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I'm in. Huge thanks for the giveaway.

I'm generally not late to things (I tend to arrive early), so I'll say that I was really late to returning to the gym (and world of weightlifting) in general.

Thanks, again.
I'm in, I truly appreciate the opportunity, even if I don't win!

I've been tight on cash and I could use another Baldur's Gate style RPG to keep me sated for a while. :)
I guess in a sense I was late for that, too, since I first started playing it a couple years ago

Best of luck to everyone!
Post edited April 24, 2015 by cabooselol22
I'm in. :)

Speaking of roleplaying games, I was very late in playing Planescape: Torment (which I love to bits). This is all the more embarrassing because I owned and loved all the Infinity Engine games and knew them inside out, having done a fair bit of modding for them. I'm honestly not sure what happened, since I was surrounded by people raving about it but I never played it until much, much later (a few years ago). It was probably a mix between the misleading marketing/trailers of the game kind of filing it in the 'not interested' column and the idea of not being able to "make my own character". Needless to say I really missed out.
VABlitz: To enter just say you're in and keeping with my belated giveaway let's hear something that you have been really late for. I would prefer to see someone win that intends to play the game and not re-gifters.
I'm in. Something I'm late for? I beat System Shock for the first time a year ago despite having purchased it the day it came out on 3.5" disk in the mid-90's. I played it a bit back then, but even though I loved Ultima Underworld, I found it to be impenetrable at the time and only played a bit into the first level. Every few years I'd chip away at it, playing it extensively when the mouselook mod came out. Still, I would get stuck or get into another game and it would get played in random spurts. I played the game save I started back in the 90's up until a save game error towards the end, borrowing another guy's save to finish it off. Let me tell you, taking 20 years to beat a game, even played sporadically, felt like an accomplishment.
I'm in as most my friends are playing PoE recently and I have been suffering that I did not join them :) I am certainly late in collecting old console games -which I also play-. But my pockets would really benefit if I started this habit earlier
I'm in. :D

In the 80s I was saving money to buy a disk drive for my 8-bit Atari, but it took me so much time that later it wasn't cost-efficient to buy because in the end it would be more wise to buy my 1st home PC.
I'm in, and +1! This looks awesome.

Generally I'm late with technology. Most lately with my camera. I like taking photos, and atm I am using a Nikon D70S, a 12 year old camera I got last year...

I'm also running a mostly five year old computer and will have to wait till next year to upgrade at this rate, and even then it will probably be with not up-to-the minute hardware.
I am in, and thanks.

I am late like clockwork with Elder Scrolls games. I only began playing Morrowind well after Oblivion came out, and began playing Oblivion in earnest like a month before Skyrim released. Now I own Skyrim since the 2013 summer Steam sale, but still haven't played it... no doubt I will get to it just in time for the arrival of TES VI.
I'm in!

Cool giveaway, this will be nearly as hard as winning 50$ in the lottery, but cheaper :D

I have been late to starting with sports, entering football at 35 sucks, wish I had started younger!
I would like to play this game, so IN I am.

I was just too late when bidding on ebay. I acutally looked the item up yesterday and wanted to make a bid today because I was sleepy when I first saw it. Now, after entering this topic and seeing the word late getting bigger and bigger before my eyes, I hit ebay and saw that I missed a nice opportuinity there. Oh well :-).
I'm in
thank you very much

I'm usually on time. But I get up quite late :D Usually around lunchtime.
I'm in, thanks for the giveaway!
Count me in!

I was late to college. 6 years late. At least I'm making progress right?
Already owned, but +1 for being nice. ;)
Hi, please count me in :) Thank you for your generosity.

I have been late for a lot of things in my life, such as driving license, studies, relationships, although I made some good progress in the last few years.