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awesome Ix!

I've been on the fence about this since it came out, and it has remained off my WL because of so much uncertainty about it.

How good is the story and writing?

My main holdup on interest in it is that I see you have to "manage troops" and that becomes too much like an RTS to me, which I don't like. What is that aspect like? Is it well implemented or bulky at all? How many people do you end up managing at once? Does everyone have a turn?

What about the game do you like so much/makes you say it is VERY good?


count me in!
Post edited June 10, 2016 by drealmer7
I'm in!
I remember their kickstarter project but after it I forgot this game. The final version still looks interesting.
Thanks for the giveaway!
drealmer7: How good is the story and writing?
I really liked the story - it was part of the game that was a strong draw for me. They do a great job of "bricklaying" - you start off hearing all these tidbits, a bit of lore / history and a few names of distant lords thrown around. It's actually somewhat confusing initially... but as the game goes on you learn these things aren't just stories to tell children, this isn't some abstract bit of myth or far off history. This stuff is eventually immediately personal to your character. It also "feels" a lot like being a feudal ruler. It does a nice job of sketching out your place in the world, politics and your role / position as a middling landed lord.

The end payoff is actually very good too. I found that I had become someone I didn't really like or set out to be... but that the culmination of my choices really DID demand that this is the character I had crafted. It was a startling realization for me personally and made the game that much better.

drealmer7: My main holdup on interest in it is that I see you have to "manage troops" and that becomes too much like an RTS to me
It's all turn-based. You can adjust settings to make the overland map travel realtime for your opponents (hint: some puzzles / quests demand you do this...) but you're always in control of those settings. Combat is wholly turnbased. Presuming they don't die, all your characters do get a turn, and you know the turn order. You actually command quite a few characters in combat once you get deep into a map - I don't remember exactly how many but certainly 8 - 10? And for the most part, you decide the bulk of your forces.

drealmer7: What about the game do you like so much/makes you say it is VERY good?
Superficially, the game is gorgeous and polished - and like I mentioned above the story is very solid - it's really the presentation of the story more than the story itself which I found to be a really refreshing take. On it's own, is the story THAT good? Maybe not - but the scope and delivery of it is what sets it above and beyond most.

I also was a huge fan of the combat and troop management. Some things people won't like: You have to move to the closest opponent, you can't disengage (generally) until that opponent is killed and you often lose your entire troop on map transitions.

These are things I actually REALLY enjoyed - it put a premium on things like initial formation and engagement. Your setup going into a combat can determine how that combat plays out. You have to decide if you want to rush "squishy" characters in back rows and kill them early, or if you want to lock down heavy front line characters. Eventually combat becomes easier as you get some devastating troops but the early / midgame is tense and with a lot of tactical choices.

I also really love fiddling with gear. Give me more gear and make it meaningful and I'm in love. Outfitting my troop was a ton of fun and HOW I did it really mattered. It kind of feels like Mount and Blade in that regard. That new suit of plate for your mounted unit might seem like an impossible expense (though in Eisenwald, as the game goes on you have far more gold and you're less cash strapped) but once you do get it, it's a map changer. I actually liked starting with fresh troops on the maps. Some will hate it, but it gave me an incentive to play with different groups. Early on, I was all about Monks. Later I switched it up and for me, I didn't look at it as losing my hard earned troop, I looked at it as getting a chance to try out a new one - and the game allows you to do this by providing ample opportunities on each map to max out your new crew EXP and gear-wise.

So yeah, long, long, LONG write up but I'm sure most can guess I'm a big fan ;) Hopefully that helps anyone on the fence or at least serves to let me gush a bit more!
Thank you for doing this giveaway! Unfortunately, my laptop (1280x800 among other things) prevents me from being in, but since I'm a big HoMaM fan you made me wishlist it for the future. +1! :)
Not in but + 1

For what it's worth the game plays perfectly at 1280 x 768.
Ixamyakxim: ...
wellll, damn! Thank you so much for that write-up! Story and delivery is of highest importance to me, even a just okay story delivered very-well can be more enjoyable and interesting than a deep story delivered poorly, but it sounds like thist story is better than just okay, too, so that is excited! The way you describe it makes me think it is definitely something I want to try, especially with something like " I found that I had become someone I didn't really like or set out to be... but that the culmination of my choices really DID demand that this is the character I had crafted." If that is a player-choice-driven role-playing aspect of the game and not just how the story goes regardless of how you play, then that is a huge plus to me (reactivity in a good story is +++.)

How long would you say the game is?

It's definitely of way more interest to me now than when I looked at it when it was released (I just couldn't tell much about it.) Thnks again!
It seems an interesting game, plus, it's available in my language. So count me in!

Upvoted your post. Thank you for your generosity and good luck everyone!
That is strange. Why have I not noticed this game before? It is totally my kind of game. Wishlisted!

While it is heavily discounted at the moment, it is still above my current threshold (I need to set some limits so I will not get bankrupted by GOG).

I'll be in for your generous giveaway. Also, thank you very much for pointing out this game. If it plays as well as it looks, it will be wonderful.
Wow! Thank you! I didn´t know about this game. Wishlisted. I´m in.
I'm In.

Thanks for the giveaway
low rated
Looks like an interesting game. I'm in.
Ixamyakxim: Feel free to ask me any questions you have about the game if you're on the fence about it - I'm a huge fan but I also like to think of myself as honest and objective when required!
Is there actually any sort of story or character development or worldbuilding? I ended up not backing it because the KS made it look like just a series of set piece battles, and then what I saw of the beta sort of reinforced that. I don't object on principle to that sort of thing, but usually if I want to play chess I'll play actual chess, you know?
Got the game so canceled my nomination. :)
Thank you for giveaway.
I'm in.
Hm. I'll enter. After all, I found out about Eador because of the posters here and enjoyed that game quite a bit.

Thank you.