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Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm in.
I really late to grap some game that removed from gog store *so sad*
+1 for you ^^
Awesome GA, VABlitz!

I'm in, please.

I've been really late to booking plane tickets for the summer and as a result I just had to pay over $200 more which would have been so much better spent in GOG goodness. FML :'(
I'm in.

I'm never late. I always arrive on the moment i arrive, I'm always ready with something right on the time i'm ready with something. Never before, never after. If you think i'm late, re adjust your acceptance of time.
I'm in. Wonderful giveaway, at least I hear the game is quite good (and text heavy!)

I'm another one of those who tries not to be late to events/appointments. I've had a late bill once. I'm also not an "early" adopter, does that make me a late one?
I'm in!

Something I've been late for.. Well, besides actually finding out this website had forums.. A few days ago I was super late for getting to my play practice, and I got yelled at super hard for it. >.<
im in
I have always been late when it comes to gaming on the pc. I just started to play pc games for about three year and i always found games that i like a little late.
Im in . +1 :D Tnx man nice giveaway ,old school game. And for the late part well i was late in getting rich and marrying eva green but other than that its fine i guess
Post edited April 26, 2015 by danteszzz
I'm in, and plus 1 for the giveaway.

I'm a bit embarrassed about it, but I was late to my high school graduation.
I have been a member of for around 3 years.

I were browsing new games, and i saw Pillars of Eternity. i saw it was made from Obsidian Entertainment, which in my opinion i sa superb company.

They have made:
South Park: Stick of The Truth, Dungeon Siege 1, 2 and 3. The whole fallout series, Star Wars: KOTOR, Wasteland 2. The whole Neverwinter series, and all in all i think they are a great company, and makes some great games. (They of course also made Pillars of Eternity

I'm really a big lore nerd, and that's why i played WoW for 2 years, (I dont play anymore). And i think the lore is amazing in WoW.

I love just browsing wiki pages, internet discussions. Just reading about lore, i love getting challenged, having to read through the lines, and just all in all read clever thought out text.

I have watched 10 minutes of gameplay, and COUNTLESS reviews of it.
I dont wanna watch too much gameplay, in case i get it and most of the story will be spoiled. It has extremely good reviews, and i think it looks awesome.

The game that reminds me most of it might be Baldurs Gate, this is just a 2015 HD version of it. I played it when i was a kid, and i can barely remember how it was. But i can remember i had a great time, and it has a special place in my heart.
I'm expecting to sink up to 1000 hours into it, simply because of the fact that i spend A LOT of time in the games i play and enjoy, if anyone have ever played Baldurs Gate or any other old school RPG's, and you have played / play Pillars of Eternity, i assume you can really relate to your nostalgia days.

All in all, i think this looks like an amazing game, and i'm really craving to get it.

In other words: Im in!
I'm in!

I'm late for minecraft. For years, my friends have always played on and off.
I've always dismissed it and never bothered to play them.
About a week ago, my friends rented a server and set up a world. I finally bit the bullet and joined them..
I'm in
I'm nearly late for this giveaway :P Or not!
Post edited April 27, 2015 by bluesky777
Nice GA. +1 for you and Count me in.

I was late for the last birthday party I was invited for. It was the 15th birthday of a nephew of my wife. Fortunately, it was an invite only party so our seats were already reserved.
I'm in and thanks for the ga.
I was born two weeks early, from that day on I'm always late XD I was late today to come to work, I was late leaving work and thus was late for my second work. I was really late going to the supermarket last week. I intended to go at 3 pm wednesday, got there at 7pm thursday. :P Being late is my usual condition, I have accepted it :)
I'm in too...
I was late for an exam at university last week;) Lots of awkward tension...
Anyway, great GA and very generous of u!
Awesome giveaway, I am in!

The thing I was late for is... Life.

I am the kind of person that stretches stuff... Girlfriend at late age (22), moving away from parents apartment (28), getting a decent job (29).

Good luck with the giveaway everybody!