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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
Fumler: I would like to get some rpgs etc. and blizzard games, like wow vanilla, warcraft 3, warcraft 3 tft, diablo 1, diablo 2, starcraft etc
JimRaynor: You can buy and download DRM Blizzard games (except Diablo 1, Diablo Hellfire, WarCraft 1+2+Addon) as often as you want if you either activated them with the CD Key or bought them in the new blizzard store /de/fr/it ...
Great feature, didn't know about it till last week as well. And all Games had a no CD patch a few weeks ago :).
My wishlist:
- Demos would be nice
- Feature to backup savegames would be great, but thats propably not easy to implement :/
- paypal or ELV (Elektronische Lastschriftverfahren) or Sofort Überweisung (www.sofortueberweisung) as additional payment method, in Germany most people don't have credit cards
- different languages! Almost all games have german and other language versions, so please add them!
- Gift certificates, either sending a specific game to an existing or new user (email) or sending a certificate over xx $ to existing user or new user, so that he can chose the games he'd like to buy
- Move the logout button somewhere else, maybe even in the main bar, so he's always somewhere around

I second that post.
Pre-purchase offers.
AngryMcGrew: PayPal. Ability to have games in .rar format or even better .bin .cue format.
What I would love more than anything else is the ability to have lossless versions of game soundtracks, mp3s sound terrible on my speakers.
Any other audiophiles here agree?

Yes, as I already said in my previous post, I am too an audiophile.
And to acyclic, I think almost all games have better than game-quality soundtracks, though they probably haven't published it. Usually they were downgraded to save the space.
Many of todays games have cd-quality music in-game because there are no strict space limitations and usually publishers make soundtracks from them. Nice to have older games "upgraded" to same level of service as in newer games.
I've come up with the idea of giving as bonus the cover of the game (front and back, and why not cd). So we could print it along with the manual and have a nice real cd in a jewel case. Or dvd, if people prefer it (would be cool to have both :D)
I think few people already mentioned it in this topic, so I second their demands.
When you click on a forum topic, you should not be taken straight to the last page, you should always be taken to the first page.
Or, at least make it configurable from the user options page.
Email notification of new posts in threads you've posted in option would be sweet.
I have already mentioned email notification.
But you can tell from just looking at this thread, that italizaing the quote message is not enough. the post your replying to should be italic and grey, but th text answer to the quote should be white, or at least a brightly colour, to make the reply stand out from the original post being replied to.
As far as website features go: I think gifting a la steam would be very useful. I would like to be able to buy a game for my friend or family member and send them a purchase coupon via email.
I hate download managers, so please don't waste development time on one.
Your "my account" section tells me everything I need to know about what games I've purchased. Don't want any other software.
You seem to have all of the community features you need...not sure why people are asking for more. Who really wants to PM somebody on a game store? Rating system is fine. Not sure if there is a link on each game's page to that game's forum, but if not there should be.
Demos would be great if the developer originally had one. You'll see a much higher uptake in sales for lesser known titles.
Email notifications for coming soon titles when they are available.
I honestly would like to see the "verified by Visa" removed, or at least allow a transaction to go through even if you don't want to use it.
I honestly can never get it to work. My Bank has no f'ing clue as to why it never works. With STEAM and Newegg I can still make my purchases even if that fails. I would like to see the same thing here.
It would also be nice to be able to exit out of the verify by Visa window if possible. If it fails, I either have to close the tab or have fun getting it to fail two more times.
How about checksums? There are some pretty big downloads here and things can happen between the server and the destination. It would be nice to be able to narrow down if it's the file or something else that's the problem if the installer doesn't work for what ever reason.
- Time-limited demos (Easy to do and useful to try the game)
- Public profiles and more community options
- Optional download manager
- Box art images
- Some videos/mods for the games
- Devolpers' blog
- Gifts
- Wishlist feature
Post edited September 12, 2008 by seibit
Miner_Willy: When you click on a forum topic, you should not be taken straight to the last page, you should always be taken to the first page.
Or, at least make it configurable from the user options page.

Seconded. That annoys me slightly.
As an aside, the way around it is to click the 1 in the page list:
GOG's Features Wish List [p: 1 - 7]

But still, I'd like to see it as an option to go to the first page when I click on the topic link, not the last page.
Dwuk: I would love to see the metacritic game score in each games profile. you know, steam style.

I was having trouble choosing some games to buy, so last night I hacked together a little Greasemonkey script to put Metacritic scores in some of the pages on
The script is here:
It needs more work, but it does fetch the scores for most of the games. A lot of older games don't appear in Metacritic.
Perhaps we should be asking for scores too?
Post edited September 13, 2008 by sys2061
Some form of payment other than credit cards otherwise I'm stuffed for getting anything from here (cost me too much last time I used them) and cannot use the paypal plugin as in the UK.
Demos would be nice, but that depends on how much work it would involve especially as the full game is so cheap.
Some way of knowing what threads you have posted in and if they have any new posts since then, maybe a "subscribe to" option in the threads and an option to remove the subscription when not required anymore.
This is just me being lazy I guess, but a couple of links to reviews of the games (if available). Maybe gamespot, IGN etc or whatever's appropriate.
Like the idea suggested earlier of some form of gift certificate. Good way of getting new members
I have noticed a couple of anonymous 'guests'. You are not telling me people have access to the forums without registering>! That's asking for spam and trouble! Without registration you can have no moderation! No one on the forums unless they have registered - and all the PC dissing console fanboys who will eventually come along need to be moderated heavily or this community spirit will just disappear and as far as the forums go, GOG will be 'just another site'!