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(not in)

Wow! What a great giveaway! I would really like the game. I want it!! But to be fair, I am playing a few right now, and I would not be able to get to it right away, so that would not be fair to the others. I am hoping to purchase this one soon. Thanks for giving this away. Someone will be quite happy and you will make their day!!!
Post edited April 22, 2015 by SpringPower
I'd love the opportunity to enter this, I might not be as active here as I used to be but this is random so I'll try my hand.
While I'm punctual usually, right now I'm being late getting home after some drinks with my friends ;)
In for Pillars of Eternity, thanks for your generousity and good luck to all entrants ;)
Wow, now that's something! I'm definetively in. And I want it for myself (not a regifter), the only reason I hadn't bought it yet is because I'd been busy with Wasteland 2!

And, well, I'm not late myself but.. erm... my girlfriend is. So wish me luck? lol
Not in, but that's one heck of a generous prize!

I won't enter for anyone, but I'll throw in some karma that the random die favors mrkgnao as well ;)
Definitely IN. Thx for giveaway.

I was certainly late for today's meeting (missed most of it) and my manager is not very happy with me. I am sure getting PoE will help smooth things ;)
It's like your theme was made for me... I was late in my yearly consults appointments( like 1 years late, which I regret a lot) and just found out when I went that I have something really serious with a few years left to live and only 20% chances of success(don't want to talk about it). So yeah, 15 years old, going to doctors every day from now,few years left and really low chances of success. Isn't life wonderful?
Anyway, posted this here so more people will see and read and hopefully going to their doctor when it needs to.

Oh yeah,thanks for this GA and for your theme. guess I'm in.
not in but +1 for the giveaway I'd say I was late signing up for GOG it wasn't till I got reinterested in Sierra games like the classic Kings Quest series that I found out about this site glad I did though I have a nice little collection of games on here now
I'm definitely in! Thanks a lot for doing this giveaway!

I applied to college on time, but was late on applying for financial aid. That was a kick in the balls. Luckily everything was worked out for the second semester. :)
NOT in, but damn, that's a generous giveaway! +1 and much respect to VABlitz for putting it on, and hope whoever wins plays and enjoys the game. : )
+1, great giveaway. I'm not in. (I have my option for a backer code, which I might get and redeem in 20 years or so.)

If there was one thing I was late for it's getting married and having kids. And since I got these I'm late to a lot more places than I was when I was single.
I love it how people on the internet "just realise" they have an extra copy of a newly released game. I'm pretty sure you're living in an alternate dimension to me :)

I'd love to enter for Pillars of Eternity. Thank you, VABlitz +1

Once I stayed the weekend in a cabin and developed a fever on Sunday afternoon. I didn't feel confident/well enough for the long drive so I ended up being 2 days late for work. I guess I would have taken those days off anyway, but that's the best story I've got ;)
Very shiny, but not in. I hate the idea of owning incomplete games/buying expansions on GOG. Complete editions only for me here is my policy even for something as awesome as this.

And I'm always late for breakfast. My least favorite meal of the day. :D
I'm in please.

Generally I'm a stickler for timekeeping so I'm not often late for stuff. I was very nearly late for my brother's sort-of wedding though. (The sort-of comes from the fact that he actually got married abroad, but had a shamanic blessing in this country for all the friends and family that couldn't afford to attend the actual wedding)

After a lot of faffing around at home, kids playing up, wife taking far too long to do her makeup etc, we ended up leaving the house at about the time I wanted to be arriving at the venue. The venue that was an hour away. I set a new record for myself for that particular length of motorway, swearing under my breath the whole way, and fortunately we arrived just as everyone was being called in as the ceremony was about to start.

I'm in.


I remember when one time my friend called me and he had set all the clocks back, so I was late for school. Luckily I had my skateboard.