?
Not a fan of the last one, as it would still make some people use up their request on whatever at the end of a quarter if it's refreshed the next day anyway.
For those who are worried that the "good" games will still get taken quickly, there's a good chance that the next time a "good" game shows up the one who got the last one is still locked out. There's also a huge difference in what different people think of as good games, and when requests are more limited some might start thinking that maybe it's not such a good game for them after all.
And for those who are worried about if they should request a game because something better might turn up later, then that's not a game you 'really' want anyway, is it?
Lexor: Just an another idea to toss around and allow to show that some user really cares about receiving a specific game.
What about (instead of giving one game per month) giving every user some amount of "max redeem points" per year?
In this system every user can ask for a game and add some amount of points (from 1 to the current max) - the game will go to the first user who offers the highest amount of points.
This system will allow users to request and "pay" higher for highly requested games but also can allow to get "not so hot games" with easy.
Example: If we give 12 points/year to every user then this system will be similar to the current one but will also allow users to show some game is a priority for them (like it is/was in the starred games system).
This system can be started with a testing phase of 3 months and giving 3 points to every user. This is also a good idea for making people prioritize games they really want, but it seems like it might be a lot of work to manage. Things like people losing/regaining eligibility might complicate things further.
Not to mention having to explain the system to new users of the community giveaway, some of whom can't even figure out that they can only request games from the list on their own.
The proposed 3 month cooldown also seems fine. You can always reduce or increase it at a later time if needed.
Would you be noting the date for each recipient, so the cooldown is 3 months exactly? Or would you keep the monthly refresh, so people could theoretically request a game at the end of a month, and then request a new one at the beginning of a month 2 months later? Or were you thinking of one game in the 1st quarter of a year, one in the 2nd, one in the 3rd, and one in the 4th?
Not a fan of the last one, as it would still make some people use up their request on whatever at the end of a quarter if it's refreshed the next day anyway.
For those who are worried that the "good" games will still get taken quickly, there's a good chance that the next time a "good" game shows up the one who got the last one is still locked out. There's also a huge difference in what different people think of as good games, and when requests are more limited some might start thinking that maybe it's not such a good game for them after all.
And for those who are worried about if they should request a game because something better might turn up later, then that's not a game you 'really' want anyway, is it?
What about (instead of giving one game per month) giving every user some amount of "max redeem points" per year?
In this system every user can ask for a game and add some amount of points (from 1 to the current max) - the game will go to the first user who offers the highest amount of points.
This system will allow users to request and "pay" higher for highly requested games but also can allow to get "not so hot games" with easy.
Example: If we give 12 points/year to every user then this system will be similar to the current one but will also allow users to show some game is a priority for them (like it is/was in the starred games system).
This system can be started with a testing phase of 3 months and giving 3 points to every user.
Not to mention having to explain the system to new users of the community giveaway, some of whom can't even figure out that they can only request games from the list on their own.