CrunchyKevlar: i recently just purchased takedown red sabre, oh god its bad
realkman666: :S
Niggles: I played this game during a free Steam weekend for it.Maybe im in the minority, but i quite enjoyed it (yes the driving bits were a bit naff but hey....) - but you need to play it on hard (cant remember exactly the difficulty settings but you need to ramp it to the top or 2nd to top difficulty ). Had no issues with the graphics (unlike a lot of reports) - started and finished the campaign during that weekend :).
realkman666: -Hey, you're new here.
-Do this for me, bitch.
One hour later...
-I'm back.
-Great. Go see my friend, he has tasks for you.
-Now, go.
Several missions later...
-Hey you, go back to that cave you cleaned out earlier, there's a new gang installed there.
-Clean them out!
Move to other location late in the game...
-Hey, little bitch. I'm the boss here! Go see my friend and help him out, little worm bitch.
Quit game. Uninstall. Fuck that shallow pointless piece of shit of a setting. I watched the ending on YouTube. There was no ending, it just ends. Fuck id and Bethesda and fuck their object textures from 1996.
That's Rage am I right? As soon as I heard iD software was aquired by Zenimax I thought OH SHIT NO.. NOO.. NooOooOooOoo.. Because I knew rage would turn out Shit and I Was right, Right down to the Cheating Racing car game!
snowkatt: are you talking about rage or just most mmo's ? ;p
realkman666: At least DOOM and Quake had no one belittling you and reminding you what little bitch you are. It's like the studio was talking to me, the player. GRRRR.
Tell Me about it, rage is like everything Bad from fallout 3 and everything bad from borderlands Rick Rolled into one!