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high rated
Please add your votes to our <span class="bold">dedicated wishlist page</span> (if you haven't aready :) . Thanks!
Post edited February 23, 2012 by Destro
PenguinJim: It's interesting that System Shock 2 is number one, considering it's been free to download from The Underdogs for several years. :o Still, if GOG released it again for monies, I'd probably buy it again. Scariest...chimpanzees... ever! :D

the Underdogs download is not legal.
PenguinJim: It's interesting that System Shock 2 is number one, considering it's been free to download from The Underdogs for several years. :o Still, if GOG released it again for monies, I'd probably buy it again. Scariest...chimpanzees... ever! :D
Weclock: the Underdogs download is not legal.

MORE importantly, I wanna support this site and also send the message that SS2 rawks so maybe more games of that caliber will be made.
Weclock: the Underdogs download is not legal.
dmso12: MORE importantly, I wanna support this site and also send the message that SS2 rawks so maybe more games of that caliber will be made.

Supposedly it was already done.
Titled: Bioshock
Didn't fare well with SS2 players though. *grumble* For some reason... *endgrumble*
Wish List:
Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos
MechWarrior Series
Online Military Combat
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield Vietnam
Delta Force (all of em)
Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising
Combat Flight Simulators
Jane's Longbow 2
Jane's F-15
Jane's F/A-18
Jane's USAF
Jane's IAF
European Air War
A-10 Warthog
IL-2 Series (1942)
Combat Flight Simulator 1, 2, 3
Age of Empires 2
Empire Earth 2
Civilization 2 / 3
Galactic Civilizations 1
Aliens vs Predator 2
No One Lives Forever 1 & 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Post edited October 05, 2008 by HTWingNut
ertertwert: Planecape: Torment
System Shock 2
Baldur's Gate Series
Tomb Raider 1 & 2
Requiem: Avenging Angel
Dark Forces
Commandos (if you can fix the speed bug that makes it unplayable on modern PC's)
I would suggest Deus Ex, but it's already on Steam.
MysterD: Yeah, but GOG would be nice to get Deus Ex DRM-free, without it forcing Steam on you.

You can play DX:GOTY on Gametap for free.
I'm amused that sshock2, PS:T and sshock are the top three. BG/II are arguably too recent to be included in the wishlist, though - they still sell as a boxed set in your local GAME (and are well worth the £15, even now).
Also, I too am annoyed by people suggesting modern games and/or games that never even came out on PC. Seriously. :/
Ansob: I'm amused that sshock2, PS:T and sshock are the top three. BG/II are arguably too recent to be included in the wishlist, though - they still sell as a boxed set in your local GAME (and are well worth the £15, even now).
Also, I too am annoyed by people suggesting modern games and/or games that never even came out on PC. Seriously. :/

You mean like Panzer Dragoon Zwei it never had a pc release.
Ansob: I'm amused that sshock2, PS:T and sshock are the top three. BG/II are arguably too recent to be included in the wishlist, though - they still sell as a boxed set in your local GAME (and are well worth the £15, even now).
Also, I too am annoyed by people suggesting modern games and/or games that never even came out on PC. Seriously. :/

Those aren't avalaliable like that here in the US. ;_;
I dont have the time to go right through all the games people have listed so I will just do my top 10 here. (in no particular order)
1....Silent Service 2.....incredibly atmospheric
2....Magic Carpet........a real strategic Shoot em up...needs a modern remake
3....Dungeon Keeper...oodles of fun and endless strategy
4....Syndicate....One of the first real videogame nasties
5....X-Wing/Tie Fighter....Still to be bettered for missions and action
6....Privateer 2 (I think)...The one with Clive Owen in
7....Ultima Series....Great adventure/rpgs dripping with class (isometric ones)
8....Dune 2.....The original RTS which I still play on my PSP (emulated)
9....Warcraft I....I remember completing as a human...would love to try as Orc
10...Total Annihilation....Heavy metal version of Command and Conquer
I guess some are impossible, some possible and a few probable. I just wish someone would come up with a 100% foolproof dosbox.
Blood and expansion
Duke Nukem Kill a ton collection
Dark Forces
You don't know Jack (ALL OF THEM)
X-Wing, Tie-Fighter
Rebel Assault 1 and 2
Monkey Island games
The Dig
Dune 2000
Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2
All of the Postal games + add ons
Planescape: Torment
Carmageddon series
Scud the disposable assassin (Yes there was a game)
CRUSADE NO REGRET/NO REMORSE my soul will be yours.
Also I just think some people should think about licensing issues Final Fantasy will never be on Gog they make too much money re releasing them ever year to put them up here DRM free. Same goes with most of the old Lucasarts tiles, but I think some of the old adventure games as well as x-wing and tie fighter they might actually release
And to those looking for X-com steam just released the whole series for $15
Ansob: I'm amused that sshock2, PS:T and sshock are the top three. BG/II are arguably too recent to be included in the wishlist, though - they still sell as a boxed set in your local GAME (and are well worth the £15, even now).
Also, I too am annoyed by people suggesting modern games and/or games that never even came out on PC. Seriously. :/

The Baldur's Gates are hardly too recent considering we're about to get Second Sight, which came out in 2005.
I really hope that the QFG collection (and QFG 5) and Space Quest collection come out. It's impossible to get the QFG games without paying $60+.
Post edited October 06, 2008 by kalit
Thief 1& 2
TES: Daggerfall
Deus Ex
The Blair Witch Games
Blood and Plasma Pak
Aliens vs Predator 1 & 2
Crimson Skies
Post edited October 07, 2008 by Xoanon
I think Tennis for Two would be nice addition.
It is kinda old though.
I never played System Shock 2. ;)